Is it possible to electrophoresis in home: how to do, and why prescribed?

What rules must be observed by performing the electrophoresis at home? What is the essence of this method of treatment? What are the indications and contraindications for this procedure? Electrophoresis – physiotherapy used in the treatment of various diseases.

Conducting physiotherapy

the essence of the procedure

The Method of electrophoresis consists in combining a variety of particles in liquid or gaseous environment under the influence of an electric field. This procedure is used topically. Assigned to adults and children older than 4 months. The treatment course is 5-10 sessions depending on the specific disease and the individual characteristics of the patient's condition.

electrode pads apply therapeutic substance and is applied to the site of the lesion, and then penetrates through the skin or mucous membranes under the influence of the current. Substances enter in the body through sweat ducts, sebaceous glands, hair follicles, interstitial space and cells.

Conducting electrophoresis in children

what is prescribed electrophoresis and what are its advantages over conventional local or systemic use of drugs? This technique promotes deeper penetration of the drug than normal local application. Other benefits of this treatment include:

  1. Introduction of medicines in small doses, but also provide more effective and long-lasting effect and does not accumulate in the blood, lymph and other organs.
  2. enables the use of products in the most chemically active form.
  3. Avoid destruction of medicinal substance in the digestive tract.
  4. Positive effects of electric current on reactivity and immunobiological state of tissues.
  5. Painless procedure.
  6. Low risk of side effects and allergic reactions.

The Medicinal solution is prepared immediately before the procedure. It should not contain filling and adhesive compounds; as a solvent used distilled water, alcohol, dimexide and others. Polar solvents. Used in physiotherapy, medications: anesthetics, vitamins, vasodilator, vasoconstrictor, sedative, enzymes, drugs used for chemotherapy. Frequently to achieve more effective treatment outcomes, along with electrophoresis are assigned to other therapeutic procedures.

the Purpose of electrophoresis the doctor

Types of electrophoresis

There are several types of electrophoresis, depending on the poles of the particles and of the substances used.

  1. Substances are introduced from the cathode – the negatively charged pole. Apply negatively charged chemicals: bromides, iodides, nicotinic acid. Effects on the body: exercise provokes the production of biologically active substances and release them into the General circulation (secretory function), muscle relaxant, vasodilating effect, normalization of metabolism.
  2. Substances are introduced from the anode – the positively charged pole. Apply positively charged chemicals: metal ions – magnesium, potassium, calcium. Effects on the body: calming, anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effects; provokes dehydration (need swelling).
  3. of Matter are introduced at both poles. The chemicals used: humisolum, bischofite (mineral, source of the aqueous magnesium chloride).

the Purpose of electrophoresis with arthritis of the shoulder

depending on the method of administration of a medicinal product there are several options for physiotherapy by electrophoresis. One of them consists in use of special gaskets – electrophoretic introduction above.

Another method of administration is vannochkovogo in which glass, earthenware or plastic container with built-in electrodes is filled with a medical solution. Then there is placed the affected body part and it's affected by the current.

Abdominal medicinal electrophoresis method in which the electrode connected with the corresponding pole of the electrophoretic apparatus, is introduced into the body (cavity of the stomach, bladder, rectum, vagina), where the previously administered drug.

Interstitial is used in the treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases. His method is as follows: first, the body is injected drug (by injection, inhalation), and then to the affected area is exposed to weak currents (galvanization) in the perpendicular electrode arrangement.

Electrophoresis on a collar zone is used whenneurosis

Indications for use

To Appoint physiotherapeutic procedure should only a doctor when indicated. Electrophoresis was carried out by a physiotherapist who adjusts the device, adjust the polarity, amperage, duration and number of repetitions of the procedure. But some types of physiotherapy can be performed independently at home, after consultation with the attending physician and after careful consideration of all the instructions of use of the device and technological rules for the conduct of electrophoresis.

Treatment with electrophoresis shows the following pathological conditions:

  1. Nervous system (paralysis, sciatica, neuralgia).
  2. cardiovascular system (tachycardia, hypertension, varicose veins).
  3. Diseases of ENT-organs and the upper respiratory tract (tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia).
  4. Dental (stomatitis).
  5. Diseases of bones and joints (osteochondrosis, rheumatism, arthritis), fractures.
  6. Scarring of the skin, dermatological (burns, dermatitis, psoriasis, boils).
  7. Infectious-inflammatory.
  8. Diseases of the digestive tract (stomach ulcers and 12-taperstry intestine).
  9. Diseases of the genitourinary system (vaginitis, cystitis).
  10. Ophthalmic (conjunctivitis, increased intraocular pressure).
  11. disruption of the endocrine system.
  12. blood clotting, anemia, lack of potassium or magnesium.
  13. severe pain, cramps.
  14. sleep disturbance.

In Addition to the therapeutic application of electrophoresis is used in diagnosis of various diseases and pathologies, such as infectious and inflammatory processes, diseases of the liver and kidneys, disorders of the immune system, genetic disorders, and cancers.

the Impact of electric current on different parts of the body

depending on the characteristics of the disease or the location of the lesion by the device for electrophoresis affect different parts of the body: in the neck area, interscapular region, cervical-facial region, on shoulders, on hips, in the lumbar-sacral region, etc., There are special ion galvanic belts (affecting the upper and lower lumbar, sacral vertebrae) and collars (effects of current on cervical and 2 upper thoracic skin of the segment, i.e. The collar area).

Electrophoresis on a collar zone is used in the neuroses, some diseases of the locomotor system, hypertension. Electrophoresis in the lumbar-sacral region is applied at diseases of organs of small pelvis, vascular pathological processes of the lower limbs.

The Area lumbosacral, neck area important for the reason that there are autonomic ganglia (nerve cells responsible for conducting, distribution and processing of pass-through pulses, the implementation of peripheral reflexes).


Therapy electrophoresis has a number of contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity
  • the presence of purulent inflammation in the acute form;
  • fever
  • active TB
  • viral hepatitis
  • sexually transmitted in the acute stage;
  • acute liver failure and renal failure;
  • menstruation
  • pregnancy over 4 months;
  • asthma
  • skin pathology and disease at the application site current;
  • severe cardiovascular failure;
  • pacemaker
  • some mental illnesses;
  • malignancy.

Peculiarities of conducting in home

The Procedure of electrophoresis can be performed at home. Currently, the pharmacies can purchase a special device for electrophoresis. This is especially useful if physiotherapy is prescribed to a young child.

The Exceptions are the procedures that affect the mucous membranes – such procedures should be performed in a hospital under the supervision of specialists.

In any case, the treating doctor should advise you about whether the device for electrophoresis should choose how to do the procedure yourself, what amperage should be use, how long should a session last, what one or another element of the device, etc. During the first 2-3 procedures you can call home nurse who will supervise you and help you, if the need arises. Later, having carefully studied all the instructions and technical features of this method of therapy, you can do it with your own hands at home.