Exercise for the back in spinal osteochondrosis

As osteochondrosis affects one in two people over the age of 20 years, the question of its prevention and treatment are extremely important. It's no secret that to achieve a noticeable effect is possible only with a holistic approach when physical therapy and massage is used along with drugs. However, to know the basic exercises for osteochondrosis useful to everyone even outside the period of medication. Regularly doing exercises with osteochondrosis of the spine can significantly reduce pain symptoms and prevent the progression of the process.

exercises for back with osteochondrosis

Main effects

It is Known that the main cause of degeneration of the intervertebral cartilage in osteochondrosis is a violation of their blood supply. Exercises for the treatment of osteoarthritis is aimed at stimulation of blood flow to the affected departments, due to this metabolic processes in the cartilage are strengthened, and their regeneration will be faster.

In Addition to stimulating blood circulation physical exercise in osteochondrosis strengthen the back muscles. This prevents further displacement of the vertebrae and even return them to their proper place.

In addition, exercise in osteochondrosis, if you perform them correctly and in the right quantity, have an analgesic effect. And this has a positive effect on the psychological condition of patients, mood and even ability to work. Regular physical exercise help to rid patients of excess weight and thereby considerably reduce the load on the vertebral column.

Of Course, any moderate physical activity brings the patient back pain relief. Nevertheless, it is important to know which exercises to do helpful in the defeat of a spine.

There are static and strength exercises with osteochondrosis. Static work for a long period of muscle contraction and are associated with the retention of the body in a certain position. And dynamic is based on the rhythmic contraction and relaxation of muscles during specific movements. Most effectively these loads to alternate with each other and with the rest periods.

Strengthening of the cervical and thoracic spine

  1. Warm-up: alternating slow head tilts left, right, and then back and forth. Then use the hands to provide resistance and perform the same exercises, only with more load to the muscles.
  2. Alternate turning your head left and right, trying to combine the chin and shoulder in one line.
  3. Hands behind your head, bending the head forward. Try to get your chin to the chest.
  4. hands lead to the shoulders and perform alternating rotating movement back and forth.
  5. exercise with a gymnastic stick: establishment of a stick behind your head with bent arms.
  6. Exercise "cat": on all fours, alternately bend and round the back. When rounding the back, the chin pressed to the chest and the deflection to hold my head straight, not throwing it.
  7. Lying on stomach, lift the body on his outstretched hands. In the upper position to alternately rotate the head left and right trying to see her toes.
  8. Lying on his stomach, folded his hands straight into the castle behind. To perform sit-UPS are up, not moving his head.

Workout for lower back

  1. Lying on your back, knees bent, feet on the floor, turns right and straighten left leg, keeping your abdominal muscles tense.
  2. Lying on your back, knees bent, feet on the floor, lifts the pelvis up to the maximum height.
  3. Lying on your back, knees bent, feet on the floor: the lifts the torso up with the hands touching the knees.
  4. Lying on his stomach, hands in front of him, alternately having right and left hand behind your back to touch the buttocks.
  5. Lying on his stomach, hands in front of him, alternately lift opposite arm and leg up.
  6. Lying on his stomach, to perform swimming strokes breaststroke with retention of the housing in the air.
  7. In the sitting position with straight legs slowly tilt your body forward, trying to reach the hands to the heels.
  8. In a standing position with the knees locked, slowly bend forward, trying to reach to the floor.

a Complex of exercises with a ball

To increase the load and make it more efficient, you can use the gym ball, or fitball. It can be used as additional cargo movements with lifts hands, as well as support. Even just sitting on the ball forces the back muscles to keep balance and work. Consider the simplest and most available exercises on the fitball:

  1. hold the Ball in front of him with both hands. On the exhale, lift it up over his head. On the inhale return to the starting position while squatting.
  2. while Sitting on the ball, hands behind head, perform a resilient movement with simultaneous dilution of knees and elbows in the sides and back.
  3. chest Lying on the fitball, feet rest against the wall. Perform slow sit-UPS up without hands.
  4. chest Lying on the fitball, arms at sides, performturning his head left and right trying to see his toes.
  5. while Lying with chest on the ball, perform swimming strokes breaststroke with holding the body parallel to the floor.
  6. while Lying on the ball stomach, rounded back and relax. My hands touch the floor.

Each movement should be performed 6-8 times with a gradual increase in the number of approaches. So, for the first time just one approach, and after two weeks of regular practice you can increase to 2-3 approaches.

Exercise can cause some discomfort associated with muscle tension, but in any case not pain. To do exercises against osteochondrosis daily preferably not earlier than 2 hours after a meal, and not less than 2 hours before bedtime.

are There contraindications

Exercise vs degenerative disc disease is indicated in all patients, even with hernias and protrusions. But the amplitude of movements and their intensity under such conditions should be prescribed by a physician. Relative contraindications to perform therapeutic exercises include:

  • the acute period of the disease;
  • post-back surgery (to prevent reverse displacement of the vertebrae and differences of joints);
  • cancer;
  • heart failure in the decompensation stage.