Exercise and a good charger when lumbar osteochondrosis

Therapeutic exercises for lumbar degenerative disc disease are divided into two large blocks:

  • Charging during the acute and subacute condition of degenerative disc disease.
  • exercise during the stable period of remission.

Each group of exercises has its own characteristics and indications for implementation.

exercises for degenerative disc disease of the lumbar

Activities during acute form

Charging in osteochondrosis of the lumbar should be done from the prone position or on all fours, because in this position the load on the spine is almost gone. This is due to the reduction of intradiscal pressure in the affected area compared with the vertical position of the body.

Even in the early stages of osteochondrosis of lumbosacral, specialists prescribe a special set of exercises that aims to release muscle spasm in the lumbosacral. Therapeutic exercises prevents irritation of the nerve endings that are in contact with the affected intervertebral disks.

It is Forbidden in acute course of illness to perform the exercises, during which flexion and extension lumbar-sacral spine. Otherwise, the patient will feel burning pain in the lower back due to increased pressure on the rear wall of the annulus fibrosus and is well innervated by the posterior ligament.

You Cannot perform exercises involving the bending of torso more than 20 degrees. In this case, greatly increases the intradiscal pressure and possible displacement of the intervertebral disc, stretching of the fibrous tissue and muscular tissue in the lumbar area.

Well in acute and subacute stage of osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine help exercise that involves straightening the spinal column along its axis. This condition leads to an increase in the intervertebral space, which ensures decompression of nerve roots and blood vessels.

It is Forbidden to make any sudden motions with his body, because they increase mobility in the problem area of the lower back. A sharp turn or tilt can lead to further injury of the affected intervertebral disc and to enhance the stimulation of nerve endings.

To stabilize the affected lumbar spine, strengthen the core muscles, pelvis and lower extremities, you must do as a therapeutic charging of the exercise, static character. At first, you should withstand short exposure time (about 2-3 seconds), with time increasing it.


Physical exercise during remission are designed specifically to train and strengthen lower back muscles, abdominal muscles, buttocks and legs. Reduction in tone of abdominal muscles increases intra-abdominal pressure, whereby the load which acts on the lumbar-sacral spine, passes on the pelvis and diaphragm.

Thus, the 25-35% decreases the pressure that falls on the affected intervertebral disks. Also when developed abdominal muscles stabilize the spine, which by its nature unstable.

In the area of the lumbar spinal column from the rear side supports the rectifier torso, side – lumbar muscles, from the front – intra-abdominal pressure, appearing due to the voltage abdominals. The better developed are these muscle sections, the higher strength, stabilizing the lumbar vertebral column.

Most Often the site of the lesion in the lumbar osteochondrosis coincides with the largest overload of the spine. For this reason, during the treatment charge, especially in the subacute period of the disease, requires fixation of the lumbar spine using a weightlifters belt or orthopedic corset.


Exercises from a prone position on his side:

  1. Right hand put under head, left abut front of the chest to the floor, legs straight. Bend at the hip left leg (it should be straight) and slowly return to starting position. Repeat 8 times for each leg.
  2. Right hand left his head, the left pressed against the trunk. Bend the legs, take a breath. Then straighten your legs, simultaneously lifting up the left arm, stretching and exhaling. To do 6 times on each side.
  3. starting position is similar. Bend legs, trying as close as possible to push them to the stomach – exhalation. Returning feet in original position, do breath.

The Next set of exercises performed in the supine position.

  • starting position – hands at sides, legs straight. Slowly spread both hands out to the sides, inhaling all the while. Returning the hands, exhale. Do exercise 5 times.
  • Alternately bend your knees without lifting feet from the floor. 10 times for each leg.
  • slowly perform the exercise "Bicycle".

These exercises cannot be performed in the acute form of lumbar osteochondrosis. In any case, you should consult with your doctor.