Symptoms, signs, causes, treatment and prevention of chondrosis back (spine)

Determining how to treat chondrosis, the doctor always tries to treat symptoms of the disease. Therapy pathology more effective if you can identify all of its manifestations.

There are features of the treatment of the disease depending on the age of the patient. So, young people drugs are absorbed faster, and therefore the dosage lower. In the elderly degenerative disease more difficult to cure. Even harder to defeat pathology in the early stages. When symptoms are observed.

the symptoms of chondrosis

First symptoms of the disease

Chondrosis of the spine – a serious disease that is manifested by numerous changes. In the pathology observed bony growths, the destruction of intervertebral discs, damage to the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the vertebral column.

At the Beginning of the process of the above signs of chondrosis is clinically not manifest itself. Only with the passage of time, the disease declares itself.

If you start treatment on time pathology, it is possible to prevent major changes. A skilled practitioner will be able to detect the first symptoms of the disease, but most often degenerative-dystrophic disorders of the spine found on x-ray.

Running osteochondrosis dangerous the defeat of almost all inner organs, so it is best treated early. Otherwise there will be terrible consequences from which you cannot get rid of completely.

causes of development

Chondrosis of the spine is due to degenerative changes of the vertebral segments. The inflammatory process in the spinal column complicates the course of disease. Often it is formed by restriction of movement and pain of the back.

Clinical studies have proven that symptoms of degenerative disc disease arise due to many factors. The most frequent causes of disease:

  • dynamic
  • gravity;
  • dysmetabolic.

Gravitational causes are accompanied by the shift of the center of gravity of the body. Against this background, during exercise and weight lifting, a shift in the vertebrae (instability). Dynamic reasons lead to the damage of the spine during active physical exercises.

Dysmetabolic etiological factors lead to malnutrition of the skin. In case of lack of nutrients and blood supply degenerative-dystrophic changes of the spine are formed due to damage to the intervertebral discs. They do not have their own blood supply and feed on nearby vertebrae.

Heavy physical activity lead to additional injury to the musculo-ligamentous apparatus of the back. As a result, over the years, the pathology progresses. So it should be treated early, as pathogenetic changes will gradually increase.

Pathological syndromes

Answering the question, is it possible to cure chondrosis, you should carefully study the pathological syndromes that occur when the disease.

The Symptoms of degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine:

  1. Reflex syndrome occurs due to irritation of pain receptors arising from the stretching of the anterior longitudinal ligament. When any form of pathology (breast, cervical, or lumbar chondrosis) can appear pain. They arise due to the tension of skeletal musculature. Muscle spasms appears increased irritation muscle receptors. Spazmirovannah muscle is severely damaged and leads to a vicious circle "edema-spasm-pain".
  2. Compression syndrome results from mechanical irritation of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the back. These changes occur against a background of intervertebral hernia, spine, bone osteophytes and spinal cord lesions. The infringement of the nerve roots (myelopathy, radiculopathy, vertebral artery syndrome) is generated due to compression of the nerves between the vertebrae.

90% of people with degenerative changes of the vertebral column appears reflex syndrome. It can be constant or periodic. If you start treatment pathology of early stages and to continue it for a few months, gradually the soreness will disappear.

The Effectiveness of treatment is enhanced when using physiotherapy and physical therapy. In any case, to decide what to do in degenerative disorders, a doctor.

Symptomatic manifestations in the cervical spine