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The main signs, symptoms, treatment and prevention of poliomyelitis in adults and children

If there is polio, the symptoms are of a peculiar character. By the way, who knows polio is a disease which affects the gray matter of the human brain. A consequence of the disease is severe weakness in muscle tissues.

the Problem of polio

Thanks to modern developments pharmaceutical companies special injection to help prevent this disease, but the risk that the disease can manifest itself in a completely unexpected moment, still remains. Quite often, the disease occurs in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria. However, the virus can be brought to the most remote point on the globe. People who face this disease can remain disabled for life, because of the effects of polio are very serious in nature.

let's Consider the main symptoms of this disease, the reasons why it may occur, what treatment is most successfully, and what preventive measures should be delivered in order to avoid the development of poliomyelitis in adults and children.

Useful information

Polio is quite a well-known disease. About its origins indicate the records that have survived from the times of Ancient Egypt. Often the illness affects not only people but also monkeys. Polio caused the development of huge epidemics worldwide. Because of this disease at the time killed a large number of people.

the appearance of the polio virus

Starting from 50-ies of the last century, medicine has developed a special medication that prevents the development of this disease. To date, vaccination against polio is the same in all medical institutions. With timely preventive measures increase the chances that people never have to deal with such a complex disease.

Causes of polio

The Main and the biggest cause of the disease is a virus known as poliovirus.

This type of virus – a representative of enteric viruses, which are today known to only a few types. The first type of virus in practice meets more often. He actively develops only inside the human body. It is very resistant to environmental influences, and even if the temperature drops to minus mark, this kind of virus can exist for quite a long period of time. Virus in milk products may exist for several months. So for a short time to destroy it you can take boiling, ultraviolet radiation, process foods chlorine solution or lime, for these purposes, it is hydrogen peroxide and formaldehyde.

Dairy products - a place of possible finding of polio

the Cause of the infection is becoming infected people. Infection of an adult is the first reason why the disease can infect others. Because there are known cases when patients have no symptoms of the disease did not manifest itself for a certain amount of time. Infected can begin to allocate such virus after 2-4 days from the time when there was an infection directly.

To Determine the infection is possible in several ways:

  1. Fecal-oral method.

This process is very easy to catch them by failing to observe personal hygiene, especially hand washing, use other people's things (e.g., towels, utensils, water bottles), raw and unwashed food. Flies can also very easily become a pathogen. Transmission of the polio virus may occur together with the release of feces. If not to observe elementary rules of hygiene, the virus is very easily absorbed into the environment. It has long been established that together with the feces, the virus can be released for the whole week.

  1. Airborne way of infection.

Air-borne infection with poliomyelitis

When a person sneezes, or coughs, the virus can actively spread. Entering through the nasal passages of the person, the virus slowly begins to develop in the lymphoid tissue. Stand out in this way he is able to do for one week.

If a person is in a small room, which regularly happens a large number of people, the non-observance of rules of personal hygiene and reducing the immune system to develop disease will not be easy. Particularly great risk to young children who daily are in the groups of children (e.g. kindergarten, school).

Most Often polio is starting to show from mid-summer and throughout autumn. Usually children, whose age ranges from year 7 toyears, often suffer a similar ailment.

Reproduction of pathogenic virus

When the virus enters into the intestine or the nasopharynx of a person, it begins its active development in the lymph structures of these organs. Then it can permeate into the blood. By blood the virus will quickly spread throughout the body and affects the lymphatic system of other organs (liver, spleen, lymph nodes).

Places the impact of polio

Usually, the virus infects only those parts of the authorities and that his destructive actions cease. In such situations, the disease will flow quite easily: the patient will manifest symptoms of infection of the intestines, catarrh of the lungs. At this stage the lesions of muscular tissue. If the disease does not develop, the person will simply carry the virus in their body throughout their life. How long can such a period depends on the state of human health and the state of his immune system. The larger and stronger the body will be able to resist negative influences, the more chances to avoid the disease.

If the virus manages blood flows through to get into the human brain, then there occur serious violations that will manifest itself in a violation of motor activity and weakness of muscle tissue. The effects of polio can be very serious, up to the paralysis of the whole body.

Features symptoms

The Incubation period of this disease may last from several days to one month. When this time expires, a person may manifest the following symptoms of illness:

  1. primarily occurs inapparently form of the disease.

Normal at this stage a clear of symptoms is not observed, and to determine the presence of the disease is possible only by passing certain tests. When this sick person is dangerous to others because he is the distributor of the polio virus in the environment. Method of treatment at this stage is the easiest. Timely detection of the disease allows specialists to avoid the consequences of polio, which can pose great danger to human life.

Temperature - a symptom of polio

  1. the Subsequent step is the development of abortive or visceral forms of the disease.

This form of flow is seen in 80% of all affected people. The most difficult thing is to understand the symptoms that a person namely polio, very hard. The person may experience a fever up to 38-39°C, while the sick are troubled by severe headaches, he will quickly get tired and to sweat a lot. Be confusing in determining the diagnosis can runny nose, redness of eyes and inflammation of the mucous membranes. Usually such symptoms, the doctors make an assumption about the presence of viral diseases. As a result, the incorrect treatment is made drugs that only aggravated the disease.

In Addition to the catarrhal symptoms, the patient may be present nausea, vomiting, frequent diarrhea and severe pain in the abdomen. Most of these signs of polio may be forced to assume the poisoned food. In such cases it is necessary to conduct thorough laboratory tests, but they are able to determine the true cause of poor health of the person.

When a week passes, the human body by self cope with the illness.

Laboratory diagnostics of poliomyelitis

The diagnosis of “polio” can be used only if the specialists will conduct a survey of the epipharynx and other mucous membranes. Even if the disease does not manifest itself in the future, man is still infected and is a carrier or distributor of infection. After the alarming symptoms disappear, the virus of polio can be released together with feces.

The Last stage of the disease is in the nervous system of man. This form of the disease is less common in practice, but it is the most difficult and dangerous to human life. Late and proper treatment can lead to complete immobility of the patient.

while this form of the disease in people also the body temperature rises to 39-40°C. Persistent headache constantly bothering the patient, there may be severe nausea and profuse vomiting. Man begins to be afraid of light, he having pain in the back and limbs.

After a few days the patients exhibit fatigue, a person to constantly want to sleep. He lost the mood, he becomes more sluggish. Usually in such cases, the experts suspect meningitis, resulting in the patient sent for a lumbar puncture. Unfortunately, in this way confirm the development of polio is impossible. To establish a correct diagnosis it is necessary to take swabs from mucous membranes and send them to the laboratory for further study.

Nausea is a symptom of polio

This form of the disease can still be callednephrolithiasis. It assumes no serious complications for a person. Most often, these symptoms should disappear in 2-3 weeks.

If we talk about stages of paralytic polio, this form is most dangerous. Similar complications may occur in 3% during the course of the disease. In case of untimely detection and treatment of this stage, the person is likely to remain an invalid for life.

Typically, this stage is divided into several stages. Thus a person may be observed as a sharp deterioration of health, and the sudden feel better. During the course of this form, the temperature increases to 39°C, the person feels weakness and pain in the muscles. It is disturbed by severe nausea and vomiting, in some situations, lost appetite and disturbed sleep. Every day the condition may deteriorate. For this reason it is very important beforehand to establish the correct diagnosis and immediate medical treatment of the disease.

Preventive measures

Polio is a disease that is better to prevent than to deal with his long-term treatment. To not have to face such a problem, it is first necessary to observe elementary rules of care for their own health, i.e. Prevention of polio is required. This is especially true of small children. They need thorough maintenance (it is necessary to monitor their food, toys should always be clean, considerable importance is the communication with other children).

It is also possible to vaccinate not only children, but adults too. For further information about this prevention method can be obtained from the attending physician.

In the manifestation of anxious symptoms it is very important to address immediately to the doctor. If the disease be detected at its initial stages of development, it is possible to cope with it will be much easier.