The timing of the first and second revaccination against polio in children

Revaccination against polio always causes a huge number of questions from parents because there is not one scheme of vaccination. Domestic doctors often do not consider it necessary to explain to young moms all the positive and negative sides of vaccination.Advice of the physician in the polio

dangerous Than polio?

Polio is an infectious disease has three different forms, affects the nervous system, most often the grey matter in the spinal cord. As a Result, you may experience paralysis of the body. Contracting this disease directly from the patient or carrier of the virus by airborne droplets:

  1. the Virus is localized in the gut and the nasopharynx. Outside of their habitat does not go and does not manifest itself in any way. Man is a messenger of an infection, thus he is not ill.
  2. the Disease is relatively not hard. When the penetration of infection in the blood shows signs of a cold or intestinal infection. Possible serous meningitis, which is characterized by lesions membranes of the brain.
  3. the Most severe type of polio. Occurs abruptly, and in a few days developed lesions of the nervous system. There is a strong muscle pain and shake. Can only paralyze one limb, but often affects the hands and feet together. This period lasts up to 14 days. Then begins the recovery process, that stretched to years. Fully to lead a normal state of the limb is practically not possible.

How to protect against infection?

The Special treatment that has positive effects on the virus, no. There has always been outbreaks at all times.the Oral polio vaccine by instillation into the mouth

In the 50-ies was invented polio vaccine, which helps develop immunity. This gave the opportunity to limit and minimize the disease.

Vaccinations are available in two types and have different dates of introduction.

Oral polio vaccine (OPV) consists of live, but weakened bacteria. The solution in which they were found, buried in my mouth. The second option is inactivated polio vaccine (IPV). It consists of killed viruses and is administered by intramuscular injection. Both species contain representatives of all three forms of the disease. For injection intramuscular use the imported drug. In addition, it is included in the composition of the vaccine used against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, and polio and therefore. It is called Tetrack and is paid by grafting. It is administered at the request and at the expense of parents. Polio vaccine may be introduced when any other vaccine except BCG.

live Oral and inactivated vaccines

The Vaccine is instilled into the mouth. The medicine is supposed to get as deep as possible, preferably on the tonsils. In this place there are no taste buds and the child will not feel the bitter taste of the liquid. If the baby spit up, the procedure is repeated. After the second vomiting are not made repeated attempts. Within the hour the children is not desirable to give to drink water and refrain from feeding. The procedure is performed exclusively disposable pipettes or syringes without a needle, after which they must be disposed of. Depending on the concentration of the dosing can be 2 or 4 drops. The first three vaccines are given at intervals of a month and a half, age three months. Babies may experience a slight upset stomach or rapid chair. All the symptoms takes place in the early days and are not complications.

The First revaccination is done to the child reaching 18 months. The second revaccination is performed again after 2 months. The last stage of injection takes place at the age of 14. The absolute efficiency of the protection is observed only after the fifth injection OPV. The vaccine promotes the formation of immunity, which was produced after an illness. Prideleny virus can dwell in the intestines of up to 1 month. As long as he is there, no other types of wild polio can become infectious. That is why if a baby is born in the midst of the epidemic, it is him in the hospital drip drops of OPV that give the opportunity of catching a dangerous infection. This is a zero vaccination and is not included in the overall plan further vaccinations. A contraindication to this method of protection is the immunodeficiency syndrome, as there can be infection from vaccination. If child has diarrhoea, it is necessary to shift the vaccination schedule until full recovery of the baby.

Vaccination with inactivated vaccine is the introduction of antigens by injection. By age three months with an interval of 1.5-2 months is the introduction of the first vaccines.

There may be 2 or 3. The third shot do most children with weak immune systems or chronic diseases that suppress it. The first revaccination is considered the subsequent introduction of the drug after 12 months. Quite a strong immunity formed after 2injections, but it is important to complete to 100% be confident in the result. The second and last booster vaccination is an injection which is done at age 5, did not deviate from the schedule. Because the vaccine contains killed bacteria, has no contraindications. She has no complications and can be introduced to children with acute immunodeficiency. As a side effect in rare cases may occur allergic reactions such as rashes. If revaccination against polio held in the form of injection, the injection site may appear red spot, not exceeding the diameter of 8 cm In the next few days it will be on their own. Additional sources:

  1. "the polio Epidemic", Konovalov Nikolay.
  2. "Epidemiology and prevention of bacterial and viral intestinal infections", Ivan Pichkur.
  3. "Atlas of medical Microbiology, Virology and immunology", Bykov A. S., Vorob'ev A. A., Karaulov A. V., Pashkov, E. P.