What should be the diet in case of arthritis and arthrosis?

A Very important element in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system is diet arthritis and osteoarthritis. In such diseases proper nutrition is half of successful treatment. Important is the daily use of those products, which may affect the treatment and progression of the disease. Food for arthritis and osteoarthritis includes the mandatory use of calcium to joints and ligaments.

Problem arthritis

Not everyone knows that calcium is assimilated by the body only in combination with vitamin D. And the use of various smoked meats, canned foods, carbonated beverages or coffee can inhibit the normal absorption of calcium. That is why it is so important to know the basics of diet for arthritis and osteoarthritis: what foods should be consumed and which should be abandoned or at least reduce their consumption.

Symptoms of diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Arthritis is called the inflammation in the joints that occur for different reasons. Arthritis may be the result of:

  • systemic diseases (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis)
  • allergic reactions
  • of bacteria or viruses;
  • of injury
  • metabolic disorders (gout).

When the inflammatory process affects one or several joints. It is very important to timely appeal to the specialist as the person himself cannot determine the cause of the disease and to appoint a proper treatment. If timely treatment can avoid the negative consequences.

the Rejection of fatty foods in case of arthritis and arthrosis

Osteoarthritis (OA) is characterized as the occurrence of degenerative processes that affect the joints and destroy the cartilage of the articular surfaces and the bones beneath them. The disease may be associated with inflammatory process due to injury from the inside splinters of the destroyed cartilage.

Clear the symptoms of arthritis are crunching during movement or tenderness when bending the arms or legs. In the process of disease development can appear the following symptoms: morning stiffness and painful existence while driving. While restrained within a site of cartilage or bone. If this happens, the pain becomes so severe that movement becomes impossible. This is the most popular disease of the musculoskeletal system, its manifestations often begin before the age of 30 years and progressing after 45 years.

diet for arthritis and osteoarthritis there is a General rule – food should contain a low percentage of calories. It is necessary, first of all, in order to stabilize body weight, especially in patients with lesions of the joints of the lower extremities, when the load on diseased joints should be reduced. Such a diet helps to reduce cases of aggravation and stop destructive processes.

the Use of jelly with arthritis and arthrosis

General foods

Versatile system which is used for all kinds of diseases of the joints, no, because every disease has its causes and its specific treatment. Food for arthritis must be monitored by a dietitian who is guided in his appointments the diagnosis and causes of disease. In all diseases it is recommended to give up bad habits (Smoking and alcohol). An important part of the therapy is a balanced diet.

Chosen diet should be strictly observed, if you want to avoid the aggravation of the disease.

It is Necessary to remember that a diet that helps in the treatment of e.g. Osteoarthritis, it is prohibited in gouty arthritis.

It is Useful to choose a diet with a high content of calcium in the diet, because the lack of detrimental effect on the condition of the joints, bones and joint tissues. But excessive consumption of calcium is also dangerous because of the increased chance of the growth of osteophytes.

Fruits and vegetables with arthritis and arthrosis

General rules for diet:

  1. Diet for arthritis joints and many other diseases must be limited in the amount of calories, balanced diet to fix weight problems and prevent its occurrence. Overweight additionally feeds the inflamed joints, as a result can often cause aggravation.
  2. you Need to consume balanced amounts of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins.
  3. Fried foods should be avoided, it is better to cook everything for a couple, boil or braise.
  4. In the treatment of arthritis should eat rich in phosphorous and protein foods (fish, meat, yogurt).
  5. to Recover the destroyed tissue in the joints can help such a simple dish like jelly (or jello), because in its composition are natural protective agents that help to restore cartilage. But remember, these meals are excluded from the diet for gout.
  6. you Need to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables forget useful carbohydrates, food should be full of proteins and fats in the required amount.
  7. do not use animal fats in excess, allowed to consume for the diet vegetable oils.
  8. Should be possible to saturate the body with vitamins, to use those products in which the greatest amount of vitamins A, b, D, C (cabbage, oranges, beans, raisins, eggs, bananas, bread, chicken).
  9. salt Help flush toxins and carrot and beet fruit drinks.
  10. Types of diet – fasting days, system diet or fasting.
  11. Oily fish is good for healthy bones and cartilage (and primarily their tissues). It includes beneficial nutrients (calcium, phosphorus, vitamins, unsaturated omega-3 fats).
  12. calcium and phosphorus needed to strengthen bone tissue and cartilage, should be combined with taking vitamin D, because with it, these substances are absorbed by the body.
  13. Vitamins A and E have antioxidant effects, preventing new destructive processes. And omega-3 unsaturated fats may have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  14. it is Recommended that the consumption of nuts, fats of vegetable origin.
  15. as for spices, for diets best are turmeric and ginger, they have anti-inflammatory action. In addition, turmeric helps to eliminate fat from the intestine and thus helps in weight loss.
  16. it is Recommended eating foods rich in vitamin C, it helps to remove the inflammation, participates in the connection of collagen and elastin fibers that form the basis of cartilage.

dietary Restrictions

It is Allowed to adjust the diet, prescribed by a doctor, independently. So, if eating a certain product, the patient notes the deterioration, it can eliminate this product from your diet. Even with careful study of diseases is the fact that each organism has their own individual needs. It is recommended that you keep a food diary. It is possible to mark suitable products and those to avoid.

Not recommended hard limit in the diet, any diet should be supplemented with vitamins and minerals. Prefer frequent presence on the air, go to bed early. In the morning, preferably on an empty stomach to drink a glass of warm water with added lemon juice and honey. You can skip dinner or eat a light soup before 6pm. It is important to consume plenty of fluids, preferably hot water. This will contribute to the rapid removal of salts and toxins from the body.

Foods to avoid

Any diet prescribed by a doctor, must be observed. This can sometimes be difficult, as prohibited previously familiar and favorite meals. But experts recommend to overpower themselves, as the benefits of proper nutrition is much more than the pleasure of your favorite dishes. In the treatment of diseases of the joints help well traditional methods of treatment.

For successful treatment restrict these products:

  • strong tea, coffee;
  • excessive salt intake;
  • baking
  • chips
  • too sweet jams;
  • fast food
  • meals that contain a lot of preservatives;
  • canned food
  • spicy dishes.

Remember that any diet in patients with lesions of the joints will be effective only if its correct destination. Thus it is necessary to follow all its rules and guidelines. Therefore, it is important not to self-medicate, and timely to seek help from a specialist.

following these simple rules of nutrition, you will help your body along with medications. Your diet should be balanced, low in fat and include essential vitamins, micro and macroelements.