What is systemic lupus erythematosus and what is its treatment?

If diagnosed with lupus erythematosus, the treatment depends on the condition of internal organs and the severity of symptoms of the disease. With effective treatment a person can quickly return to normal life, although fully cured is almost impossible.

the Diagnosis of lupus erythematosus

Lupus is a serious disease in which inflammation develops in connective tissues, the skin, and sometimes in the joints and tendons. Periods of exacerbation is quite painful for the patient.

Cause of disease

Lupus is an autoimmune disease, meaning it is not caused by some virus or bacterium, and is the result of a failure of the human immune system. The antibodies perceive the cells of its own body as hostile and attack them. Scientists have been unable to identify a single factor that contributes to the development of the disease. The study patients showed that there may be a genetic predisposition, but the disease is not inherited.

The risk of getting lupus erythematosus are significantly higher in women of childbearing age. It is assumed that hormonal changes during this period and during pregnancy contributes to the development of systemic forms of the disease. Symptoms can be delayed as a result of taking certain medications, but after discontinuation of the drug, the disease recedes. Documented cases of its occurrence after prolonged irradiation with ultraviolet light or under the sun.

Signs and symptoms

The Disease covers the entire body, the first signs are expressed weakness, pains in the joints. Gradually there is a red rash on the face in the form of a mask or a butterfly. If the symptoms found exclusively on the skin, it is referred to the cutaneous form. The system type affects the body and has more serious consequences.

Drug treatment of lupus erythematosus

with the development of the disease is the defeat of the musculoskeletal system, lungs, blood and nervous systems. The patient has the following complaints:

  • redness of the skin round shape with bright color on the edges and bleached by the centre;
  • significant rashes on the face, which are enhanced even with short-term exposure to the sun;
  • inflammation on the lips and oral mucosa;
  • frequent headaches, migraines, mood changes;
  • muscle weakness
  • breathing problems, frequent shortness of breath, chest pain when breathing
  • problems in the kidney function;
  • rapid heartbeat
  • joint pain.

The Skin symptoms can extend to the neck, arms, back. Due to disturbances in the composition of blood increases the likelihood of blood clots in the blood vessels of the patient and placenta. This often causes miscarriages in early pregnancy.

The System has several ways of development. While minimal activity the minor signs of the disease and during exacerbations the patient experiences pain in all organs.

In the case of acute course of SLE, temperatures rise, arise abundant rash on the face and body, there is pain in the joints. If you do not start to fight the disease, within six months will there are irreversible processes in the internal organs of a person.

In subacute development of symptoms similar to those of several other rheumatoid diseases. The symptoms appear periodically, amplifying with each cycle. The chronic form is characterized in that the recurrences have the same manifestations (rash, arthritis), other systems are not affected.

dandelion Root with lupus erythematosus

Diagnosis disease

When a patient visits the doctor prescribes blood tests:

  • General analysis
  • analysis for the presence of antinuclear antibodies;
  • testing for the presence of LE cells.

Another way to test is skin biopsy in the affected areas.

For a diagnosis of SLE often used criteria developed by the American Association of rheumatology. To verify the accuracy of diagnosis, it is enough to detect 4 of the following signs:

  • the presence of a rash on the cheeks and nasolabial region in the form of red plaques with swollen margins;
  • the appearance of the rash exposed to the sun's rays
  • the presence of ulcers on the mucous membrane of the mouth, nose and throat;
  • joint pain
  • renal dysfunction
  • convulsions
  • neurosis
  • pericarditis
  • change the blood composition;
  • the presence of antibodies to native DNA;
  • pleurisy.

tansy when lupus erythematosus

Some symptoms are similar to manifestations of other diseases, so the doctor will perform differential analysis to exclude other diseases of connective tissue (e.g., dermatomyositis), gout, still's syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, polyarthritis, diseases of the kidneys. The reason for changing the composition of the blood solids in plasma is not only lupus,there are other autoimmune diseases that should be excluded in the differential tests.

Traditional methods of rehabilitation

Most patients with lupus are wondering, is it possible to treat it. While doctors can only alleviate a patient's condition, to completely get rid of the disease is not possible.

Treatment of lupus better to begin at the earliest stage to avoid painful manifestations. It consists in getting rid of local lesions, pain and other signs of disease. The most common drugs in lupus are corticosteroids. Their action is aimed at suppression of the immune functions of the body. This hormonal agent promotes long-term remission and reduce inflammatory processes in tissues.

When receiving hormonal agents, it is important to follow the dosage and regularity, so self-medication is not allowed. During treatment you may experience side effects:

  • bouts of hypertension
  • increased blood sugar;
  • decreased immunity, risk of infections;
  • development of ulcers and erosions in the stomach and intestines.

Modern drugs rarely cause unwanted effects, so the risk of side effects is minimized.

If the hormone treatment is not sufficient, it is also prescribed cytostatics. They have anti-tumor effect and reduce the dose of hormonal agents consumed.

When persistent pains in joints and fever treatment complement non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g. Diclofenac). Take them in tablet form in the period of exacerbation of the disease. When pain reduction course cease.

Scientists from various medical centers are constantly working to create a cure for this disease. Already developed a new generation of drugs, facilitating patient without severe side effects. Some patients prefer to participate in the research programs to be the first to test cure for lupus.

Recipes of traditional medicine

How to treat a patient with lupus erythematosus? Many resort to the use of folk recipes for the treatment of this disease. Before you begin to treat it at home, you need to consult a doctor. It is important to agree a plan of medical treatment with use of herbal decoctions. It should be remembered that the admission of immunostimulatory funds have the potential to exacerbate the disease.

The broth used For the collection of the following components, taken in equal parts:

  • water pepper
  • nettles;
  • leaves cranberries
  • tansy
  • birch leaves
  • mother-and-stepmother
  • dandelion root
  • the leaves of a plantain;
  • clover
  • John's wort
  • yarrow.

4 tbsp. l. Mixture pour 1 liter of boiling water and insist 8 hours. Drink 100 ml of decoction 3 times a day. The treatment helps get rid of inflammation of the kidneys.

To reduce pain in the joints, a decoction prepared from a mixture of elder flower, sage leaves, tansy, nettle, kirkazona, agrimony, elecampane root, dandelion and calamus. To 600 ml of boiling water use 1 tbsp. Of herbs. After 8 to 10 hours of infusion broth strain and drink during the day in 5 – 6 stages.

Herbal preparations have a cumulative effect, so do not expect immediate results. The course is several years.

Special caution should be exercised for people who are prone to allergic reactions.

A few decades ago when the diagnosis of SLE the patient left to live for several years, the quality of life is significantly deteriorated. Development of a new generation of drugs brings hope to many people full existence. Of course, to fully overcome the disease has not yet succeeded, but the frequency of painful symptoms can be reduced in several times.