Symptoms, treatment and folk remedies used in rheumatic polymyalgia

Often men aged 50 years suffer from this disease, polymyalgia rheumatica, not knowing what has caused this disease and is there a possibility to get rid of it in the shortest time possible

Problem rheumatic polymyalgia

polymyalgia rheumatica is a disease that is caused by pronounced muscle stiffness in the morning and soreness in the spine, shoulders and other areas.

Factors associated with the occurrence of disease

Polymyalgia rheumatica Occurs in patients over the age of 55 years, she get sick more often women than men. Signs such as weight loss, muscle fatigue, fever and changes in blood, are symptoms of the whole body, not muscle groups. Causes of disease still not known, but medicine, like technology, is not standing still. It is proven that some cases of the disease are provoked migrated in severe influenza. Also polymyalgia rheumatica may be hereditary.

polymyalgia rheumatica

To Determine the right and timely diagnosis is very difficult, most often, the disease shows its symptoms at the stage of more protracted forms. Patients can appoint in a few weeks or even years of therapy for another disease because of a wrong diagnosis, mainly because the disease manifests itself only in the form of pain.

The Development of acute illness. Patients can sometimes tell the time, sudden sharp and intense muscle pain that cause sensations of twitching of the muscles or sharp in it. The patient can go to relax without pain, and waking with symptoms in the form of pronounced pain and muscle stiffness that limits movement. Patients on the cause of pain becomes difficult to move. In such cases it is important to follow patients as he performs the movement and rises from the bed. Rheumatic polymyalgia lift is performed in several steps: turn sideways, lift the legs to the abdomen and descend them with the edge of the bed. Next, the patient relies on his hands, with which he sits down and stands up. All actions are difficult to test severe pain.

Other cases include a gradual onset. There is a slight stiffness of the shoulder or other muscle groups, eventually expanding their range of other muscle groups (spinal region, neck, thighs and buttocks). If time does not start treatment, for several months, the illness may be more severe, pain can increase. Tightness can occur not only after sleep, but after any period of immobility of the body. Such a patient needs quality treatment.

Symptoms of rheumatic polymyalgia

This disease has the following symptoms:

Drastic weight loss is a symptom of rheumatic polymyalgia

  • muscle pain
  • muscle stiffness
  • drastic weight loss
  • tired feeling;
  • weakness
  • malaise
  • fatigue
  • decreased appetite
  • fever and the occurrence of night sweats.

Due to wrong therapy after the pain in the muscles develop arthritis.

Often, patients do not pay attention to other symptoms of arthritis irritates them the most pain. A thorough inspection can detect the following changes:

  • formed by swelling of joints;
  • pain on palpation;
  • have pain with minor movements;
  • in severe disease possible disability.

Diagnose and follow the patient

rheumatic polymyalgia characteristic symptom is anemia. Clinical signs is very important to exclude gross diagnostic errors. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate of 50-70 mm/h is a characteristic symptom of the disease. Before the diagnosis the doctor has to fully ascertain that there is no polymyositis, multiple myeloma, tendinitis of the shoulder muscles and a number of other ailments.

Depression is the cause of rheumatic polymyalgia

established formula of diagnosing protracted rheumatic polymyalgia today does not exist, it is much easier to make an accurate diagnosis when sudden beginning of the disease. This is due to pronounced signs of the disease.

Many elderly people suffering from rheumatic polymyalgia, and his doctors think that this does not polymyalgia rheumatica, rheumatism or just physical changes associated with old age. This error is assumed due to the fact that fever and weight loss may occur in the presence of infectious diseases, and depression can take over view of psychological disorders.

The Diagnosis is madethe basis of blood tests for erythrocyte sedimentation rate, biochemical blood analysis with the study of proteins in the phase of acute inflammation and on the basis of painful sensations of the patient. Next, the doctor will assign therapy to further control the effect of drugs and their tolerability in patients. Usually the therapy involves the use of hormonal drugs (corticosteroids) and nonsteroidal medication to reduce inflammation.

Tactics and methods of therapy

rheumatic polymyalgia primary prevention has not been developed. Prognosis satisfactory, but late treatment can cause exacerbations requiring increasing doses of prednisolone.

Drug treatment of rheumatic polymyalgia

In the ICD 10 (single document the international classification of diseases) polymyalgia rheumatica has its own code (M35.3) from the class of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. According to this document, treatment is possible such drugs, such as ibuprofen, Nurofen, artesien, viral, xefocam, flexen.

Some patients do not wish to treat rheumatic polymyalgia with the help of medicines and more attention to traditional medicine.

alternative therapies

The Main methods of non-pharmacological therapy:

a Decoction of herbs from rheumatic polymyalgia

  1. 1 tablespoon juniper pour into a glass and pour the vodka, infuse for at least 3 days and apply inside 2 teaspoons 2 times a day. This method is very long, the treatment may last for 3 months.
  2. 1 teaspoon of pharmacy stigmata corn, pour 250 – 300 ml of water and boil for 10 minutes. Then infuse for at least half an hour, take 200 ml daily for one and a half months.
  3. 100 grams of mullein pour half a liter of vodka and place in a dark room and infuse for 20 days. This infusion is intended for outdoor use.
  4. hay bath. 800 grams of hay dust pour into a calico bag, boil in 2 litres of water in an enamelled saucepan for about 30 minutes. Next, make a bath using this decoction. To its therapeutic properties has not diminished the tub can be covered with a tarp with a slit for the head. The water should be hot.
  5. the diet with foods that contain large amounts of calcium. Such a diet – prevention of osteoporosis that appear during drug therapy with prednisolone. Dairy products will improve the condition of the patient with this disease. This diet does not allow the eating of confectionery and baked goods from white flour, and does not provide large quantities of tomatoes, oily fish, butter, eggplant and beef.

In any case, the treatment folk remedies will reduce the pain, but to cure the disease the patient must consult a doctor. Treatment can be effective, if the time to begin therapy.

After a successful treatment, the disease may not bother the patient for several years.