Sore shoulder joint: causes and treatment of disease

If the aching shoulder joints, causes, treatment of this disease need to know each person.

Sore shoulder

Pain in any form – is extremely unpleasant. Frequently all of a sudden, without any indication of a man overtakes the pain in the shoulder joint. TOOOhe Shoulder area is daily exposed to enormous loads. Impossible for a man to spend a day, never raising their hand or some object. Therefore pain in the shoulder belt cannot be ignored, and impossible.

How does the human shoulder

Before looking into the nature of pain, it is worth briefly analyze the structure and principle of operation of our main lifting mechanism of the body. If you do not delve into medical terms, in simple terms, the shoulder joint is the articulation of the humerus with the scapula. For this purpose, in the blade there is a small recess with a cartilaginous ring, and the bones of the shoulder ends with a round head that fits into the groove like a Apple in the saucer. Such "spherical" system provides a wide range of motion hand: rotated 360º around its axis, and the discharge horizontally to 180º.

Protection from muscular sprains are the ligaments connecting the joints. They consist of a complex of large elastic muscles, reduction which causes the arm to move, and short, very dense muscle-the latches, the purpose of which is protection from displacement of the bone.

structure of the shoulder

by the bones and muscles was a sufficient amount of nutrition, is responsible the circulatory network of vessels. And that bone tissue is not rubbed off during movement, the so-called synovium and periarticular bags interosseous space is filled with a special liquid.

In what are the causes of pain

Causes of pain in the shoulder a lot. They depend on the nature of damage and the area of lesion:

  1. Dislocation. Discernible reason, is not in doubt in the diagnosis. The most common shoulder injury is a sprain. In dislocation of the humerus POPs out of joint. "Bullseye" of the humerus falls out of its crater-"saucers". This may be due to a strong shock, collision, a fall or exercise, which improves mobility of the hands. If such trauma is repeated, it is possible to get habitual dislocation, then even a small shake can be a bone out of joint.
  2. Rupture or stretching of the muscles. Muscle-the latches on the structure of plastichny, as their primary task is to hold the bones. Therefore, if a person strengthens them: tennis, baseball, weight lifting in bodybuilding, or even whitewashing the ceiling and the cut of firewood may be a partial tear or stretching of these muscles. Very often on the day of the injury, the person does not feel any discomfort, but the next day aching pain does not move his arm. These feelings connected with inflammation of damaged tissues and are referred to as tendinitis and bursitis. Often accompanying symptoms is swelling. In most cases, this attack working right hand.
  3. Myositis – it happens from a strong overcooling of muscle, people still say "chill". You must know what to treat myositis, because they quickly flow into neuralgia.
  4. "Radiating" pain. It often happens that the cause of pain in shoulder blade and upper arm Department can serve as the internal organ illness or distress signals from the spinal division. For example, liver pain from cholecystitis, cardiac myocarditis and angina pectoris, pulmonary pneumonia, osteochondrosis, and various kinds of tumors can cause a recoil in the shoulder.
  5. periarthritis of the. If the painful syndrome is observed at a particular movement (for example, your shoulder hurts when raising arm), it is likely the deposition of calcifications or salts. More common in people after 40 years. Diagnosed using x-rays.
  6. Arthritis and arthrosis of the shoulder joint. This inflammation in cartilaginous tissues. Difference arthritis – the presence of infection in the inflammation.

shoulder joint Arthroscopy

What to do if caught up with shoulder pain and that will help to take the pain away

If you experience any of the symptoms it is mandatory to consult a doctor. Self diagnosis and treatment can lead to full disability of the hands up to the wrist. The question arises: to what doctor to address? If there is a blow or a fall, it is possible to consult a traumatologist. If the pain is of outstanding character, a therapist, after hearing the complaint, will be referred at his discretion to an orthopedist or a neurologist.

usually the pain in the shoulder are rarely mild. This is due to the action of nerve endings, which allow the tissues to recover. Therefore, nerve endingssending signals with every movement, the brain receives a clear command: the shoulder need maximum rest. The patient may experience discomfort at the slightest movement, even a revolution in your sleep can cause severe pain that deprived of rest. What to do in such cases:

  • if there is slight swelling and a suspicion of tendonitis, sprain or torn ligaments, in the first instance to the affected area need to apply cold;
  • if pronounced myositis after exposure, it will help the warming ointment, and various hot patches;
  • remedy for arthritis is non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • to relieve acute pain can any special articular anaesthetic ointment.

shoulder pain Relief ointment

To get Rid of the pain can help the most effective recipes of folk medicine.

Honey cake from over-chilled shoulder. It is necessary to take 2 tbsp of mustard powder, 1 tbsp liquid honey, 1 teaspoon of hot red pepper. Mix all ingredients to form a slurry of pellet, applied to the sick hand and fasten a gauze cloth. To change once a day. To avoid the heart.

The Tincture black cumin. Black cumin seeds crushed in a mortar and infused in alcohol in a dark, cool place for a week. RUB the resulting solution 2-3 times a day.

Tincture of dandelion. Dandelions with the root washed and scroll in a meat grinder. The resulting slurry is poured unrefined sunflower oil. This tincture can be rubbed and as a preventive measure.

Tincture of dandelion

Application cinquefoil

In the treatment of folk remedies should remember that it has been widely used against all types of joint diseases. Its tincture can be applied not only externally, but also inside. In pharmacies sell ointment on the basis of cinquefoil with analgesic, anti-inflammatory and warming components. This is perhaps the best answer to the question how to relieve the pain in the shoulder joint.

To Increase the mobility of the arm can and ointment based on propolis. Propolis is mixed with a badger or bear fat, add alcohol extract cinquefoil. Excess liquid was evaporated on a water bath for gentle.

To Relieve the discomfort in joints and muscles will help coniferous baths. Collected in advance spruce needles and cones zaparivajut boiling water. The broth is strained and poured into the bath at the rate of 1 liter of broth per 10 liters of water.

Tincture of cinquefoil

Relieve inflammation decoctions of the leaves of currant and nettle, brewed in equal proportions, and burdock leaf as a bandage on the injured area. The sheet to change as wet.

Despite the efficiency of the above recipes to decide how to treat the joints properly, I can only qualified doctors after a thorough diagnosis. Often painful signals are hidden serious problems, but if to mask the anesthetic, the processes can spill over into irreversible. Based on a comprehensive full research: raumprobe, x-ray tests, and sometimes imaging doctor makes a decision, than to treat illness. During treatment requires control of the professional to adjust drug treatment and may begin recovery procedures.

Basic requirement in the treatment and prevention of inflammation of the tissues of the shoulder girdle

Diseases of the shoulder girdle a lot, as well as types of treatment, but combines the regenerative process one thing: a sore joint should be on for a while "exempt" from work. The smaller the move the arm and shoulder, the sooner it happens the regeneration process.

Massage the shoulder joints

Excellent supporting role in the wound healing process can play a massage, physiotherapy.

So on the shoulder accounts for a huge proportion of the load throughout the human life. And if injuries due to accidents are impossible to predict, it is always possible to try to prevent the most common disease – inflammation of the cartilaginous tissues. When reducing the amount of special fluid that reduces friction between the bones, the cartilages wear out and become inflamed. Often to inflammation of the joining co-infections.

In a special risk group includes persons with age-related hormonal changes, especially women over 50, athletes and people engaged in heavy physical labor. Such categories of people shown special products – chondroprotectors. They enhance the production of liquid and speed up the recovery of cartilage tissue. Drinking these drugs have periods, preferably in combination with minerals, which strengthen bones. Pharmacy drugs in these cases, it is possible to prefer chondroprotectors in a line of sports nutrition from popular manufacturers. Often it happens that their composition is more saturated, and the price is attractive. Home remedy for supply of cartilage is considered normal gelatin. Therefore, it is recommended to include in the diet jellies, jellied dishes, jellied.

People who lead a very sedentary lifestyle, are at risk of joint diseases due to accumulation of salts in the interosseous space. Prevention of this disease are simple exercises, daily exercises andyoga. Increasing healthy mobility, proper nutrition, regular consumption of vitamin complexes to maintain ligaments, and cartilage – the key to healthy joints. As you know, to warn disease is much easier than to cure.