Home / Pathology of the joints, diseases of bone and cartilage structures of the vertebrae / Joint pain: the main causes, characteristics for various diseases / Effective pain medication for pain in the joints: tablets, injections, suppositories, external

Effective pain medication for pain in the joints: tablets, injections, suppositories, external

Pain pills for pain in the joints may be needed at any time. Joint diseases are very often accompanied by severe pain. It may strike suddenly. Often the pain in diseases of the musculoskeletal system is unbearable. It just immobilizes the person. Back pain can "shoot" at the slightest movement with such force that the man can't even straighten. Assistance in such cases is urgently needed. Regardless of the cause of the pain requires immediate effective pain relief.

the Problem of pain in the joints

What are analgesics?

This is the most popular painkillers in the world. They quickly and effectively relieve various types of pain. with in Addition to analgesia, these drugs have anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect.

Also known as Metamizole dipyrone. Has mild anti-inflammatory and spasmolytic effect. But better than some other analgesics relieves pain and fever. Injection of metamizol give a more rapid and powerful. Action time up to 5-6 hours with a mild pain syndrome.

Ketorolac (Ketanov, Ketoprofen) is one of the strongest analgesics among analgesics. Even tablets well relieve very severe pain. The duration of action is about 6-8 hours. If the pain is severe, tablets will have to take more often.

Dexketoprofen (dexalgin) has a mild anti-inflammatory effect. But it stops the pain and relieves fever. Begins to act 30 minutes after administration of tablets inside. The action lasts 4-6 hours.

Ketorolac for joint treatment

Lornoxicam (xefocam, larfix®) differs from other analgesics pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Prescribed for moderate pain syndrome of pills or injections. Has anti-rheumatic effect.

Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) is one of the weakest painkillers. It is an effective febrifuge. Has also troversial action. Available in plain and soluble tablets.

Drugs NSAIDs Antirheumatic actions

They differ from analgesics in that in addition to pain relief, have a therapeutic effect on the joints. High efficiency non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may cause problems. These funds have a negative impact on the gastro-intestinal tract. Prolonged use is discouraged. You may have some serious health problems. With extreme caution should be treated people with diseases of the digestive system. To reduce side effect of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs should be taken only after meals.

The Diclofenac (dicloberl, olfen) tablets relieves severe pain of non-rheumatic origin and swelling. Can be used topically (as ointment) or rectally (candles). In rheumatic diseases drug greatly facilitates the patient's condition.

Aspirin for the treatment of joints

Ibuprofen is administered during the initial stages of joint disease. The power of action, it is inferior to indomethacin but better tolerated. Relieves moderate pain. Has immunomodulatory effects. Is made in the form of tablets, suppositories, ointments.

Nimesulide has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, prevents the destruction of cartilage. It has antioxidant properties.

Meloxicam (newmaximum, Movalis) is used to treat diseases of the joints. The drug relieves severe pain and inflammation. Intravenous use of grout is prohibited. Treatment begins with intramuscular injections. The effect of intramuscular injection faster and stronger. After 1-2 days, the injections replace tablets.


Drugs with narcotic effect can be very strong painkillers. They are prescribed when nothing else to relieve the pain fail. A serious drawback narcotic analgesics is addictive to them patient. The course of treatment these drugs is usually small. In long-term care do a few short courses of treatment in combination with other types of painkillers. Narcotic analgesics exert psychotropic effects. This means that the person can become drowsy or too awake and fall into a euphoric state. Narcotic analgesics are available in the form of injection. But there are drugs and in pill form. For example, tramadol or morphine.

Ibuprofen for the treatment of joints

Tramadol (tramal) relieves pain in about 15-20 minutes. A force second only to morphine. The validity period is up to 6 hours. To take it as injections intravenously or intramuscularly, and orally in the form of tablets, suppositories.

Trimeperidine (Promedol) –powerful painkiller. After 10-15 minutes felt its effect. Exists in the form of both injections and tablets. Its advantage is the good tolerance by the organism.

These preparations are not commercially available. They are sold only by prescription.

Drugs with ophiopogonis a similar effect on the degree of exposure to narcotic analgesics but do not cause addiction. Also, they do not have psychotropic effects. The analgesic effect is powerful.

Nalbuphine has a very strong analgesic effect with less side effects than narcotic analgesics. Does not cause addiction, does not alter consciousness. Intramuscular injection can give the same effect as after taking morphine. For very severe pain you can repeat injections every 3-4 hours. Nalbuphine has a calming effect without causing drowsiness. It should be noted that this medication is relatively new. Its effects on the body are still not completely understood. Is not recommended course of treatment with this drug for longer than 3 days.

Meloxicam for joint treatment

Drugs other groups

The cause of the pain can be different. This may be muscle spasm in the back or the inflammation of the tissues around the joint. Pain is often accompanied by destruction of joint cartilage. The use of drugs that act directly on the cause of the pain, help her to remove. For example, the use of antispasmodic eliminates spasm and the resulting pain disappear.

Chiseled and mydocalm is it the drugs that effectively relieve muscle spasm, for example, associated with static and functional disease of the spine (cervical and lumbar syndromes).

Glucocorticoid (methylprednisolone, medrol) effectively reduce inflammation. The hormones prevent acute inflammatory processes in various types of arthritis, including rheumatoid and gout are caused by the disease. Taken topically (in the form of ointments) or orally (in tablets). Can be administered intra-articular injections, intramuscularly or intravenously.

Mydocalm for joints treatment

Combination medications combine the action of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with antispasmodics (spazmalgon or inalgan).

How to choose the right treatment?

The First rule of the use of painkillers is the selection from slaborastvorimyh to potent. In other words, trying to quickly get rid of the pain, it is impossible to use powerful drugs. First, you should try to remove the pain less strong and more secure means.

for very severe pain is periarticular block. In the affected area injections of hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs. The purpose of the blockade is to deliver the drug to the inflammation site.

The Blockade helps to quickly relieve the pain, inflammation and restore joint mobility. The effect lasts for weeks. Acute pain arising inflammation or as a result of injury, easier, faster and more effective to remove non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The hardest to treat chronic diseases of the joints. Here it is necessary to take into account the destructive processes that always accompany chronic illness. It is necessary to consider all the symptoms, because the intensity of the pain may be caused by their cumulative effect. In addition to anesthesia, can be shown blockade, corticosteroids and muscle relaxants. Often prescribed paraffin wrap.

It is Important to remember that you also need to take painkillers cannot. Only a doctor should determine the dose and duration of treatment. Such actions not only fraught with side effects, but also decrease the susceptibility of the organism to them.

Additional sources:

  1. OTC analgesics-antipyretics for intake: mechanism of action and safety profile. Belousov Y. B., Gurevich K. G., S. V. Chausov. Medical scientific-practical journal "doctor", №1, 2015.
  2. back Pain: how to start therapy? Directory of outpatient physician, No. 09, 2011. Y. A. Merkulov, A. A. Ancin, D. M. Merkulova. Neurological center. B. M. Hecht of healthcare Department of JSC "Russian Railways"; 2НИИ of General pathology and pathophysiology, Moscow.