Why lifting and other movements of the hands causes pain in the shoulder joint?

Often the person worried about the shoulder joint, pain when raising hands – the symptom is not pleasant. The shoulder joint is one of the most unique joints of the human body in their structure and functions. He is able to perform more of all types of movements, however, can not long withstand the strong physical exertion and unnatural treatment. this joint is responsible for inflammatory processes that lead to swelling and tearing of tendons or muscles.

the Problem of pain with a show of hands

Often this problem can face people who are:

  • do not pay attention to your posture
  • physically it is hard work;
  • do sports at a professional level;
  • don't move at all.

Common pain of the shoulder joint

According to the propagation mechanism define several types of pain.

The Pain spreading from the shoulder joint across the surface of the hands and worse when turning the neck. In this case, often diagnosed herniated disc, which is the result of damage to the intervertebral discs. There is a rupture of the fibrous ring, causing some portion of the pulpous nucleus shifts, clamping the nerve roots.

Worried about the shoulder joint, pain when lifting the arm up, drain back or to the side. Can develop unnoticed for a person who is in an advanced stage incredibly painful even bring a spoon to his mouth. Doctors call this condition capsulitis.

a Sedentary lifestyle is the cause of pain when raising arms

A Sharp pain after doing something unusual. For example, if a person all day shpaklevat ceiling (the position of the hands in this action unnatural and unusual), the next day it can feel uncomfortable.

Tandoori – suddenly appeared sharp pain in the neck and shoulder girdle. Occurs due to inflammation or microtrauma.

The Shoulders in many cases can be ill at unusually high loads, especially when the arms are raised. Sudden pain is the cause of many diseases. The main thing is to determine its nature and type.


Structure of the shoulder joint

Acute pain:

  1. low back pain – the pain is stronger when I turn my head, especially at night. It may cover the entire surface of the hands, in severe cases, people can't even her up.
  2. Arthritis – pain at the inflamed joint.
  3. Osteoarthritis – in many cases occurs in people of more advanced age. The person feels severe pain in the shoulder when he lifts his hand. This disruption likely to be caused by bruises or sprains.
  4. Neuritis – a disease in which pain appears as a result of inflammatory processes, tumors or trauma.
  5. damage to the shoulder: fractures, dislocations. If them in time not to cure, then the possible chronic effects.
  1. the Syndrome of "collision". Pain that comes on suddenly, when you raised your hand. This disease causes the deposition of calcium salts, and in most instances, it affects people aged from 30 to 50 years.
  2. a Sprain. Can be caused by heavy physical exercises. The pain accompanying the disease increases, when detectable muscle.

dislocated shoulder

Chronic pain:

  1. Tendonitis. Develops, when a person works hard physically, due to the fact that tendons are constantly rubbing against the articular surface. This will be felt constant aching pain.
  2. Tendonitis of the bicep. This disease of inflammatory nature of the tendon of the biceps brachii. The pain is intense, it becomes stronger when palpating the biceps. Possible rupture of the tendon, the result will be a swelling, resembling a ball.
  3. Bursitis. Appears due to high load on the joint, or damage to periarticular bags. The person feels acute pain occurs abruptly and can't sleep on a sore shoulder. Swelling is also possible.

Aching pain:

  1. Periartroz. The pain arises gradually, without any obvious reason. It can be stinging and harsh. With cold hands.
  2. Myalgia. Man is hard to execute all the movements of the hands, he feels constant pain. The causes of this disease may be hypothermia or viral infection.
  3. Reflected. Often if you experience pain in the shoulder joint suffers a completely different body. For example, this may occur in heart failure, impaired liver function, pneumonia, myocardial infarction. In such diseases the person has pain from the shoulder joint to the elbow, heaviness in breathing and dizziness.

For an accurate diagnosis you must contact the clinic, but knowing what movements hurt a joint, you will be able to understand what is the tendon damaged.

diabetes - a cause of pain when raising arms

  1. When a person takes a hand to the side, supraspinal tendon.
  2. When turning the upperpart of output with shoulder pressed to the body with elbow – intraspinally.
  3. When turning the top shoulder inside with the pressed against the body with elbow – Chuck.
  4. When you rotate the forearm inwards pain in the biceps muscle of the shoulder – disorders of the biceps.

Therefore, it is best, before going to the hospital to determine the exact nature of pain and why it arises, to the doctor it was easier to make the correct diagnosis.

bursitis of the shoulder joint

Causes of pain in shoulder joint when raising the arm:

  1. poor posture.What many don't watch their posture, often leads to numerous health problems, including pain in the shoulder joint. In this case, the doctor can not contact, but just to correct the position back, then you can get rid of the pain.
  2. "Frozen shoulder". Also this disease called the syndrome of frozen shoulder. At this violation of person cannot perform all types of movements of the shoulder. Appear nagging, constant pain that is worse when trying to perform most manipulations. The first sign of this disorder is discomfort when raising his hands up, then, if you do not care about the treatment, the pain may spread over the entire surface. In advanced stage the person is unable to dress himself (without severe pain), cook food, drive a car and even a full sleep. Most often the syndrome occurs due to injury, hyperthyroidism or diabetes.
  3. trauma to the rotator cuff. This damage muscles and tendons, which are located immediately around the joint. They keep the shoulder joint in position and help a person to exercise control over what movements he performs. Various cuff injuries can provoke the appearance of pain while raising his hands (especially when you raise it above the joint, for example, by scratching), rotation, and during sleep. Neglected man cannot raise his hand.
  4. Tendonitis and bursitis. They usually occur due to overexertion periarticular bags or shoulder joint trauma. In most cases, they are those who are professionally engaged in sports, especially ball games, throwing spears, etc. The Inflammation may begin, and the person who doesn't really load his hands. In this case, pain may be felt, but the inflammation will still be. In the future, if not to give the hands a rest, the disease will evolve and become stronger, taking the space to perform movements in the shoulder joint.
  5. Rupture of tendons or muscles. In this case, the person feels a very strong pain that occurs when you try to raise your hand. Tendon rupture most often affects people over 40 years, and at a young age he became a consequence of a serious injury. In order to avoid this, you need to follow a healthy lifestyle and regularly perform sports exercises.
  6. joint Instability. Causes injury or simple wear and tear of tissues. At this violation of person feels some discomfort with shoulder movements, sometimes even mild pain. In severe cases, leads to dislocation. There is an unnatural position of the hands, severe pain and swelling.
  7. Violation of the acromioclavicular joint. Causes: sprains or dislocation of the joint. Most often it affects men aged 20 to 50 years, and especially those who are actively involved in sports.

When to contact the clinic

Most people often do not focus on the pain in the shoulder joint, and it passes by itself. Therefore, not many are rushing to the hospital after feeling discomfort.

But you should remember that if the pain is bothering you more than a week and become only stronger, it is necessary to go urgently to the doctor.

The Doctor will examine the patient's hand, will ask you a series of questions and may prescribe some diagnostic methods (radiography or MRI). Also, the physician may send blood work, and then be able to say exactly the diagnosis and determine treatment.