Symptoms, treatment, folk remedies for bursitis in the joints

When a person develops a disease such as bursitis, treatment better not wait too long. Hitting the joints (periarticular bag), it can permanently deprive a patient of physical activity. This is especially true for athletes: they are more often affected by bursitis, and crashes in the usual training regime can significantly affect the outcome, and sports a sharp pain when the affected joints become almost impossible.

the Problem of bursitis

What is bursitis?

The So-called inflammatory process in tissues surrounding the joint synovial bags. In the articular cavity of the bag hard formed and accumulates fluid, called exudate. Usually the disease affects large joints (shoulder, elbow, knee, hip), but doctors have been known to occur achillobursitis (in the heel), bursitis of the big toe, wrists and other joints. Have bursitis code ICD 10 – M70-m-79. In these paragraphs, we will consider possible localization of the disease.

Externally, the affected joint receives a strong swelling up to 10 cm in diameter. On the joint of the limb can produce a noticeable "pouch", distorting its contours. Accumulated fluid penetrates into the intercellular space surrounding the inflammation of tissues and causes swelling. Fig. 1.

In some cases, when the Bursa is located deep in soft tissues, the external signs of the disease may not be. A problem the patient can guess only permanent pain accompanying every movement. In such cases, to diagnose bursitis possible only with the help of x-rays or borogravia with the introduction of special substances that help to see the contours in the picture impressed handbags.

When inflammation in the connective tissue of the joint capsule begin to crystallize salts of calcium, causing calcification of cells ("salt deposits"). Due process dysfunction tissues increases the pain during movement.

Bursitis of the knee

figure 1. Bursitis of the knee joint.

Causes and symptoms

Among the most common causes inflammation of the tissues of the articular bag – trauma. Mikrotravmirovanie Permanent tissues during physical exertion, the pressure on the area of the joint, or injury upon impact, trapped in the wound infection, can trigger the development process. So often bursitis are occupational diseases among persons displaced for a long time to load joints: "knee football", "tennis elbow" and similar titles reflect the relationship of the sport and often injure the joint. Not less common and bursitis among those with increased weight, because the load on their joints sometimes becomes constant and very high.

Due to the fact that an infectious agent may be included in the articular bag and the blood, occur bursitis infectious origin. Often their agents are gonorrhea, spirochetes and tubercle Bacillus present in the body of patients with gonorrhea or syphilis, or tuberculosis of any localization.

Inflammatory processes in other organs and systems of organs, is also capable of provoking inflammation of the joint capsule.

Known cases of bursitis tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis media, URTI, etc. In these cases, as above, there is a transfer of causative agents of the main diseases the flow of blood. Sometimes bursitis can occur as a consequence of an excess of antibodies in the immune response to the invading infection.

hip Bursitis

figure 2. Bursitis of the hip joint.

The Main symptom of inflammation of a joint capsule is a change in shape of the joint and pain when moving in it. On the projection of the anatomical position of a Bursa occurs rounded swelling, pressure sensitive, elastic and fluctuating, that is causing the sense of movement of the liquid inside. The pain with bursitis is different:

  • whining
  • shooting
  • pulsating
  • radiating, i.e. "giver" in the neighboring region.

Typically increased pain at night, due to the increased swelling of the surrounding tissue and increased pressure on nerve endings in them.

Obvious sign is and limited movement in the affected joint. It happens and because of the pain, and swelling, and reduce the elasticity of tissues handbags as a result of calcification.

due to the tension of the skin caused by edema and accumulation of exudate, and enhanced blood flow to the inflamed location, you experience such symptoms of bursitis, redness and local temperature rise of the body. The skin near the diseased joint looks red and feels much warmer than the surrounding plots. Often enlarged andlymph nodes near the affected place.Trauma is the cause of bursitis

Common signs of inflammation (fever, weakness, nausea, and malaise) occur usually only in the acute form of the disease. Acute bursitis occurs and develops within 2-3 days and is manifested by a sudden painful swelling and redness of the skin. In the formation of pus in the exudate in a patient intoxication symptoms: fever, nausea, and headaches. Most acute and the underlying disease if the bursitis was caused by it.

Chronic bursitis is a consequence of the acute form as a result of inadequate treatment. Most often acute symptoms subside over time, and the patient ignores the doctor's instructions, thereby contributing to this transition. Undertreated inflammation still exists, and provoking influences there is an exacerbation of the disease.

Diagnosis and treatment of pathology

A doctor man, patient with bursitis, drawn in the occurrence and development of signs of illness. Become a common cause of pain and limited movement. Diagnostic techniques in the clinic allows to differentiate bursitis from other injuries of joints. The initial diagnosis is made based on the survey and examination of the patient. For differential diagnosis can be used:

  • radiography
  • MRI
  • ultrasound
  • to explore the joint, arthrography;
  • arthrocentesis – collection of exudate for laboratory testing;
  • a common blood test.

Physical activity is the cause of bursitisTo diagnose the disease the doctor may offer the patient a simple test of the movements aimed at identifying constraints of mobility and pain when performing them: to have your hand behind your head, sit down and take a few steps squatting and other simple exercises. What can easily a healthy person, the patient sometimes do not.

If there are no visible signs (in inflammation of deeply placed bursae Fig. 2.), then the diagnosis can be done only when x-ray or ultrasound and on the basis of clinical tests. Therefore, it is important not to try to determine and treat the bursitis and contact physician if signs of disease.

How to treat inflammation of the joint capsule?

On the basis of identified symptoms and test results, the doctor makes a conclusion about presence of diseases and assigns appropriate methods of treatment. Most uncomplicated form of bursitis treated on an outpatient basis, so the patient should apply the ointment and take medication independently and to attend the clinic for treatments.

To accelerate the resorption of the exudate, the doctor may prescribe the use Vishnevsky ointment or warming compresses. To ensure immobility of the joint, apply the splint and bandages that restrict motion. During the acute phase of the illness the person needs to rest, and he may be advised bed rest.

MRI for diagnosis of bursitis

The Doctor treats inflammation, prescribing certain antibiotics. Independently change them and ignore the medication should not, as a undertreated inflammation can take the form of chronic disease, to get rid of that much harder. Because of this, treatment of folk remedies should be discussed with the treating expert and be used only as an adjunct.

When the acute phase of illness has passed, the doctor may prescribe physiotherapeutic treatment methods:

  • ultraviolet radiation
  • Shockwave therapy
  • application of wax or paraffin;
  • electrophoresis.

gives Good results and massage the affected joints. These methods are directed on activation of metabolism in tissues, elimination of puffiness and relieve muscle stress. This contributes to the rapid cessation of inflammation and early recovery of the affected tissues.

For his complete recovery the doctor recommends to gradually develop the patient's joint, returning ligaments elastic. The complex of exercises for the therapeutic exercises are selected individually, depending on the patient's condition and course of the disease.

Bed rest when bursitis

In cases where complications of the disease and its transition into a purulent form, the occurrence of inflammation of the surrounding Bursa tissue, adhesions, etc. Can be prescribed treatment of bursitis in the hospital, intravenous injections, cavity lavage of the Bursa with antibiotics or surgery. To avoid complications only helps timely access to a doctor. The question of how to treat bursitis, can only solve the doctor-orthopedist. No traditional methods of treatment and recommended media ways to remove exudate cannot eliminate this disease completely, but delay the treatment to the clinic they are quite capable of removing a number of symptoms and creating the illusion of assistance.

Preventive measures

Knowing what occurs bursitis, can be identified and preventive measures for avoiding the inflammation of the joint capsule. They are quite simple:

  • lack of overloading, damaging the Bursa, getting rid of extra weight
  • timely disinfectionsmall wounds in the joints;
  • treatment of chronic inflammations of other organs.
  • correction of joint deformities.

Some types of bursitis (bursitis of the heel, foot, big toe) is caused by wearing uncomfortable, traumatic joints shoes. Most often this sacrifice bring the beauty of women. In the presence of many excess weight, bursitis of joints of the foot and the knee joint be their payback for the desire to look better. If you are going to work or shopping, you need to remember that stiletto heels are intended for rare appearances and special events. For permanent use it is better to pick shoes with chunky low heel (about 5 cm) and comfortable fit.

Additional resources:

  • Bunchuk N. In. Manual in internal medicine. Of the disease extra-articular soft tissues. Rheumatic diseases. Under the editorship of V. A. Nasonova, N. In. Bunchuk. M.: Medicine. 1997; 411-28.
  • Astapenko M. G. Arealis P. S. extra-articular diseases of soft tissues of the musculoskeletal system.

To See the affected knee joint at the time of ultrasound, on the video. (video 1).