The treatment of deforming arthrosis of the knee joint 1,2,3 degree

Deforming arthrosis of the knee joint is a very painful and serious disease of the lower extremities. Most often this is a problem for older people. And the disease gives them a lot of discomfort when driving. The process of walking becomes more painful. The inevitable question arises: how to treat this disease? how to quit the pain that the movement caused agony?

the Problem of deforming arthrosis of the knee joint

In this type of osteoarthritis are actively destroyed cartilages, which connect the joints in the knee. Moreover, this process is constantly progressing, leading to violations in all surrounding joint tissues. As a result, the joint becomes deformed, there occur irreversible processes begin to suffer and other structures that are associated with it. Due to the depletion of connective tissue cartilage in the diseased joint produces other bony growths that replaces those tissues in the joint, decreases the amount of synovial fluid. The friction of the bones of the knee joint when the movements becomes painful, the spine undergoes changes in the lumbar region, begin irreversible changes in the muscles of the thigh and Shin bones. Over time the disease goes on the other foot.

cause of disease

Most common causes of deforming arthrosis associated with various injuries of the knee joint, which was accompanied by ligament tears or meniscus of the knee. Often, these violations of the integrity of the knee joint occur in professional athletes who engage in active sports (football, hockey, tennis, athletics, gymnastics, basketball, volleyball), in these sports puts too much pressure on the joints of the lower extremities, the risk of injury.

At risk are people with certain chronic illnesses. Can give such a complication of deforming arthrosis of the knee joint, the following diseases:

  • diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2
  • arthritis.

diabetes mellitus is the cause of deforming arthrosis of the knee joint

People leading a sedentary lifestyle, have excess weight, are at risk for the incidence of deforming arthrosis of the knee joints. If the above illnesses or injuries, the disease may not develop before the age of 40 years. But the older a person becomes, the worse the condition of the human body. And bones are no exception. Therefore, various diseases of bones and joints begin to manifest it in the elderly.

Symptoms of deforming arthrosis

Symptoms of this type of osteoarthritis associated with the peculiarities of the disease itself. Connective cartilage of the knee joint are destroyed, it is connected with violation of blood circulation in the joint capsule. In it there is inflammation, which causes swelling of the cartilage that connects the knee joints, and increase them. Swelling of cartilaginous tissues contributes to swelling in the knee area and its deformation.

When moving or bending the knees you can hear the crunch of the joints, such movements are accompanied by sharp pain in the area of the damaged joint, and the intensity of pain increases with time. Further pain was so severe that movement is very difficult. But at rest the pain is not always held, sometimes marked strengthening in their moments of relaxation. Due to swelling and inflammation in the knee joint of the lower limb loses mobility, movements become constrained.

overweight is the cause of deforming arthrosis of the knee joint

These symptoms will tell you about the presence of serious disease in the joints, where necessary recourse to professionals.

Types and stages

knee Osteoarthritis may be primary or secondary. Primary osteoarthritis usually occurs in people of older age as an independent disease, most often it is diagnosed in the female population. This is due to the fact that on the background of menopause changes occur in the female body, including hormonal changes and the background of the whole organism. Overweight people also suffer from primary gonarthrosis. Arthritis of the knee in acute or chronic or injury of the knees with full or partial rupture of ligaments may be the cause of secondary deforming arthrosis.

This type of osteoarthritis differ three stages of development of the disease. When 1 degree is characterized by small changes in the cartilaginous tissue of the joint. Changes in the shape of the joints at this stage does not occur. Begins the inflammatory process in the synovial capsule, leading to early changes in the periarticular tissues. If the patient is long forced to stand or walk, for raising or depressing the stairs in the jointspain occur. However, if the patient gives a break to the lower limbs, the feeling of pain goes away. The mobility at this stage is not broken.

At 2 degrees of knee joint cartilage begins to thin, and sometimes completely disappear.

a Sedentary lifestyle is the cause of deforming arthrosis of the knee joint

Walking and long standing on the feet accompanied by pain in the joints of the knees. If a person is heavy or too long walks, the lower limbs arise unpleasant sensations. The inflammatory process becomes more pronounced. Pain can be held, if a person sits or lies down to rest, but it's worth the sore joint to start moving, the pain comes back again. This disease stage is characterized by the appearance of a capsule crunching in the knee when walking. The phenomenon is amplified in the further development of the disease. As the knee bends there is a sharp pain, and bend the leg at the knee is not fully obtained. The deformation of the joint is visible even with a naked eye. The bones of the knee joint increase in size and become more coarse.

With 3 degrees of disease, there was almost complete disappearance of the cartilaginous tissue on the walls of the knee. Painful sensations more intense, even at complete rest the injured extremity they subside. The knee can't move fully, the bones even more deformed, the muscles in the thigh and lower leg is also changing. Positioning of the affected leg so as not to feel the pain, practically I don't. The flow of blood in the extremities of patients deteriorates, the joints begins to "spin" the consequence of this is the change of their form. Such changes in the bones of the joints change the way a person walks. And over time, any movement (even within the apartment) become extremely difficult, resulting in nearly complete immobilization of the patient.

Trauma is the cause of deforming arthrosis of the knee joint

Treatment DOA

To stop attacks of pain and inflammatory symptoms, are appointed non-hormonal drugs with anti-inflammatory effect (such as diclofenac, Ketoprofen, etc.). But such medications do not cure the disease, but only relieve the unpleasant symptoms with deforming arthritis. If these drugs are used for too long, cartilaginous tissue dehydrated, and the joints are quickly destroyed.

In the first stage of osteoarthritis used drugs, containing chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine. These substances stimulate tissue repair cartilage. When using these drugs the symptoms of the disease disappear, the amount of joint fluid is increased, and the cartilage begin recovery. Can be prescribed such treatments as manual therapy or different medical procedures. They are only effective in the early stages of this type of osteoarthritis. Aching joints need to be developed with the help of special exercises. A course of exercise therapy can improve the blood circulation in joints of patients, develops and strengthens the muscles of the joint.

To remove the pain and consequences of the inflammatory process in the knee, prescribed ointment and gel (Fastum-gel or the mixture diet), and corticosteroid injections. These procedures do not cure the disease but only reduce discomfort in the damaged areas. If the knee is severely deformed, then the treatment may not yield the desired result.

exercising with deforming arthrosis of the knee joint

Treatment of folk ways

Treatment of folk remedies can reduce pain in a damaged joint to relieve swelling in the knees. Any treatment of folk remedies should be carried out only after consultation with your doctor.

Dandelion can help in the treatment and removal of pain in deforming arthrosis. Fresh leaves and flowers of dandelion chew slowly until full grinding. And the infusion of dandelions on a triple Cologne is recommended to RUB into the affected knee at bedtime.

horseradish Root reduces or completely eliminates the pain of deformed joints. You have to grind the roots of this plant in a blender and put in a water bath. When the chopped roots are well steamed, they can apply evenly on dense tissue and for the night apply a compress on the sore spot. Such compresses can be applied to damaged joints permanently.

Diet and nutrition

There are a number of limitations when such kind of diseases which relate to food products and condiments. It is not recommended to salt food and use hot spices, as they promote increased appetite and increased thirst.

In addition, from the diet should exclude fatty, smoked, salted and pickled products. You can't eat pork and lamb, fatty fish (herring, etc.), meat ducks and geese. Any foods rich in carbohydrates, is allowed to appear in the body excess pounds, so white bread, sweet pastries or confectionery stands to clear the table of the patient. Under the strict prohibition of alcohol and other harmfulhabits.

Such patients are recommended broths, cooked on the bone (beef only), as well as any jellied minced meat and jellied dishes. Proteins contained in the products help to restore bone and cartilage.

You Need to eat a variety of dairy foods rich in calcium and phosphorus.