The basics of proper nutrition and diet in coxarthrosis of the hip joint

Diet for coxarthrosis of the hip joint is aimed at restoration of damaged cartilage and prevent further damage. with Osteoarthritis of the hip is a disease characterized by thinning and breakdown of cartilage, causing bone tissue to grow around the joint, blocking its mobility. this is due to metabolic disturbances and increased formation of lactic acid in the body.

Scheme coxarthrosis of the hip joint

On the severity of the coxarthrosis of the hip joint is divided into 4 stages:

  1. At first the extent of the disease, pain in the site of the lesion arise after prolonged exertion. Changes gait and posture does not occur. To detect a disease radiographically, in the picture there is a slight narrowing of the lumen between the joints.
  2. When the second degree of the disease is the destruction of cartilage. Pain worse, and pain is transmitted in the thigh and groin. At 2 degrees the pain appears alone, in the absence of physical activity. There is a change in gait, lameness appears. Reduced muscle activity, flexion, and hip extension is difficult.
  3. In the third degree occurs almost total destruction of the cartilage of the joint. When x-rays there is a remarkable narrowing of the gap of the joint, significant joint deformity. Joint area swollen. In 3 degrees of pain attacks are removed only with medication. Movement is possible only through auxiliary funds.
  4. At the fourth degree of the lesion there is a complete fusion of the bones of the hip joint, swelling of joints and surrounding tissues. Movement in the hip joint exist.

Permitted and prohibited products

Slow the breakdown of cartilage will help a specially designed diet. In the development of coxarthrosis is of considerable importance to the metabolic disorders. Food should be aimed at restoring metabolic processes and reducing excess weight.

diet for coxarthrosis of the hip joint

The meal, as with other diets, should be frequent (5-6 times per day), small portions. Food should be steamed, boiled, allowed a gentle baking in the oven. When cooking poultry must be removed from the carcass the skin. Fluid you need to drink at least 2 liters a day. The ratio of carbohydrates, fats and proteins should be in the ratio of 5:1:1.

In coxarthrosis excluded from the diet:

  1. Products containing high salt content (herring, dried fish, pickles).
  2. Products containing high fat diet (fatty meat and fish broth, mayonnaise, chocolate, butter, cream, sour cream, pork, lamb, olives).
  3. Products containing in their composition preservatives or flavor additives (canned food, sausages, chips, nuts, sauces).
  4. Food made from flour.
  5. Smoked products generated by the production of chemical additives instead of natural Smoking.

the Benefits of dairy products in coxarthrosis

healthy food when coxarthroses hip joint:

  1. Milk and low-fat milk and milk products, especially cheese, provide better digestion of milk protein and the restoration of damaged tissues, and large amounts of calcium will give the strength of bones system. Cow's milk is preferable to replace the goat.
  2. Lean meat and fish will provide the body with animal protein and vegetable protein can be obtained from lentils and buckwheat, mushrooms and beans.
  3. element for the Main cartilage collagen, contained in aspic, jelly, jellied fish, gelatin.
  4. Carbohydrates are abundantly present in cereal crops (oats, buckwheat, rice). For better digestion, porridge is boiled on a slow fire until half done, put in a warm place and allow to infuse.
  5. In the diet should be vegetable fats the form of olive or linseed oil.
  6. Vegetables and fruits, rich in vitamins and minerals.
  7. Products containing phosphorus and fluorine (seafood).
  8. of Coarse cereals are a source of iron and copper.
  9. Fixed almost all the offal (the broth can cook basic meals).
  10. Products containing in its composition many minerals and complex carbohydrates (dried fruit, raisins, dried apricots, prunes, honey).

Approximate daily ration

  1. the First Breakfast. Buckwheat porridge, boiled beef. Salad vegetables. Tea with honey.
  2. brunch. Cottage cheese with fruit or berries.
  3. Lunch. Soup mushroom broth. Oatmeal porridge with meat balls. Compote from dried fruits.
  4. afternoon Snack. Jelly from the berries. Crunches.
  5. Dinner. Jellied fish. Egg. Tea with honey.
  6. the Second dinner. The kefir. Oatmeal cookies.

Some tips

The Most effective diet is in the initial stagesof the disease, when possible the excretion of accumulated uric acid from the body, thereby reducing the inflammatory process. Properly balanced diet helps to get rid of excess weight, reduce puffiness, reduce the load on the diseased organ, thus giving the opportunity to partially or fully recover the damaged cartilage.

Diet for coxarthrosis gives a positive result in combination with medicamental therapy and physiotherapy.

The complex also includes physiotherapy. Special diet meals selected by the doctor depending on comorbidities and individual tolerance.

Additional sources:

Lip N. And., Smolyansky B. L. Diet and cooking at home. – Dnepropetrovsk: Sich, 1992.

Gurvich M. M. Nutrition for all. – M.: Medicine, 1992.