How to determine the cause of the pain in the hip joint and pelvic bones

The pain in the hip joint is a problem that occurs in different populations. Not only older people, as is commonly believed, face similar complications. Age is only one of the possible factors that may affect the deterioration of the joint. Yes, over the years, the number of people suffering from this disease increases, and wear of the joint over time – the most frequent reason for seeking medical attention.


An Important factor is the condition of the muscles (especially in the hip area), ligaments of the patient, and the amount of excess weight. People with a bad physical shape and with a large number of extra pounds the probability of occurrence of deviations is much higher. In my youth the pain in the joint most often affects women, but over time the advantage goes to the male half. It is not excluded of the disease and in children: frequent congenital pathology, and developed after birth – the consequences of dislocations, generic and other injuries.

Why there is pain in the joint

Pelvic bone Pain and lower back for various reasons. Pain can accumulate to the right or left, and spread in the whole area and beyond. Conditionally they can be divided into four main categories:

  1. Pathological changes and processes occurring directly in the joint and in the muscles and ligaments that are located around it. This group includes any injury, inflammation, degenerative changes of plan, etc.
  2. Violation of the anatomical structure of the joint when the femoral head is displaced from its normal position in the acetabulum. This can occur with various dislocations and subluxation (congenital or traumatic), with contractures of the spinal and pelvic muscles, chronic disorders of the physiological motor stereotype.
  3. Violations taking place in other systems of the body, can also cause pain in the hip area and joint. This, for example, inflammation of the pubic or sacroiliac joint, and muscle disorders in the buttocks, deviations in neurology (compression and pinched nerves, sciatica, neuritis). Often the cause of the pain is totally unrelated diseases such as flu, tonsillitis or pyelonephritis, complications in the abdominal cavity, the lumbar spine, the genitals.
  4. Psychological, or stress and pain. Occur due to severe unrest and migrated the vast majority are not a sign of disease, quickly pass.

The First and second categories based on changes that occur in the body, and the third and fourth speak of pain not associated with damage to the hip bone.

The table below shows the most common diseases:

a Change in gait, limping
PathologyDescriptionAssociated symptoms
ArthritisGeneral name for joint diseases, independent or secondary (for example, as a manifestation of rheumatic fever) due to infection, metabolic disorders, injuries, etcRestricted movement inside your legs, swelling in the hip area change its appearance
Coxarthrosis (osteoarthritis of the hip joint)Degenerative violation that affects all age groups (usually after 40 years), reducing the elasticity of cartilageInflammation, surface deformation, bone spurs, lameness due to the decrease in muscle activity
Youth epiphysiolysisthe Offset or separation of the epiphysis, latent or acute, resulting from the imbalance of growth hormones and sex hormones. Quite a rare disease, most common for girls 11-12, boys 13-14 years oldthe Offset of the hip (symptom Hofmeister), gait disorders (limp), stretch marks (striae), decreased mobility in the hip joint inside, zoom – out
Bursitis (trochanteric, iliac comb, sciatic)May develop because of injury or in the absence of obvious external factors; common disease athletes, especially runners women. Inflammation of the joint capsuleMay manifest the pain in the surrounding muscles, slight fever, decreased mobility
TendonitisDystrophy, inflammation of tendons, which can spread to the muscles. Most often seen in the attachment of tendon to bone. Causes - non-physiological loading, age-related changes in the hip jointReduced joint mobility, redness and increased temperature over the affected area, increased pain with pressure, sometimes the appearance of crackle
Disease Legg-calve-Perthesthe disruption of the normal blood supply of the femoral head, the power of cartilage. Most common in boys 3-14 years

As is clear from the table, many diseases are similar in symptoms. And it is possible that the pain radiates into the joint from surrounding tissue, and the true cause of the disease is in another area or system of the body. But there are also cases when the pain in the hip joint is projected on the knee joint. Therefore, you should refer to the definition of the diagnosis very seriously: each disease requires a specific treatment, mode of stress, of rehabilitation.

What to do before visit to the doctor

The Basis for setting the correct diagnosis are most often high-tech ways to study functions of joints (ultrasound, x-ray, etc.). Self-diagnosis is very unreliable way, which can lead to more serious complications, even disability. Despite this, we can propose a hypothesis about the cause of pain and other symptoms, to assess the functioning of the house of the limb and the affected area.

ArthritisPainful while resting on a limb, if you try to climb on tiptoe
Coxarthrosis (osteoarthritis of the hip joint)Stiffness and pain start the morning, disappearing after initially relaxing, and subsequently no facilitate
Youth epiphysiolysisat First asymptomatic, then there are pains in the knee and hip joints
Bursitis (trochanteric, iliac comb, sciatic)Pain in the groin, thighs, buttocks, strengthening it with the load on the leg, when lying on the affected side
Tendonitisat First the dull pain after a long physical work, training, further is ongoing
Disease Legg-calve-Perthesmost Often the pain starts in the hip joint, then knee

To determine possible violations, spend few tests, after simple manipulations, (don't overdo it!), and the result can be compared with the above table. Maybe this will help the specialist in making the diagnosis, however, all necessary tests will hold in place.

First, you must calm down, to relax, to exclude the influence of psychological factors on the validity check. Next – watching the body's reaction to different actions, exploring the functionality of the hip joint and the sacroiliac joints. Be careful which side there is discomfort (discomfort can occur only to the right or left, and can cover quite a large area).

How to survey at home

  1. If the abnormality is a fracture or dislocation, the mobility will be minimal, the pain is constant and sharp, worse even at the minimum voltage of the limb.
  2. Evaluate your feelings immediately after waking up: are they unpleasant when you are in a relaxed horizontal position, or only manifest themselves when you try to stand up? Main painful area (lower back, thigh, foot)?
  3. to Lie on one side and on the other. Equally if you feel both hips, is there any pain?
  4. repeatedly sit and rise from a chair. What is the reaction of the muscle, joint, back on the tension at the beginning of loading, at the end, where is the problem?
  5. Check the mobility of each articulation in the limbs: to describe a circle with the knee, the foot, to lift forward, backward, to the side. What position is most uncomfortable, as far as possible to perform each movement?
  6. to Step on her entire foot, to stand on each leg and try to rise on tiptoe.
  7. to Do squats, bending in different directions. Is there a constraint?
  8. Ask your loved ones to carefully consider your gait: if prihramyvaya, asymmetries while walking, to flood on the side.
  9. Consistently push the hands to the entire surface from the pelvis to his toes, examine the spine. Please note, in any point there is discomfort, where there are appreciable deformation.
  10. Carefully and meticulously look at ourselves in the mirror. Check, whether the symmetry of right and left, if there is any abnormal irregularities, depressions, bumps, redness. Estimate the correct position of the feet (no inversion).

for each scan, pay attention to any clicks, pokropivny and the crunch that occurs during the movement in the hip region and in all parts of the feet.

self-diagnosis of pathology of the hip joint

Where to handle the problem

The Results of your self examination, and additional tests can accurately assess the doctor. Specialists to which you want to apply:

  • trauma
  • rheumatologist
  • neurologist
  • physiotherapist

You will be assigned to the study (ultrasound, x-ray, MRI) that will allow us to accurately judge the nature of the disease, its localization, stage of complications and lesions of the hip tissue, and to prescribe the only correct optiontreatment.

Abnormalities in the hip can lead to very different consequences. Not to bring your body to a critical state up to disability, you should not delay referral to a specialist, and even with a slight suspicion of a fracture immediately call a doctor. Timely treatment will help control the disease, alleviate the symptoms and effects.

Take care of yourself at any age and be healthy!


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