The symptoms and treatment of chronic pelvic pain syndrome in men and women

Chronic pelvic pain Syndrome characterized by the presence of unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen. This disease may occur as in men and women. It can take two forms – the inflammatory and non-inflammatory.

chronic pelvic pain Syndrome

In men, chronic pelvic pain syndrome is the most commonly diagnosed form of chronic prostatitis. In women pelvic pain can have these forms:

  • dysmenorrhea – pain during menstruation
  • deep dyspareunia occurrence of pain during deep penetration during sexual intercourse;
  • pelvic pain that is worse during menstruation.

If constantly tormented by chronic pelvic pain, you need to seek help from a doctor. Men examined by a urologist, female gynecologist.

Cause of disease

In women chronic pelvic pain can be the result of inflammatory diseases of internal genital organs, gynecological diseases. When abnormalities of the reproductive organs in females also can occur this disease. Causes of chronic pelvic pain can be diseases such as atresia of the cervix, myoma of the uterus, external genital endometriosis, which occurs as a result of:

  • genital tuberculosis.
  • malignant ovarian tumors.
  • kidney stones.
  • sympodialis.
  • chronic cystitis.
  • varicose veins of the pelvis.
  • vascular disease.

chronic pelvic pain Syndrome in men

In men, chronic pelvic pain is a result of inflammation of internal genital organs, stones in the prostate or cysts. Also the reasons of occurrence of illness may make the chronic urinary tract infections, cancer of the male genital organs, urethritis, chronic cystitis. The syndrome of chronic pelvic pain in males can occur due to adhesions in the pelvis, chronic constipation, proctitis, hemorrhoids, anal fissures.


The Main symptoms of chronic pelvic pain in men – pain in the groin area, the perineum, the sacrum, the womb, the penis. The character of pain is different

  • weak aching;
  • depressing
  • exhausting
  • chronic
  • intensive firing.

In the presence of disease very often appear symptoms such as pain in the urethra, and burning and itching in that area. Sexual attraction of males with chronic pelvic pain decreases, and the erection is deteriorating, there is premature ejaculation, painful urination, sensation of incomplete urination. Chronic pelvic pain men become aggressive, frustrated. They feel inadequate. Can also be symptoms such as mood swings, fears and depression.

The Symptoms in women are a little different. They feel pain in the suprapubic portion, crotch, top or bottom of the belly.

Syndrome of chronic pelvic pain in women

location of pain (table 1)

Structuresegment inertiaPotential location of
Urinary bladderT11-L2
Sacral and suprapubic, thoracolumbar region
PeritoneumS2 S4rectum, sacrum, suprapubic region
Fallopian tubeT10-L1lower abdominal and lower back
Medial surface of the thigh, perineum, upper and lower abdomen, thoracolumbar region
KidneyT10-L1the Upper part of the abdomen, below the waist
AicnT10-T11lower abdominal and lower back
Sacrum, lower abdomen, medial surface of the thigh
WombT10-L1lower abdominal and lower back

In the urine when the disease can occur pathological impurities. Painful urination, feeling of incomplete evacuation.


Confirm the disease in women in a laboratory is almost impossible, so the diagnosis of men and women put on the presence of symptoms. During the visit, the doctor listens carefully to the complaints and conducts a detailed inspection. The patient must pass urine analysis.

The Men assess the symptoms of prostatitis, uroflowmetry, microscopic examination of prostate secretion. Women undergo a detailed examination by a gynecologist. Regardless of the sex of the patient can be made by ultrasound examination for determination of residue of urine after emptying. Indiagnosed very important role is played by microbiological diagnosis. In some cases, may be assigned to clinical, laboratory tests or invasive investigations.

To Diagnose chronic pelvic pain syndrome in men themselves is almost impossible. It is therefore necessary to seek help from the person who most accurately determine the symptoms.

Particular treatment

Treatment of disease aims to the activity of neurons in the pain path was reduced to a minimum. This purpose can be used medical remove the sources of pain way. In some cases the patient eliminate the sources surgically. As a result of treatment of the disease the spread of pain impulses in the ways of pain sensitivity is lost, the threshold of perception is changed, and the productivity of the pain system is improved.

If you experience the first signs of the syndrome of chronic pelvic pain patients should seek help from a doctor. Independently use one of the methods of treatment is very dangerous.

In order to eliminate the causes of pain in women can be used antiviral, protivoallergennye, antibacterial drugs, acting positively to elimination of certain pathogens. During treatment, the female can prescribe nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and antispasmodics.

chronic pelvic pain Syndrome

In order to correct biochemical and neurotrophic processes women use such methods of treatment:

  • antioxidant and enzyme therapy;
  • hormone replacement therapy
  • vitamin therapy
  • hormone therapy
  • physiotherapy.

Physiotherapy is the use of transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation, fluctuating, dynamic, sine-simulated currents. This treatment is used for localization of chronic pain of inflammatory origin. Vitamin therapy is the use of a comprehensive multivitamin drugs, folic and ascorbic acids, in the treatment by this method of enzymatic biochemical reactions in tissues are normalized.

To improve nutrition in the tissues and metabolism in women used enzyme and antioxidant therapy. Most often patients are prescribed calcium gluconate, instenon, kokarboksilazu – drugs aimed at improving cell metabolism. Hormone replacement therapy is the use of drugs, such as utrogestan, examined, novinet, LOGEST.

Members of the male for the treatment of pelvic pain syndrome may be prescribed antibiotics, antidepressants, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants. Depending on the causes of the disease the doctor may prescribe alpha blockers, herbal drugs, pain medications, cytomedines, antispasmodics, anxiolytics.

Quite effective method of treatment of chronic pelvic pain in men is physical therapy. During its implementation uses training using biofeedback. Apply this treatment together with medication.

Men often do prostate massage. This is because during the diagnosis of chronic pelvic pain syndrome can not detect changes in the prostate, which leads to errors in determining the form of prostatitis.

Treatment of chronic pelvic pain syndrome is aimed at eliminating the causes. It is depending on symptoms and individual characteristics of the patient.