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Causes, symptoms and treatment of osteoarthritis of the maxillo-facial (temporo-mandibular) joint

Very serious disease, osteoarthritis maxillofacial joint replacement is increasingly common. A few decades ago people believed that the osteoarthritis of the temporomandibular joint is a disease specific to people aged. If the youth and diagnosed osteoarthritis of the jaw, it is only as a result of injury. Today, doctors diagnose the disease in people who are younger than 55 years more often. Almost half of the population suffers from this disease before the onset of 55 years, and 70 years this figure rises to 90%. The peak of the disease osteoarthritis, the jaw joint (TMJ) happens in age from 32 to 50 years.

the Problem of osteoarthritis maxillofacial joint

Causes and risk factors of osteoarthritis of the TMJ

Joint, located between the upper and lower jaw, gives mobility. Thanks to him, a person can chew food, to make any other movements with the mouth, to speak. Osteoarthritis of the jaw joint starts from the thinning of cartilage. Even the slightest movement of the jaw causes a person severe pain. In the process of development of the disease the pain becomes common, goes on the nose, leads to a lay ear. The reasons that cause a person develops osteoarthritis:

  1. Age.
  2. Hereditary factor.
  3. Menopause in women.
  4. Operation.
  5. Injury.
  6. Change your bite because of missing teeth.
  7. Inflammation.
  8. other types of illness.

to Diagnose osteoarthritis of the temporomandibular joint or the jaw joint is very difficult, as in the early stages of the disease are not observed any symptoms.

Heredity - the cause of osteoarthritis maxillofacial joint

Symptoms develop when the disease is in an acute stage. Of the symptoms of osteoarthritis maxillofacial can highlight the main:

  1. the First and major symptom of osteoarthritis is pain, the presence of pain. The person experiences pain while eating, chewing food. Once developed this symptom, you should quickly begin treatment. Treatment appoint a doctor.
  2. Development of crackle and clicks during the opening and closing of the mouth. These two symptoms are also characteristic of severe stage of osteoarthritis of the jaw joint, and as soon as they appear, consult a doctor.
  3. Face is asymmetrical. The presence of the symptom is observed even at a cursory glance.
  4. Stiffness after sleep, inability to erection of the mouth after the rest, numbness of the jaw. Upon detection of a symptom should consult a doctor who will prescribe an effective treatment.
  5. In the latter stages people may notice signs such as the formation of tumors, and hearing loss.

In the early stages of the disease did not manifest itself. Often it is found by the dentist during the visit.

X-rays of the jaw to diagnose osteoarthritis of maxillofacial joint

As a result of the running of osteoarthritis of the jaw joint it can lead to complete immobility. In addition, painful sensation in my head almost gone, and the inflammation may spread to the third-party system.

In the final stages of the disease to reduce pain or to affect the health of the person becomes very difficult. However, a disease that is almost impossible to resolve at the last stage is treated early in development. As a result of treatment in the early stages can completely get rid of osteoarthritis of the localization. Therapy of osteoarthritis of the jaw joint is prescribed only after a full examination of the patient. Need the following tests for the purpose of treatment:

  • x-ray
  • CT scan
  • MRI.

Effective treatment of osteoarthritis of maxillofacial joint replacement surgery is performed infrequently. Surgery is prescribed only when a gentle or restorative treatment gave no positive effect.

traditional Methods of therapy

All arthritis is Usually treated by eliminating the clinical manifestations of the disease.

Healthy and diseased joint

what symptoms of osteoarthritis of the jaw, depends entirely on which drug is prescribed by a physician for the treatment of:

  1. To reduce inflammation and relieve swelling doctors usually prescribe NSAIDs group. Additionally appointed vasoconstrictor drugs. Often a doctor prescribes a medical blockade. Inflammation and swelling can cause the development of a pinched nerves on the face. When the research showed inflammation, can often be prescribed antibiotics.
  2. To establish the metabolic processes. Salt will not be delayed if the synthesis is working properly. To blood flow was normal, the doctor usually appoints vasodilator drugs.
  3. To restore cartilage. If as a result of researches assigned by the doctor, confirmed the development of degenerativechanges at the initial stage, then usually doctors prescribe chondroprotectors. Restoration of the cartilaginous tissue occurs after long-term administration of drugs. Not less than 6 months should apply for the scheme, which will prescribe the doctor. The maximum effect of chondroprotectors give when the disease is in the stage of calm.
  4. To provide nutrients to affected areas. Comprehensive treatment involves the intake of vitamins and minerals. Special attention should be given to drugs that contain a lot of calcium.

What can be the treatment of DOA?

Degenerative changes in tissues, unfortunately, in most cases the process is irreversible. On this basis, to treat arthritis require an integrated approach, starting with traditional medicine to further the use of traditional methods of therapy. At the initial stage osteoarthritis of the jaw, you can pause and bring the disease into a state of prolonged remission. Diagnosis is a very important aspect of treatment. Only after a series of tests, the doctor can prescribe effective therapy. Good effect the following measures:

  1. Diet. Soft food is recommended. It is better to grind meats and vegetables to prepare soups. The load on the joints during treatment should be minimal.
  2. Should be deleted ruminant, long conversation and provide their own protection against overload of the nervous system, stress and anxiety.
  3. Arthrology may prescribe physiotherapy, laser, massage. It is good to visit the medical procedures in accordance with the policy.
  4. visit to the dentist to change the occlusion, implantation, and therapy of dental diseases.
  5. Medications are prescribed by a doctor, if these methods did not lead to positive changes. Prescribe medication groups against inflammation NSAIDs, antibiotics, ointments, injections.
  6. surgery. Rarely assigned, and in the process retract the jaw head is held prosthetics and rehabilitation therapy.

If there has been a strain and a pinched nerve, the pain may radiate to other places, in this case the treatment is to eliminate symptoms in the location of the pain. Alternative medicine is also aimed at the elimination of symptoms and causes. To apply it only in complex with traditional treatment methods.

Additional sources:

Handbook of rheumatology. A. Hakim, G. Clooney, I. Haq.

Clinical rheumatology, Nasonova V. A., Astapenko M. G.