Arthrosis of the ankle joint: degree, symptoms and treatment methods

If you started to develop osteoarthritis of the ankle joint, the symptoms and treatment of the disease need to know in order to avoid serious complications.

the Problem of osteoarthritis of the ankle joint

Symptoms of disease

First, the disease practically does not make himself known, and the first stage can quietly take place over some time. Each person has the disease manifests in different ways and stages of the disease will depend on the severity of the inflammatory response. The symptoms can manifest as follows:

  1. Coarse crackle. It occurs when driving. This is due to the roughness of the surface of the joints.
  2. Pain. They occur during exercise. There is pain during rest. She's fickle and dumb, may be increased when the feet in the water or in wet weather.
  3. Stiffness of the ankle. Usually appears in the morning, along with muscle tension and stiffness.
  4. Bony growths. For the entire period of development of the disease the joints are deformed, so that there are difficulties with walking and subsequently changing the position of the body.
  5. Swelling. On the site of the lesion formed by swelling and swelling, red spots.
  6. Increased temperature. This symptom is common and can indicate not only a disease of the joints.
  7. Corn. Arthrosis may appear calluses, decreased performance. In addition, a person gets tired much faster.
  8. disruption of the joint. At the late stage of the disease the joint functions are violated, there are heberden's polyarthritis, and in some areas there is a thickening. After some time, bony growths can affect the appearance.

fever in osteoarthritis

Degree of osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis of 1 degree is the initial stage, during which hardly can be noticed the pain in the foot. When you do this exercise, even the most minimal, cause rapid fatigue.

Osteoarthritis of the 2nd degree is the next stage in which pain sensations are amplified. At this stage, some movements difficult, and the head of the first metatarsal bone growths are observed, missing previously.

If time does not begin treatment, the degeneration of processes increases, and pain becoming the norm throughout the day.

Osteoarthritis of the 3 degree – this is the most dangerous stage at which the ankle is deformed, and movement in this area impossible or severely hampered.

After an internal or external trauma may develop post-traumatic arthrosis of the joint. In addition, this disease can develop on the background of injuries of the talus and the tibia of the ankle. While the bone surface is deformed and becomes uneven, and the joints formed by the tumor.

overweight is the cause of osteoarthritis

First aid and tactics of treatment

Treatment of osteoarthritis aims primarily to:

  1. Remove the pain.
  2. to Exclude an inflammatory process or reduce it.
  3. to Restore the functioning of the joint.
  4. to Lead a normal trophic exchange.

If we make every effort to treatment at the initial stage of the disease, the process will be much faster, but all methods will operate more efficiently. So when the first symptoms should seek help from a specialist.

Often this problem occurs in people who are overweight, so your body needs just to keep in shape. If you have extra pounds, it is necessary to follow a diet. Selection of shoes also plays a role. Stilettos and narrow toe is not the most appropriate option, it is best to opt for sustainable shoes with heels of medium height.

by the Way, the first symptom in osteoarthritis of the ankle is a deformity of the big toe. If the case is more advanced, then the modification will affect all the fingers, in this case, all phalanges are bent at the same time. Usual footwear is becoming not fit, and in some places appears discomfort. In this case, you will need to choose more appropriate footwear, although this process becomes much more problematic.

Diet for osteoarthritis

In addition, at the beginning of the disease worsens the psychological condition. This applies mainly to ladies, as graceful and beautiful shoes should be changed to not less presentable shoes with low heel and broad nose.

the Main aspects of therapy DOA

In the treatment of osteoarthritis applied a range of methods. Their task is as follows:

  1. physical Therapy and therapeutic exercise. The patient will be offered a customized set of exercises. Perhaps the direction of the laser, magnetic therapy, electrophoresis, UHF and phonophoresis.
  2. Ontoday there are groups that use the gym. Applies manual therapy and massage therapy.
  3. arthritis of the ankle is removed with the help of conservative treatment. In this case there are non-steroidal drugs that can relieve pain in the joints and stop the progression of the inflammatory process.
  4. Osteoarthritis treated using medications. Mainly using drugs-steroids. They are injected directly into the joint. Mainly used piroxicam, ortofen, indometacin, ibuprofen. These funds are intended to improve in cartilage tissue metabolism.
  5. Surgical intervention is required with the ineffectiveness of previous methods.

Currently actively used glycosaminoglycans.

Drug treatment of osteoarthritis

Are drugs derived from animal cartilage. It is believed that they contain substances, which are responsible for the recovery of an ankle.

To restore and improve blood circulation, the doctor prescribes biostimulants.

Massage as a method of correction of pathology

To begin healing massage, the patient is laid back on the couch or takes a sitting position. Then extrude the leg, and Achilles tendon the cushion is placed to maintain weight on your heels. The affected joint will be relaxed.

Massage Begins with massaging the front of the ankle that goes into rubbing motion. Movements gradually become more complex and go straight to rubbing, which uses mounds of big toes and base of the palms. Each movement is performed at least 4 times and not more than 6. At the end of the massage apply a concentric stroking.

In the same way is massage the back part of the ankle. Moreover, movements are performed from the bottom to the calf muscles via the Achilles tendon.

At the end of the massaging foot rubbing movement.

Therapeutic exercises in osteoarthritis


To cure the osteoarthritis of the ankle joint, often used exercise. In order for this technique to be truly effective, must be given physical training per day hours. Only then will see good results. To strengthen the result, it is best to follow a diet that can recommend a doctor.

Physical therapy Treatment involves the use of the following exercises:

  1. the First exercise involves rotation stop in the supine position. Movements should be deep. Better to make high quality, but not enough.
  2. the Second exercise involves movement of the feet in different directions.
  3. To be exercises to be effective you need to sit on a chair and put your feet firmly on the floor. Socks and heels alternately to raise and lower, without lifting feet from the surface.

Used and exercise, which will need the help of another person. The assistant should be hit by the heel and the talus. You need to stop to lend a hand. Such movements are performed from the ankle.

Additional methods

restore the functionality of the foot with the help of physiotherapy. To restore the normal operation of the foot often used heat treatments. They allow you to keep the cartilage of the joints and to prevent their destruction. In addition, this method removed the inflammatory process. Often, this type of therapy is used in combination with medical drugs.

Surgical treatment of osteoarthritis

Physiotherapy in osteoarthritis involves the treatment by using:

  • ultrasound
  • microwave therapy
  • heating applications
  • electrophoresis
  • of hypobaric hypoxic stimulation.

The Use of a laser. Osteoarthritis of the ankle and also treated with laser therapy. But this method is resorted to only in the case where the treatment affects only a separate plot. So relieves pain, but only on the first and second stage of the disease. To feel the relief, you need to laser therapy in the complex:

  1. Very often accelerated the effect of laser is used in combination with medication. This complex is applied in order to reduce the harm of drugs.
  2. and Laser combined with exercise and massage and manual therapy. In no event it is impossible to perform the self-treatment with laser.

What should be the diet in osteoarthritis? According to ICD 10, with osteoarthritis of the ankle you need a special diet. This method will not only make the treatment effective, but will also keep the body in good shape.

If the treatment is applied diet, inflammation in the cartilage is reduced and in the joints the pain goes away much faster. This method allows you to get rid of the tumor and suspend the aging process.

The Essence of the diet is the use of fruit is a pomegranate. Its juice is capable of preventing inflammation and the formation of a tumor. It is also useful to eat fish, peppers and pineapples.

In the days of the diet you need to take fish oil. So the condition of the tissues improves, inflammation decreases, thus formed tumor. In addition, fish oil has a positive effect on bones, cartilage andjoints. It is recommended to use fresh vegetables, because they contain plenty of antioxidants responsible for fighting free radicals that trigger the aging process.

how to treat arthritis, can be obtained from the doctor in any case should not self-medicate. Only a doctor will be able to specify which of ointments, treatments and diet you want to apply.

Doctors recommend a day to drink at least one glass of natural squeezed orange juice. Its use will reduce the disease is not less than 16%.