What is deforming arthrosis of the joints of the foot, its symptoms and treatment?

Osteoarthritis of the foot is a disease of chronic nature that are based on degenerative damage of cartilage in the joints, inflammation of the periarticular tissues and the violation of them in circulation and metabolism. In some areas of the foot appear sharp unexpected pain, especially they occur during physical activity, if the illness is running, and the pain occurs at rest.

the Problem of osteoarthritis in the foot

A Further manifestation is the shape deformation of the fingers, appear in areas of excessive load painful calluses. Any physical activity brings pain and after some time formed a peculiar gait, which manifested in the reluctance of the patient to stand on the destroyed joint, thus there is a redistribution of load to the outer edge of the foot. A sick person is fatigue, formed a peculiar gait, he seeks to avoid the need to rely on the affected joint, resulting in significantly decreases its activity and ability to work. Sometimes osteoarthritis of the foot leads to disability. Most often destroys articular tissue of the thumb of the lower extremity.

The Most common age group that falls under the development of this disease are women who are more than 45 years. with the older the person, the higher the risk of arthritis of the joints of the foot. Deforming arthrosis of the foot often occurs in athletes and people who often experience prolonged physical activity. Many wonder how to treat arthrosis of the foot and what are its causes.

the Degree of osteoarthritis in the foot

Reasons that contribute to the development of the disease

Distinguish a large number of factors, which forms an arthrosis of small joints of the foot and there is deformity of the interphalangeal joint. A large number of these factors due to intense pace of life or disruption in the circulation of the inflow and outflow of blood in the body. The main causes of arthritis of the joints of the foot:

  • design features of the foot, for example, the foot may be too wide, the legs may be of different lengths and distorted configuration;
  • the toes can be deformed, twisted the thumb;
  • prolonged heavy exercise on movable joints, prolonged stay in an upright position, carrying heavy loads, overweight;
  • injuries, sprains, bruises, cracks in the joint and in the cartilage, involuntary repetitive stress injuries when strength training, ignoring the injuries that appear in sports, ends with arthrosis of the joints of the foot;
  • permanent hypothermia of the feet;
  • crashing in metabolism, chronic inflammatory processes, disorders in the endocrine system;
  • related diseases of cartilage and joints (polyarthritis, arthritis).

overweight is the cause of osteoarthritis in the foot

There are also factors that provoke chronic arthritis of the joints of the foot. These include genetic predisposition, if blockierten also suffered from arthritis of the joints of the foot. The disease can occur due to wearing tight and uncomfortable shoes, if the toe compresses the foot, and the heel is not too high. After some time this leads to deformation of the great toe and arthritis of the joints of the foot. Common cause is improper lifestyle, unbalanced diet, sudden cessation of resistance training or exercise (when muscles weaken, and the joints are loose), professional sports, high growth provokes prolonged stress on the joints of the feet.

Osteoarthritis of 1 degree occurs for no apparent reason, even if the cartilage is not subjected to injuries or changes in their tissues. In this case, the disease affects different joints. Arthrosis of the 2 degree may appear after diseases of blood vessels, severe injuries, destruction of bone tissue. In this case, arthritis of the joints of the foot are subjected to one or two joints.

the Mechanism of occurrence of arthrosis of the joints of the foot

At the beginning affects the cartilage that protect the bones (that's why the disease is also called deforming osteoarthritis, affecting one leg or both). The cartilage becomes stiff, starts their destruction, depreciation stops because pressure on the bone surface, the latter has experienced continued strong mechanical stresses, injuries of tendons and ligaments.

Heredity - the cause of osteoarthritis in the foot

In areas of congestion the blood circulation disorder, appear bone and cartilage overgrowth (osteophytes). 2 the degree of the disease is characterized by changes in articular surfaces, resulting in the limited joint mobility occurs atrophy of the neighboring muscles. With 2 degrees of lesions of osteoarthritis of joints of the foot occur irreversiblechanges in periarticular tissues, can form cysts. As with arthritis, arthritis of the joints of the foot in the first stage, as the disease does not manifest itself.

The Treatment of arthrosis of the 2nd degree complicated by the fact that the deformation of the toes and locking them in the wrong position. First they change the appearance of the first toe, and then under the pressure of his deformed fingers. 2 the extent of the disease is difficult to treat.

Symptoms pathology

Classic manifestations may be different in all patients.

The brightness of the expression of symptoms and inflammation depends on the degree of progression of the disease.

fatigue is a symptom of osteoarthritis in the foot

The Main symptoms of osteoarthritis that affects the leg are:

  • during locomotor activity there is a specific crunch in joints;
  • during physical activity pain appears, it disappears in the quiescent state, the pain is usually dull in nature and periodic, can be exacerbated in wet weather and in contact joints of patients with water, complete immobilization is rare, often formed stiffness
  • signs of osteoarthritis in the foot are the stiffness of polipropilene, and throughout the day joints are limited in the diseased area of muscle dressed up;
  • joints are deformed with time, and cure osteoarthritis at such an advanced stage is very difficult;
  • gradually a gait disturbance for the reason that a person unconsciously tries to reduce the load on the affected joint;
  • symptoms of this disease is swelling, redness, swelling at the affected joint;
  • can increase the body temperature (in case of any exacerbations of diseases of the joints);
  • there is excessive fatigue and reduction of disability;
  • in advanced stages of the disease there is a disruption of the functioning of the joints, appears their thickening and bone expansion.

fever in osteoarthritis of the foot

Share the three main stages of progression of the disease. At the first stage there is slight soreness of the legs and fatigue when the stress on the legs. On the second degree increases pain and limited movement. If untreated, the disease progresses and more difficult to follow-up treatment. In the third degree occurs a deformation of bones and severe restriction of mobility, and lower leg occurs swelling and redness that motor activity is difficult.

Features therapy

How to treat arthrosis of the foot, this question bothers many people, confronted with this problem. Timely access to a doctor in order to make a diagnosis and choose proper treatment. When setting has been diagnosed, treatment should be comprehensive. The main objective of this treatment is the reduction of painful symptoms and normalization of motor functions. The main methods for treatment are rehabilitation techniques such as therapeutic exercises in osteoarthritis of the foot (includes special exercises to restore joint mobility), massage therapy, physiotherapy – therapy with magnets, moxibustion, ultrasound. Can also be treated using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that relieves inflammatory symptoms and pain. The basis of this treatment is drugs such as Ibuprofen, Indomethacin, Piroxicam, and others.

Ibuprofen in osteoarthritis of the foot

Can be assigned the injection of certain drugs into the diseased joint, these remedies improve the circulation and metabolism in cartilaginous tissues. The treatment is the assignment of vitamin complexes and bracing means.

Appointed by chondroprotectors, analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs. Treat osteoarthritis and with the help of oral medication, the purpose of which is the removal of inflammation and pain, rebuild cartilage tissue and joint mobility. Treatment of osteoarthritis of the feet may drugs in various formulations – tablets, capsules, ointments. Treatment of osteoarthritis requires adherence to a special diet, which involves the rejection of salt, fatty, spicy, spicy food. Such a diet promotes rapid recovery of motor functions. If all methods are ineffective, surgical treatment, but this is rare.

When treating such diseases are applied and folk ways that do well with the main symptoms of the disease. To restore disturbed functions used baths, lotions, compresses.

For the prevention of osteoarthritis it is necessary to wear comfortable footwear that does not compress the legs. The heel should be low. Watch your diet, include foods that contain essential for joints vitamins and minerals, avoid excessive consumption of salt. Monitor your body weight, in order not to cause extra strain on the feet. Promptly treat comorbidities of the musculoskeletal system. Walk more often barefoot on sand, grass and pebbles, it helps to improve blood circulation.