Extent, symptoms, and treatment of deforming osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint

Osteoarthritis is a disease causing destruction of joints. Osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint is one of its chronic forms. The basis of the disease – degeneration of the hyaline cartilage.

the Problem of osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint


Such a nasty illness, such as osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint, cause by many factors. And yet there are three main reasons:

  • dysplasia (presence of congenital characteristics of the joint, leading to violations of biomechanics);
  • trauma (the main cause of the disease)
  • inflammatory process (the presence of autoimmune abnormalities, infection, chronic diseases, which are accompanied by inflammation).

risk Factors that can trigger the onset and development of osteoarthritis:

  • excess weight
  • is unusual for a joint mechanical stress;
  • joint surgeries
  • heredity
  • trauma to joint tissues;
  • malfunction of the endocrine system;
  • diseases affecting bone and joint tissue;
  • insufficient amounts of female sex hormones.

overweight is the cause of osteoarthritis

Symptoms of osteoarthritis

Because the inflammatory process is virtually absent, to identify this disease in the initial stage is quite difficult. Therefore, it is necessary to know its symptoms. Pain – first and the main symptom of osteoarthritis. It becomes stronger during the movement. In the presence of osteophytes when hand movement occurs click. If the disease develops further, the mobility of the damaged joint. The first stages have the following symptoms:

  • pain in the joints that appear at the end of the day;
  • in the morning the pain is absent, but there is swelling and deformity in the area of joint;
  • after the peace observed limited mobility.

As with all chronic illnesses, deforming osteoarthritis can be successfully treated in the early stages. If in the joint causes severe pain, you need to immediately consult a doctor. To suspend or completely get rid of the process of degeneration of joint can be regular use:

  • chondroprotectors;
  • dietary supplements with collagen content;
  • systematic exercises of corrective gymnastics.

Heredity - the cause of osteoarthritis

Procedure diagnosis

Accurate diagnosis is possible after undergoing clinical and instrumental procedures.

Clinical characteristics for this disease:

  • a feeling of pain in the shoulder joint (the peak intensity on the evening and during exercise);
  • formation of nodules in the deformed joint;
  • signs of osteoarthritis (a decrease in the gap in the joint, osteophytes) recorded on x-ray images;
  • diagnostic testing (detect deviations);
  • the results of the examination of synovial fluid
  • morphological changes (detected in the course of carrying out magnetic resonance and computed tomography).

After the test to determine the amount of degenerative changes.

X-rays for the diagnosis of osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint has the following main periods of the disease:

  1. 0 degrees – the symptoms are absent, the joint is healthy.
  2. of 1 degree – slight damage to cartilaginous tissue of the joint, cystic change.
  3. 2 degree – is characterized by the presence of osteophytes, signs of contraction in 1/3 of the joint cavity.
  4. 3 degree – 2 degree of symptoms increases. The gap narrows so that the movements become restricted. They are accompanied by intense pain.
  5. 4 degree – is accompanied by a complete constriction of the slit and the knitting of the bones. More common in older people.

Arthritis tends constantly to progress. It is therefore very important to start treatment at an early stage.

How to treat pathology?

There are two ways of treating osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint:

  • medical
  • operations.

When medical treatment used physiotherapy, medication, constant physiotherapy and massage.

Surgical treatment of osteoarthritis

Use such medicines:

  1. Chondroprotectors. They improve the structure of cartilage. This gives the opportunity to partially recover the damage.
  2. non-Steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Cropped the inflammatory process and reduce pain.
  3. Muscle relaxants Central action. Eliminate spasm of the shoulder muscles and improve his motor ability.
  4. Different medicines that improve the blood supply to the tissues of the affected joint.

In medical treatment plays a big role usephysiotherapy, cryotherapy, massage and laser therapy. If during the long period of medical treatment does not produce the desired results, or the patient later asked for help to a specialist (joint collapsed completely) require surgical intervention.

Under surgical treatment, understand the replacement of diseased joint with an endoprosthesis. Type of prosthesis depends on the extent of injury of the shoulder joint:

  • in case of partial defeat replace individual components of the shoulder joint;
  • in total defeat remove the remains of the diseased joint and replace it with artificial parts.

baking soda for the treatment of osteoarthritis

Now medicine not all cases can help. Although the vast majority of situations proper medicines are able to stop the development of disease. This improves motor activity of the affected shoulder joint.

Almost always, to improve results of medication therapy, to it is attached the appropriate treatment folk remedies. Such medicines are very useful for oversaturated medications of the body. They do not accumulate in organs in the form of harmful substances and is quite easily removed. Some of them have a very strong effect and may have contraindications for taking together with the medications. Therefore, prior consultation with doctor is mandatory. To be treated at home, make your own:

  • rubbing and baths, compresses and ointment (for external use)
  • teas and infusions, decoctions and tinctures (for internal use).

Traditional medicine offers effective recipes:

  1. Starting with the lowest dose, on an empty stomach drink baking soda. Drink only warm water.
  2. bath or a compress of pine needles or hay dust has a positive effect on the affected joint.
  3. Good anesthetizes the patient's joint the compress on the night of the cabbage leaf with honey, wrapped with warm cloth.
  4. Paste of raw onion applied to the affected area (3 times a day for half an hour), is of great help to treatment.
  5. Eating in any kind of nettle relieves pain in the joints.
  6. pour the Boiling water two teaspoons of berries of bilberry, wrap and infuse for 15 minutes. Infusion drink two SIPS throughout the day.
  7. Ointment made from bee propolis (3 g) and lard (50 g), rubbed in daily.

Traditional methods of treatment of joints a lot. Healers use to relieve symptoms aloe, vinegar, Shilajit, honey, garlic oil, paraffin, clay.

Warning and prevention

For people most at risk of appearance and development of this disease, preventive measures are of particular importance.

Osteoarthritis is characteristic of chronic course and recurrent exacerbations. For this reason, measures aimed at the prevention of exacerbations and slowing the development of the disease, should bear the character of secondary prevention. And pay special attention to diet and movement regime.

exacerbations of osteoarthritis the patient needs to rest the joint. After reducing pain, physical activity should be increased. But do not overload the joint. Gymnastic exercises should be gentle. "Breaking salt" in the joint leads only to further injury and inflammation of the tissues, the worsening of the condition.

Patients with osteoarthritis suggest that you diet and rational eating. Recommend to limit the use of carbohydrates and fats, salt and alcohol. For complex therapy of prescribe food supplements that contain glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate.