How to identify and treat post-traumatic arthrosis of the joints?

Post-Traumatic osteoarthritis at the present time is a fairly common disease. with osteoarthritis can cause a lot of reasons, but one of the most frequent are injuries. post-Traumatic arthritis affects in most cases men from 18 to 50 years and women from 25 to 55 years.

Symptoms of post-traumatic osteoarthritis

No matter what caused the injury: unsuccessful cleaning, work, accident or sports. If the joint has been subject to strong impact, in most cases, after some time, he again will respond with osteoarthritis.

This type of disease in ICD-10 related to the secondary, i.e. It may occur only after injury.

The Most common example is trauma to the joint, during which the tissues are torn, and next in the tear occurs the inflammation, passing on the joint.

To injuries that can cause arthritis include:

  • sprains
  • fractures
  • dislocation
  • meniscus rupture.

Almost all injuries cannot be nullified. Even mild trouble you could just forget after a couple of minutes, touches nerves and blood vessels, which in the future may impact the deterioration of metabolism in the joint, and if there has been serious trauma to the nerves, disrupted the transmission of commands from the brain to the joints, there is a partial loss of function of the joint.

Both of these factors are early degenerative changes in the joint, resulting in arthritis.

the Occurrence of osteoarthritis due to injury

Characteristics of

How to develop post-traumatic osteoarthritis of the ankle joint? The best example for the consideration of the symptoms and treatment of post-traumatic arthrosis of the ankle joint acts. It is selected due to the fact that everyone at least once a year tucks the ankle joint. The disease develops in the early stages hidden. The patient may forget about the injury, she will not send any signals, and one can conclude that the joint has recovered or was not damaged. But after a few days or even weeks while walking begins to feel light pain or just a person walks, unconsciously twist their foot.

The Joint is not designed for this type of walk, and the lateral load for it becomes destructive, leading to weakening of ligaments and muscles. Pain much worse after physical exertion on the ankle, and eventually even become chronic. Then begins the process of deformation of bone tissue, limited mobility of a joint.

But it is worth to note that the serious injury is not necessary. Frequent microtrauma impairs the metabolism of joint of ankle, and these include even walking on high heels.

How to develop post-traumatic arthrosis of the knee joint? Osteoarthritis of the knee is also very common type of the disease. The consequences of osteoarthritis of the knee is much more serious, as this area accounts for a large portion of the shock-absorbing function during movement. It all starts with trauma, which most often occurs a disorder of innervation.

the Occurrence of osteoarthritis due to obesity

This process ensures the connection with the Central nervous system, which conducts control over the activity of the tissue based on the signals sent by the organs to the brain and back.

If the violation has occurred, it changes the number of substances for the nutrition of tissues and supply them with the necessary minerals that should flow into the joint. Most of their number are sorely lacking.

The First signs of this type of arthrosis:

  • congestion
  • gradual restriction of the amplitude of motion at the knee;
  • the appearance of the lungs pain when bending the joint.

After that starts to decrease the amount of synovial fluid, which is the main lubricant for proper operation of the cartilages, thereby increasing intra-articular pressure on the parts, and it already causes destruction of cartilage.

The First change will be the drying up of the cartilage, then the violation of its integrity. If it is not treated, it can almost completely be erased.

The Second option is caused by individual pathology to a metabolic disorder. In this case, in the joint are not formed of the substance of sulfuricacid and chondroitin sulfate.

Physical activity for the treatment of osteoarthritis

If the problems with lack of chondroitin sulfate, the movement of the joint will be accompanied by a crunch that appears due to the lack of lubrication. If there was a shortage of sulfuricacid, the joint is almost unable to resist the inflammation.

If this period is not engaged in treatment of the osteoarthritis, then it will go the bones of the knee and cause changes to them: will begin to form osteophytes, or bony growths. The joint becomes deformed, and this leads to atrophy of the muscles of the knee.

Trauma is not the only factor that can cause post-traumatic osteoarthritis of the knee. Toit can result:

  1. endocrine system Diseases.
  2. Obesity.
  3. Frequent inflammatory diseases of upper respiratory tract.

The Symptoms, when it is necessary to begin treatment:

  1. Knee begins to crack as when you load, and during normal walking.
  2. Pain manifested at the initial stage only during dynamic movements, and then become chronic.
  3. Limited mobility of the knee.
  4. Knee strain, swelling may occur.
  5. Causes inflammation of the skin at the injury site.

Such diseases as osteoarthritis of the wrist joint, occurs much less frequently, as the wrist can be damaged only if you fall on your hand or because of the work associated with the permanent shock, or vibration. The development and treatment of this type of is similar to osteoarthritis of the knee, but the problems it brings much less.


Treated for post-traumatic osteoarthritis requires a lifetime, because this disease is chronic. The main goal of treatment is to slow down the progression of the disease and relieve symptoms. What course of treatment will be prescribed depends on what will show x-rays, because they can see exactly at what stage of the disease.

The Patient is prescribed special exercises, massage, physical therapy to restore normal blood circulation and metabolism of the joint. But these procedures can be performed only in the period when the disease manifests itself.

If the patient is overweight, it is possible to start the treatment you need with weight loss.

If the patient has a strong pain or inflammation of the cartilage, immediately give him medicines to eliminate these symptoms.

If the joint has completely worn off, the patient inserts the implant through surgery. There are people for whom it is contraindicated, so their knee just fixed in one position.