Home / Pathology of the joints, diseases of bone and cartilage structures of the vertebrae / Is it possible treatment of osteophytes in the lumbar spine?

Is it possible treatment of osteophytes in the lumbar spine?

Abnormalities in the structure of the ridge cause severe pain. Discomfort can cause osteophytes of the lumbar spine, the treatment of which is quite diverse. Depending on the degree of the disease it produces results, if assigned correctly. Apply therapeutic methods, surgery, popular recipes, therapeutic exercise. Osteophytes of the lumbar spine is overgrown tissue of the bone that spreads to the vertebrae or the articular processes. If you look carefully x-ray of a person suffering from this disease, you can see the spikes or hooks, regrown from the vertebrae. The cause of the disease is quite varied. The doctors called the disease "spondylosis". But when the enemy is defeated, it is important to practice preventive measures.

Surgery for osteophyte lumbar spine

Origins of pathology

Vertebral outgrowths are formed during ossification of ligaments and other tissues. Patients who are under medical supervision, often ascertain first, strong growth of osteophytes, after a temporary slowdown in growth and a new start.

Some doctors believe these growths are a kind of protection from pathology of the joint. Osteophytes warn the joint from excessive movement so that it could not deteriorate further. Spondylosis is diagnosed mainly in people aged over 50 years, but the disease can occur at an early age. A person with a normal healthy spine between the vertebrae there is a space.

The natural state of these niches there is no substance to fill. But if you have herniations, disc degeneration, osteophytes these spaces no longer serve the normal operation range.

Varies in different patients and localization of the tumors.

overweight is the cause of spondylosis

They can be placed in front and behind. In form most of them reminiscent of the hooks. Sometimes they grow so that almost touch each other in places of bends. Therapeutic methods to treat spondylosis better in the initial stage.

The Doctor prescribes some anti-inflammatory drugs. They eliminate the swelling. It is important to drink a complex containing b vitamins, phosphorus, magnesium calcium. For external use recommended a number of ointments, gels and creams.

Pretty effective, especially at the initial stages of development of osteophytes, the methods of medical physical culture, massage, physiotherapy. Diagnosis conducted by a specialist, osteopath or podiatrist. The height of the disc decreases. It is fraught with:

  • dislocations
  • inflammation.

The disease Develops in several stages:

  1. Increase bone tissue.
  2. Ossification of the disc or ligaments.

The Disease occurs and for violation of its cartilaginous covering. Because of this there is irritation of the periosteum, the tissues start to grow.

Computed tomography of the spine

There are a number of factors that contribute to the appearance of spondylosis:

  1. Heavy physical work.
  2. weight.
  3. Osteoarthritis.
  4. Diseases of the endocrine system.
  5. Sedentary lifestyle.
  6. Flat.
  7. Genetic predisposition.
  8. diseases of the nervous system.
  9. Violation of metabolic processes.

These factors occur individually or simultaneously. You should pay close attention to a healthy diet.

Symptoms of spondylosis, it types

Osteophytes in the growth process do not cause severe pain. Discomfort is typical for diseases, which provoke the growth of bone tissue. As soon as the process of ossification, osteophytes cut in your fabric, and it brings unbearable pain. Places the growths swell, and in the joint inflammatory process begins. Characteristics of pain:

  1. Discomfort when walking.
  2. Pain overtake and in a calm state, for example, when a person is a long time.
  3. Type of pain is stupid.
  4. From the lower back discomfort down to the thigh.
  5. Feel numb.
  6. the Patient feels tingling in the feet.

to consult a doctor when osteophyte lumbar spine

In some situations, when the development of osteophytes, the patient suffers from diseases of the urinary organs or the digestive tract. There are several varieties of the disease:

  1. Growths formed as a result of inflammatory changes in the tissues of the spine.
  2. Massive osteophytes, when they develop in response to the tumor.
  3. Incurred illness ever received injuries.
  4. which Appeared in the period of degeneration of the intervertebral discs and other tissues.

He is even using palpation can detect the disease, if the osteophytes are quite large. But it is necessary to confirm the diagnosis using x-ray or CT scan.

getting Rid of osteophytes

It is Very important to accelerate the work of the muscular system, to establishcirculation. If the disease is in the acute stage, the patient needs bed rest. Therapeutic exercise is indicated only in the stage of calm. Contraindicated in the acute stage, and massage, manual therapy. If the human body lacks calcium, which is typical for patients (especially women) in the age, should in parallel conduct and the elimination of osteoporosis. This is due to the fact that osteoporosis provokes the formation of scale due to the inability of the bone tissue to receive nutrients. As an exercise in the development of osteophytes is applied:

  1. Swimming.
  2. bicycling.
  3. Morning exercises.

Traditional methods in the fight against osteophytes. This additional action that is good in the main impact on the disease by using medicines. Popular drugs help to relieve pain. Our grandmothers used hawthorn. Should take about 3-4 spoons of dry raw materials, pour 500 ml of boiling water. To insist hour. Take 30 minutes before meals for 60-80 ml. In the same way you can brew and elder. Sometimes the berries steamed in a water bath. Drink infusion of 10-15 ml daily. In severe situations, doctors suggest to resort to the methods of surgery. When the disease started, to help the patient can only so. Circle and back growths as interfere with a full life that it threatens the patient's life. Such condition is quite rare. Often the disease is detected at early stages, and treatment gives patients the results without the intervention of surgeons. He's even using palpation can detect the disease, if the osteophytes are quite large. But it is necessary to confirm the diagnosis using x-ray or CT scan.