What is rheumatoid arthritis and its symptoms, treatment and prognosis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a very common disease, which represents inflammation of the connective tissue of the joints that affects the heart. TOOOhis is a serious disease can lead to disability and disability. As a result of rheumatoid arthritis, the most affected are the small joints – the joints of the hands and wrists, feet and ankles.

the Problem of reumatische polyarthritisInsidiously disease is that inflammation of the joints may be reversible, and the effect on the heart is irreversible and substantial. Timely diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis will help to identify the disease in its early stages and to avoid complications and possible disability.

The etiology of the development of rheumatoid arthritis is not completely understood, but it is known that it is caused by hemolytic Streptococcus group A. factors Such as genetic predisposition, poor diet, bad habits can contribute to disease.

the Joint affected rheumatoid arthritis

Polyarthritis occurs due to the following conditions:

  • the disease viral or infectious in nature – sore throat, sinusitis, tonsillitis;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • trauma to the joints;
  • excessive hypothermia
  • a disorder of the immune system of the body;
  • allergic diseases.

Typically, the arthritis may occur after a sore throat or other infectious disease within 1-2 weeks. Statistics on rheumatoid arthritis in more prone to men than women. The disease affects both young adults and older people, age category of patients is 20-50 years. Can be sick and children, because the causes of the disease associated with streptococcal infection that is common among children. Therefore, it is necessary especially carefully and carefully to treat infectious diseases in children, in order to avoid such complications and to prevent an adverse outcome of the disease.

How does rheumatic fever?

Origin of rheumatoid arthritis is acute. Approximately 2-3 weeks after acute infectious disease begins to manifest disease of the joints.

High temperature is a symptom of rheumatic fever


  • high body temperature, sometimes reaches 40 degrees
  • severe pain in joints aching;
  • significant swelling of joints;
  • deformity of the fingers and toes;
  • migratory nature of pain;

In clinical practice rheumatoid arthritis can be divided into 2 types:

  1. Seronegative – this type of disease in the blood rheumatoid factor is absent, and the disease has an acute onset. The patient appear symptoms: swollen lymph nodes, weakness, increased body temperature, reduced body weight, reduced hemoglobin level in the blood.
  2. Seropositive – rheumatoid factor in the blood is present, the disease has a latent character, and affects mainly the small joints and suffer internal organs, and blood vessels. The patient notes the presence of morning stiffness of the joints, they are swollen in the condition and soreness. Can occur deformity of the joints and the growth of tissue of the joints.

The Main difference between these two forms lies in the characteristics of the disease and the impact on the patient's body. So, seropositive polyarthritis leads to irreversible changes in organs and joints of a person that subsequently leads to disability.

Bed rest in rheumatoid polyarthritis

How the disease is treated?

The Treatment of rheumatism should be complex – anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. You must comply with bed rest, which made a comfortable position because the pain in the limbs very inconvenient. The diet should consist of easily digestible food with restriction of salt. The treatment is conducted in inpatient and outpatient settings.

As the main causative agent of this disease are foci of bacterial infections, in the treatment should apply the antibiotic penicillin. Arising pain and inflammation in the joints are removed through the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Glukokortikoidnye hormonal agents are used in case of unbearable pain. If rheumatic arthritis became severe and the functioning of the joints is completely broken, it is advisable to use surgical treatment.

After removing the acute symptoms and basic treatment of patients with rheumatism should occur at the doctor-rheumatologist and get appropriate treatment 2 times a year (spring and fall) to preventrecurrence of the disease.

As prophylaxis of rheumatic fever should be promptly and efficiently treat all emerging pockets of infections and strengthen the immune system.