Home / Pathology of the joints, diseases of bone and cartilage structures of the vertebrae / The causes of development and methods of treatment of sacroiliitis

The causes of development and methods of treatment of sacroiliitis

Sacroiliitis is an inflammatory disease of the sacroiliac joint occurring in traumatic injury or the presence of bacterial infection. Disease begins with aching pain in the pelvic area, which are enhanced by the seat.

sacroiliitis is an inflammation of the sacroiliac joint

Inflammation of the sacroiliac joint is the initial stage of ankylosing spondylitis. It is characterized by ossification (deposition of calcium salts) in the ligaments of the spine. When pathology disrupts the mobility of the vertebral column, against which there are vertebral and polyradicular symptoms.


Sacroiliitis is a consequence of impaired blood supply, infection, or traumatic injuries of the Ilium. Its main symptom is pain in the sacrum when sitting. Over time it increases.

Triggers sacroiliitis:

  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • trauma to the sacrum and iliac bones;
  • metabolic disorder
  • Degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic and reproductive areas.

With the strengthening of the pathology may appear radicular syndromes because of concomitant inflammatory changes in the lumbar spine. In the sacroiliac region is a major plexus ("horse's tail"), which innervates the pelvic organs. When inflammation of a single nerve root, the process quickly moves on to others.

In the initial stages the symptoms of pathology may not appear. When sacroiliitis will be characterized by narrowing 2/3 ilio-sacral articulation, to the pathology itself with more frequent urination.

Polyradicular symptoms when sacroiliitis:

  1. Sacral caudate;
  2. the cauda equina Syndrome.

cauda equina Syndrome

The cauda equina Syndrome is characterized by lesions of multiple nerve roots of the plexus in the terminal part of the spinal column. It has been observed asymmetry of lesion with severity on one side the following symptoms:

  • Pain in the gluteal region and lower extremities;
  • kidney function and frequent urination
  • Weakening of the knee and Achilles reflexes on the affected side
  • Loss of skin sensation in the gluteal area.

Ankle reflex is tested by neurologic hammer blows on the rear of the lower leg. If there is a weak response from the side of the foot is a weak innervation of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus.

What is the sacral caudate:

When inflammation of the sacral nerve roots (S2-S5), there is pain in the sacrum, perineum with the failure of the sphincters of the bladder and rectum. Pathology often observed in patients with severe ankylosing spondylitis (Bechterew's disease).

nerve damage in the terminal part of the spine when sacroiliitis

Symptoms and treatment

The symptoms of the disease begin slowly. But pain at the beginning of the process there is a swelling of the vertebral joints. After a day of exertion in the evening due to the intensification of inflammatory changes appear dull aching pain that increase during sleep.

stiffness in the spine in the morning is a typical sign of sacroiliitis. It takes place during the day.

When performing radiography of the lumbar spine at this stage, it is found straightening of the lordosis. As a result, doctors are very often low back pain prescribe anti-inflammatory treatment because of lumboischalgia. The difference between the nerves in the spine and inflammatory changes in sacroiliitis is that the pathology of ilio-sacral articulation is enhanced in the supine position and, if the nerves in the spine in the prone position the pain subsides.

Treatment of ankylosing spondylitis is assigned depending on the pathology form:

  • Central
  • Retailinga;
  • Peripheral
  • Scandinavian.

Central Of the spinal column in the process involves the spine. Retailchoice type is followed by defeat not only of the spine and large joints.

The Central type of the disease is formed gradually. In the initial stages the person has pain in the gluteal region. Over time affects the organ of vision due to inflammatory changes in the anterior and posterior chambers of the eye.

When retailinga type Observed predominant involvement of hip joints. This pain intensifies during movement.

the Peripheral Is accompanied by inflammatory changes in the vertebrae, knees and feet.

Peripheral type characterized by pain in the region of the sacroiliac joint. Pathological changes in the joints only become apparent after several years after the appearance of the primary lesion.

Scandinavian – tothe above changes are joined by a lesion of the interphalangeal joints of the extremities.

Treatment of disease is based on:

  • the Elimination of pain by analgesics and anti-inflammatory agents;
  • Salazopiridazina antimicrobial effect that helps to prevent the bacterial infection to the hearth;
  • With the ineffectiveness of the above medicines are immunosuppressants and cytotoxic agents.

As additional methods of research are used:

  • Ultrafires;
  • Treatment of paraffins;
  • inductothermy.

To enhance the body's defenses is appointed medical gymnastics.

Thus, bilateral sacroiliitis (Bechterew's disease) is a combined pathology affecting the sacroiliac joints, the spine and large joints.