What is a deforming spondylarthrosis of the spine, what its symptoms and treatment?

Deforming spondyloarthrosis is a disease in which pain is the main symptom. With this complaint often and go to the doctor. As a rule, the person ceases normal operation, and only a few can live with this feeling. Often be source of pain problems in the musculoskeletal apparatus, in particular, it defines the diagnosis of spondylarthrosis.

the Problem of deforming spondylarthrosis

pathology report

Deforming spondyloarthrosis is a disease of the joints, having several varieties in the clinical picture and localization. The pathological process usually affects all components of joint cartilage and bone, ligaments and surrounding muscles.

most Often this disease affects the spine, as this affects the intervertebral joints and joints of the facet type, belonging to the vertebral segments.

Types of spondylarthrosis

Given the complex structure of the spinal column, it is conventionally divided into departments. Basically spondylarthrosis of the spine is classified by the place of its localization, and the title is the same as the affected spine.


Often it covers the spine along the entire length:

  1. Lumbar-sacral suboperation – the most common type. Characteristic symptoms at an early stage – pain in the lumbar spine, especially during movement and bending. The affected joint very quickly get tired in any physical activity. If you went the development of dystrophic processes, the characteristic manifestations of the inflammatory symptoms – sharp pain, extending through the buttock throughout the leg to the ankle. The legs can noticeably weaker and numb.
  2. Cervical spondylarthrosis (cerveceros) is when symptoms are most pronounced in the cervical spine. Symptom aching pain in this case can not be avoided – it is an integral part of any articular disease. Further development of the process is characterized by the growth of osteophytes – bony growths on the vertebrae and pinching the nerve processes of the spinal cord. Because of this pain spread to the arm, shoulder and occipital. Usually this is accompanied by spasm of surrounding muscles, pain in them, the restriction of movement and subsequent atrophy. Osteophytes pinch the arteries supplying the brain, which is the cause of symptoms such as chronic headaches, nausea and dizziness, disturbances of sight and hearing.
  3. Rib spondylarthrosis (disastros) – pathology of the thoracic spine degenerative nature. Diagnosed somewhat less frequently than others. The disease is characterized by painful stiffness after a long dormancy. But the structure of this area to avoid pinching of the nerves, mainly in the initial stages. The development of the pathological process in either case involves nearby blood vessels and nerve structures, causing malfunction of internal organs – heart, lungs and digestive system.
  4. Spondylarthrosis polysegmental type is osteoarthritis with coverage of several areas of the spine or segments. The segment includes two vertebrae, intervertebral disc and ligaments of joints. The degree of manifestation of symptoms depends on the localization of the disease.

fatigue when spondylarthrosis


The main manifestations of all types of spondylarthrosis include:

  1. the Main symptom is pain, often having a bilateral nature. Often the pain goes to the arms and legs.
  2. With the development of pathology of the spine loses its mobility: the head ceases to turn, we have to turn all upper torso, and when the process comes to the lumbar spine, it is possible to fully unfold. This type of movements, usually seen in older people.
  3. the spine Patient is unable to properly distribute the load on the body – signs of this negative effect on posture and gait. Man can not long stand or sit, he gets tired quickly and has to constantly change position.


The Causes of this disease are often:

  1. Injuries resulting from excessive strain on the spine.
  2. Osteochondrosis – degenerative changes in the structure of the vertebral column, especially in cervical region, leading to physiological disturbances in other segments.
  3. metabolic Disorders, are often associated with old age.
  4. Professional activities related to long stays in one position, e.g. sitting at the computer.
  5. Low mobility, in which the muscles that support the spine weaken, and joints because of weakened blood supply to stop receiving a normal nutrition.
  6. Unnatural load at practiceprofessional sports activities.
  7. poor nutrition can also cause pathological changes in the structure of the spine and other joints.

Improper diet is the cause of spondylarthrosis


It is worth noting that self-treatment at home will not bring effective results, and to consult a specialist is necessary.

Any medication must be approved by your doctor.

Treatment of spondylarthrosis has its own specifics, depending on the degree of development of pathology. Deforming spondylarthrosis has several degrees:

  1. Spondylarthrosis 1 degree. At this initial stage of development of the disease the best chance of cure. The main treatment are competent massage. Massage should be deep, but painless. He gradually relieve the symptoms of pain and relax the muscles, increase the mobility of the vertebrae. Regular treatments will prevent re-locking. Also apply medication, in particular, chondroprotectors. They will unload the joints and increase the amount of fluid in the intervertebral disks.
  2. Spondylarthrosis 2 degrees. In this case, would be extremely useful to introduce the drugs by injection directly into the joint. In the initial stages it is an extremely effective method of treatment. Used, as a rule, again drugs from the group of chondroprotectors. When the symptom of acute inflammatory processes will be effective manual therapy.
  3. Spondylarthrosis 3 degrees. This stage is considered to be extremely serious and require extensive treatment: this drugs manual therapy, massage, reflexology, electrophoresis, etc. It should be noted that the treatment would be long and purposeful.

Therapeutic exercise for the treatment of spondylarthrosis

Gymnastics at the spondylarthrosis is a very effective treatment of joint pathologies. It strengthens the back muscles, relieve unnecessary stress on the joints and corrects imbalances in the spine.

Exercises for spondylarthrosis are selected taking into account the physiological characteristics of the patient and used in conjunction with medication. Exercise requires a systematic approach and regular execution, so the treatment through physical therapy lend themselves most responsible patients. But any recommended exercise should be performed with extreme caution.

Doctors have long been able to treat such ailments with the help of acupuncture. Treatment in this way lends itself to quite a few diseases. This method has been used for more than a century and is based on the impact of different methods on specific biological point. But primarily it is aimed at relieving painful symptoms.

There are several types of acupuncture:

  1. Acupuncture – influence on points with fine needles. This common method of treatment had been used by ancient Chinese doctors.
  2. Thermopuncture – warming up specific areas.
  3. electro-puncture – point impact by electric current.
  4. Magnetopuncture – exposure to constant or alternating magnetic field.

Preventive measures

In any session, it is important to maintain correct posture, whether driving a car or working in front of a computer. Too soft bed also spoils the posture, and if you continue to sleep on the wrong bed, it is possible to treat the disease would be extremely difficult.

do not forget about the useful loads: morning warm-up, active sports will help to keep your spine healthy to a ripe old age.

If this still eat right, many joint diseases will avoid your body a party.