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Types of simulators of posture and their effect on the muscular system

The posture Trainer for home use must be in the home of every person suffering from posture disorder or disease of the spine. It helps to strengthen the muscle corset back and prevent the terrible complications of disease.

How to choose a trainer posture

How does the simulator on the muscular system

Medical simulator posture allows you to exercise at home. It is the only effective tool for strengthening skeletal musculature and eliminate its asynchrony, which is formed when stooping.

Classification of home exercise equipment:

  • Active;
  • Passive.

Active product requires application of physical force man. These include the following types:

  • Power;
  • Elliptical
  • Multi-function.

Power models are designed for building muscle mass. When playing on them requires great physical effort, but strengthening the muscles is developing quite quickly. It should be said that they are contraindicated for people with back pain.

Elliptical products are "breathing". They are designed to influence the elasticity of muscles. They can be used to eliminate muscle spasms for a short time and to prevent convulsions, which is formed when the infringement of the nerve roots.

Multifunction model combines in itself properties of the power and elliptical.

Curative model of simulators are divided into 2 types:

  • Tonic
  • Narrow (rehabilitation, anticompetition).

Bracing types used in the violation of posture, so as affect a variety of muscle groups at the same time. This effect allows you to quickly enhance skeletal musculature of the back which will securely fix the axis of your spine in the correct position.

Rehabilitation are applied in the postoperative period of point impact on certain groups of muscles.

Anticoncezionale simulators allow you to remove the load from the spinal column by strengthening skeletal muscles of the back. This increases the distance between the vertebrae, thereby eliminating pinching the nerve fibers.

Passive models do not require application of physical force. They are ankle weights that you want to wear a certain number of hours instead of shoes.

Special models for the correction of stooping.

To correct the stoop are special types of machines:

  • Models for hyperextension – bench with footrest. The design is intended to perform translational movements up and down.
  • Twists. When doing people "twist" the torso to the side. It helps to strengthen muscle corset of the middle part of the body.
  • T-shaped rod has the form of a lever with "pancakes" in the final parts. The model is multifunctional, therefore, is used both for power and for dynamic loads.
  • Rowing types. When doing rowing exercise equipment strengthens the upper body. The movements resemble a rowing oars on a boat. This model has 2 types depending on functionality: magnetic and mechanical.

In magnetic models the load is adjusted by setting the resistance of the magnet. They have additional functions.

In the mechanical products, the load is controlled by the hydraulic mechanisms. They have a lower cost in comparison with magnetic counterparts.

exercise Equipment for posture presents an extensive list of types depending on functionality, design and mechanism of action. The choice of an appropriate model in each individual case requires consultation with a specialist.