What is and how to choose an orthopedic corset for the lumbar-sacral spine?
what is orthopedic corset lumbosacral? This is one of the medical devices, which is used to treat injuries and diseases of the lower back. It is used only on doctor-orthopedist, in certain cases. About features of application of a corset is to talk more specifically.
spinal Problems
The fact that lumbosacral spine in humans exposed to a strong load. Let's look at this issue in more detail. The human body is a complex set of systems, each of which performs its function. The spine is a support for the skull, arms, chest, shoulders. Because of this great burden he is exposed to huge risk to deform. In some cases, an excessive load leads to various diseases.
Of Course, the vertebrae in the lumbosacral region are heavy, enabling them to withstand the weight of all other weights, but this does not reduce the risk of various injuries and diseases.
Lumbar corsets are used to help the vertebrae and the joints between them. They help maintain the shape of the back, this is especially important for injuries.
Orthopedic Corset can partially perform the functions of the spine to support the upper limb.
due to its wear can cause pain and discomfort, as well as using correction plates for teeth. It has a huge impact on the shape and its formation due to its rigid structure.
In order to get a lumbar corset, you need formal permission from a specialist – podiatrist. After examination of the patient he should write the reference with the correct characteristics to a given case of disease. The corset is used in cases of spinal diseases: scoliosis, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, and pain, hernias of vertebral fractures and divisions.
Types of braces
Lumbar corsets come in several forms:
- Complete the commit.
- Medium hold.
- Strong hold.
the Most simple in design, providing minimal stress on the body, – corsets for medium hold. TOOOhese products look like a rather wide belt with metal inserts. It has a good analgesic effect with only moderate pain, and can be used as a support to the healing process. The amount of time that it can be worn is determined by the doctor.
Corsets are strong and fully engages almost completely restrict the movement of the lumbar vertebrae. Usually these belts have a strong steel plates curved to form the back. This is done in order to ease the pain and reduce strain on the lower spine. In addition, the shape of the corset puts pressure on the vertebral segments into divisions that allows you to correct shape or to correct it.
There are also children's rigid thoracolumbar corset, which helps to straighten the back. The function performs the same correction. Typically used in childhood scoliosis.
rules of operation
The Mode of using medical bandages and corsets must appoint a physician.
There are several recommendations that can help the sick:
- do Not need too long time to use an orthopedic belt. Carrying more than 6 hours at a stretch can cause muscle pain and discomfort in the chest area.
- to Use such medical equipment is not recommended during sleep. Only in some cases doctors prescribe prolonged use of bandages and corsets, even at night. Usually this is prescribed for severe violations in the form of the spine. This is necessary to fix it. In this mode you may experience backaches.
- you Should use the corset during exercise.
- it is Impossible to tighten the fastening belt is too tight, it will cause discomfort, perhaps even suffocation.
- it is Better to wear this product over cotton clothes and linen.
the Nuances of the right choice
How to choose the right product? Following the doctor's recommendations, you need to focus on key features, and then on the shape and material of the corset.
Paramount it needs to perform its functions – adjustment, maintenance and fixing. Lumbosacral should be completely covered, and the shape of the inserted plates to correspond with the curve of the lumbar.
The Corset is made of knitted fabric can be much cheaper than synthetics, it also allows more efficient heat transfer to the body and has a greater therapeutic effect.
braces for lower back are used solely for medicinal purposes. Theyneed to relieve stress from the lower spine and contribute to its rapid recovery after injuries. In some cases they are also used for forming.
One of the best options for most patients can be knitted corsets. They are comfortable and have a reasonable price to purchase.