Review of mattresses Askona

Orthopedic mattresses Ascona has gained popularity worldwide due to quality, pricing policy and a health effect. in order to choose the right mattress Ascona, you need to understand what types are available and also know what criteria to choose.

Structure orthopedic springless mattress

Types of mattresses of Ascona

All the mattresses by construction, are divided into two large groups: without springs and with springs. The company offers mattresses Ascona of different price categories: from budget options to expensive, elite models, for example, fitness sprint. All products are guaranteed from 5 to 10 years. In order that the mattress will last longer, the manufacturer recommends flip it top to bottom every 3-6 months and change the position of the feet-head.

Mattresses without springs

In springless mattresses do not have metal parts. Based on synthetic and natural fillers. These mattresses can withstand a considerable load, keep their shape, not forced.

the value of mattresses Askona

As fillers for them to use the following:

  • coconut fiber
  • natural latex
  • synthetic latex;
  • hollofayber;
  • orthopedic foam.

Orthopedic mattresses Ascona without springs take the form of the human body, hypoallergenic, does not absorb moisture and does not accumulate odors.

spring mattresses

spring mattresses are divided into product with dependent and independent spring unit.

In products with independent spring unit each spring is in a preloaded condition and placed in a separate cover, so the springs are independent from each other. Thanks a punctate load provides the correct orthopedic support of a body.


Mattresses with independent spring unit consist of the following series:

  1. Economy class – Balance.
  2. Hourglass (Sleep Style) – spring block "hourglass" design, in which each spring consists of 3 parts. Due to this, the mattresses soft, elastic and flexible, providing appropriate support to different body parts. Shelf life is up to 20 years. One of the advantages of these products is that they do not have weight restrictions.
  3. Pocket spring mattresses with spring block in which the spring constitutes a barrel. This type of spring unit relates to the collection of mattresses Askona Classic.
  4. Compact – mattresses, which are easy to transport, as they can be twisted into a roll. The shape of the product is completely restored within 2 weeks.
  5. Fitness sprint are products of premium class. They support the body in 5 zones and have a massage effect. The filler contains silver ions.
  6. Ergo Mattresses have the advantage – remember the body shape.

To products with a dependent spring unit mattresses are Bonnell. They use dependent Palevikova springs with wire thickness of 2.2 mm and a height of 14 cm, which is tightly interconnected with transverse commissures and can withstand loads up to 700 kg. Thanks to this mattress ensures the correct position of the body.

In Addition to the above there is a kind of Special how the Adaptive System. These orthopedic mattresses Ascona mediflex have 7 levels of elasticity and perfectly suited for people leading an active lifestyle, as well as people who are overweight. To stiffen the product, the company uses natural materials like sisal or coir. These fillers have the following advantages:

  • environmentally friendly
  • durable
  • elastic
  • hypoallergenic.

That products were soft, used natural and artificial latex. As an insulating layer is applied or blended fabric white felt.

In the Ascona range has a slim model that can be used for sofa, cots, extra mattresses. For children there is a small mattress, the design of which takes into account the structure of the child's body. They contribute to the formation of a correct posture of the child.

Choosing a mattress: what to consider

each person Has their own particular organism, so it is very important to choose a mattress that will be coming to him. The company Ascona offers a wide range of orthopedic mattresses, among which you can choose the perfect sleeper couch for any man. When you select should focus not only on price, but also take into account the following criteria:

  • growth;
  • weight;
  • age;
  • problems with the musculoskeletal system.

If the mattress is sized for Queen beds, then you need to focus on taller and heavier partner.

Springless mattresses are best suited for people with large body mass and children. They are useful for double beds, as in this case, they will suit both partners. For single bedsbetter to buy a mattress with independent spring unit. They are ideal for slender people. Products with dependent block Bonnell it is better to buy the people with good health with no back problems. Active people fit mattresses fitness sprint that allows you to quickly restore power after exercise.

Pricing policy allows you to choose a product that meets the financial capabilities of the buyer. In this case the manufacturer guarantees the quality of products and efficiency of their use. To buy the company's products of Ascona, only in specialty stores, in order to avoid counterfeits.