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Best exercise equipment for strengthening and stretching the back muscles and spine

Strengthen the back help therapeutic massage, swimming, gymnastics, specially selected simulator for the back muscles. Such devices are designed for the power capacity of muscles. In the modern world people are often deprived of physical activity, it weakens the muscles, disturbed posture, often troubled by pain in the lumbar spine. When choosing a simulator should be based on personal need in the classroom, state of health, set goal.

ballAll exercise equipment for the back muscles vary depending on the age, sex, specific physical preparedness. Usually they are divided into equipment with cardio and strength modifications. The first contribute to the development of endurance, used for therapeutic and preventive purposes and assist in losing body mass. Weights are used to model athletic build and beautiful terrain.

Most available shells

  1. Large gym ball.
  2. horizontal Bar or horizontal bar.
  3. Outdoor video for strengthening the back.
  4. Outdoor spinning disk to form the waist.

A Large gym ball, or fitball, is primarily intended to perform gymnastic exercises children, women and elderly people. Actively used in rehabilitation after suffering a spinal cord injury, stroke, brain disorders, in the treatment of cerebral palsy. Thanks to special exercises designed for your back, the muscles become supple, flexible that it allows not only to model the figure, but also to restore lost motor coordination. The size of the exercise ball is defined simply: it is necessary to sit on the ball and bend your knees if they are standing exactly on the ground under an angle of 90°, then the volume of the ball is chosen correctly.

Outdoor video for strengthening the backhorizontal Bar efficiency is not inferior to the most expensive equipment. Simplest exercise for stretching and strengthening the back is sagging. Daily it should slowly increase over time, thereby removing tension in the spine. Pulling helps strengthen the muscles of the upper back. Changing the level of taking the bar, you can increase or decrease the load. In order to strengthen the lumbar muscles, perform the exercise "corner". Hanging on the bar, raise the knees bent legs and lowered. To complicate the exercise can, raising a straightened leg at a 90°angle.

Outdoor roller used by people with some physical training. In itself, the fixture consists of a wheel and two handles. Depending on the complexity of the exercise, the emphasis is either on bent legs, or feet. Holding hands on the handle of the roller, the man moves his body parallel to the floor and returns to its original position. Back muscles, shoulder girdle, arms, abdominals, buttocks and thighs. Beginners can use some support for the roller, for example, a wall.

Professional equipment

  1. Inversion table.
  2. Bench extension (hyperextension).
  3. Rowing machine.
  4. Twist.
  5. fitness Machines with adjustable load.

Bench extension (hyperextension)Inversion table is designed for stretching of the spine. A man lies on the simulator, hands and feet should be well documented. Table head end lowered down so that the feet were aimed to the ceiling. Thus under the influence of gravity your own body is stretching the spine. This exercise starting with 30 seconds, gradually with each workout, it can be increased to several minutes.

Design benches for hyperextension created for the opportunity to make the maximum tilts down.

Good fixing of the foot, a person abdominal muscles and hip rests in the body of the exerciser and maximum amplitude performs the forward bends. Trains all the muscle group of the back.

RowingRowing machine is a simulation of rowing oars on water. The design of the simulator consists of a handle in the form of oars and the flywheel. When performing exercises on this apparatus involves the muscles of the shoulder girdle, the whole group of back muscles, legs and hands.

Construction simulator twist is made in the form of a lever mounted on a hinge on the other side of which are pancakes.

One is engaged in sitting, he pulls his torso back, and the trainer has enough resistance. Such activities strengthen the press, all the muscles of the arms and legs and middle back muscles.

exercise Equipment for strengthening back muscles with adjustable load. The design represents the seat, soft special clamp for stop and coupled with the cargo arm. People performing exercises for flexion and extension of the torso, and specially selected goods resist. The latter is regulated depending on the task. Trains the entire group of back muscles.

Regular classes at the gym over timehave a positive impact not only on muscles but also on the whole body. Beautiful strong back – one of of physical health of the person.