Home / Spinal injury: types, classification, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation / Fractures of the spine / How to choose the right corset compression fracture of the spine?

How to choose the right corset compression fracture of the spine?

For quick relief from the disease it is necessary not only to carry out medical treatment, but also to choose the right corset compression fracture of the spine. Back problems can overtake everyone. It can be a regular curvature and very complex injuries, carrying a heavy burden. One such serious injury is a compression fracture of the spine fracture during compression of the vertebrae.

Orthopedic corset for the spine

What are the different types of corsets?

Naturally, once a person has problems with spine, he immediately turned for help to specialists. Doctors carry out diagnostics to determine the cause of pain. Often back pain is a result of the injury. A serious injury with far-reaching consequences is a compression fracture, when the vertebrae are partially compressed. Therefore, for effective and fast treatment should not only take drugs, to do the assigned physiotherapy, but also to choose the right corset compression fracture of the spine.

the Efficiency of a corset is that it not only provides additional fixation of the vertebral column but also significantly reduces the burden on him, which leads to the stable operation of the musculoskeletal system. Naturally, a week of wearing the result will not appear that long-term treatment, only 4 months later, people began to notice significant changes in your spinal column. In some cases, the wearing this device can be waived, but the fracture of the cervical spine it is needed.

Compression fracture of the spine

Corsets compression fracture of the spine can be different. They are divided into several groups by the method of attachment and shape, the degree of compression.

each of them can have a different number of ribs. Can distinguish 3 types of devices that are used in compression fractures:

  1. Upholstered.
  2. Semi-rigid.
  3. Hard.

You Should use the corset compression fracture of the spine, which was recommended by the attending physician based on the history of the disease and the research conducted, as each section of the spinal column to their treatment. Self selection may not only help, but also aggravate the back condition.

What is the product to choose: plastic or plaster?

All of the corsets used in a variety of compression fractures can be divided into 2 groups depending on the material from which they are made.

This includes:

  1. Plastic.
  2. Plaster.

what is the difference between them? The main feature of a plaster corset is that the measurements for its manufacture are removed individually with each patient. To manufacture it much cheaper if to compare with other analogues. This fixture with a compression fracture able to perform the following functions:

  1. Fixation of the vertebrae in the position that you want.
  2. Relaxation and unloading the muscular frame of the back.
  3. a correction after a complicated compression fracture.
  4. Accelerate fusion of bone fragments.

It is Worn from several weeks to 4-5 months. Everything will depend on the characteristics of the patient's recovery. No one immediately will determine how long you must wear. Only when the vertebra starts to appear so-called callus, corsets fixture can be replaced with a simpler analog.

Metal corsets in no way inferior to gypsum, they are much smaller, have a more aesthetic appearance, but manufacturing is considered one of the most expensive options. The functions performed by plastic means, not differ from those of gypsum. So talking about the advantages of one option over another does not make sense.

The Main difference is that you can buy ready-made in specialty stores, but in any case much better, when the corset will be made according to individual measurements of each patient. Don't forget that to choose the right corset and cancel it wearing only the attending physician. So if you are serious injuries of the spine is impractical to self-medicate.