Features symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of different types of injuries of the cervical spine
Injury of the cervical spine is a very significant damage, which can cause serious and irreparable consequences. Its significance can be explained by the General state of the victim, and the consequences leading to disability (in cases of injury of the spinal cord). Approximately 40% of such injuries resulted in death.
Signs of damage to the cervical spine
The Cervical vertebrae is the most mobile part of the body. This helps to perform various motor functions. Through the holes of the transverse processes of the vertebrae of the neck stretch the vertebral artery. They supply blood to the brain. If, as a result of injury is insufficient blood supply, there are such symptoms:
- headache;
- sensation of whirling of the head;
- dark spots before the eyes;
- shakiness
- sometimes it is broken.
With the injury of the neck with damage to nerve fibres occur the symptoms that develop because of compression of the spinal cord:
- pain in the neck, which radiates to the back of the head, upper extremities, shoulders, shoulder blades;
- loss of sensitivity and ability to travel;
- disorders of the organs of the pelvis.
When injury occurs to the spinal cord partial or complete loss of its conductivity. If the violation is partial, symptoms:
- there are separate reflexes and the ability to motor function below the site of injury;
- remains of local sensitivity.
The Patient are able to perform some movements. He feels if capture skin and muscle folds. During full conduction abnormalities appears:
- complete loss of sensation and motor function in parts of the body below the point of injury;
- absence of urination, or they are unconscious.
Signs of neurological disorders in the neck injury depend on the location of the lesion. If an injury is the lower part of the cervical spine, the symptoms are:
- impaired motor function and paralysis of hands and feet;
- constricted pupils, discoloration of the iris, ceasing eyeballs.
When the damaged upper vertebrae develop these symptoms:
- dysfunction of the extremities
- broken breath
- the presence of dizziness;
- loss of ability to swallow;
- speech difficulties
- lower heart rate
- loss of pain and temperature (if the brain is affected on one side).
Birth injuries
Birth trauma of the cervical spine occurs due to mechanical loads occurring during childbirth. Causes damage in the newborn:
- incorrect positioning of the fetus
- rather narrow pelvis of the mother;
- large mass of the child;
- prolonged pregnancy
- the presence of tumors in the region of the genitals;
- intervention of an obstetrician.
The Natal trauma of the cervical spine is due to the different kind of forced bending, stretching or turning. After all, the baby this division is very thin, flexible and sensitive. Natal trauma are subdivided into:
- rotation (when the midwife tries to help the baby pass through the birth canal, through the manipulation of hands or forceps that may provoke subluxation or dislocation of the Atlas, the deformation of the articulation of the vertebrae, compression of the spinal canal).
- distraction (when the child is large, during birth, the midwife puts a huge effort that provokes the likelihood of separation of the vertebral bodies from the disc, tearing of ligaments, causing injury to the spinal cord).
- sgibateli-compression (when rapid birth, the baby's head encounters the resistance during movement through the birth canal, so happen the fractures of the vertebral bodies).
Such injuries lead to the following phenomena in the newborn:
- the emergence of spasms;
- disorders of cerebral blood flow;
- failure of the venous blood;
- disorder in the work of the Central nervous system (violation of motor development).
Birth trauma of the cervical spine in neonates subsequently leads to the fact that:
- Little later than usual the term starts to hold his head, roll over, walk.
- the child will Have later speech development.
- the baby is suffering memory and attention.
- the Child may lag behind in growth, suffer diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
Abnormalities in the newborn associated with injuries of the cervical spine, is well cured.
With immediate treatment prognosis is favorable.If the injury is not treated, it can adversely affect the development and health of the baby in the future.
Possible consequences.
The Consequences of injuries of the cervical spine are pain that spreads throughout the vertebral column. In this type of injury there is swelling, even if the spinal cord wasn't severed. He puts pressure on the nerves and spinal cord. The consequences of injury of the cervical spine:
- disruption of the heart (until it stops)
- violations of the respiratory system;
- loss of feeling (paralysis of the body);
- failures of the internal organs;
- limitation of motor function due to the tension of certain muscle groups (in rare cases).
Features therapy
Treatment of injuries of this type is time – consuming and long process. Only after inspection by a specialist and diagnostic studies diagnose, prescribe treatment. Depending on the severity of the injury and symptoms do purpose: drug therapy, physiotherapy or chiropractic treatment, wearing a brace for the neck, blockades, surgical intervention.