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Surgical treatment of TMJ ankylosis with implants in children

surgical treatment of TMJ ankylosis in children is performed in the hospital under the guidance of experienced professionals. To eliminate the disease is possible only surgically. Ankylosis is a lesion of the temporomandibular joint. The disease occurs quite often, it is due to a persistent inflammatory process.

Diagram of TMJ ankylosis

Causes and symptoms pathology

TMJ Ankylosis in children is the result of purulent inflammation of the joint, which is located in the immediate vicinity of the ENT-organs. Often the cause of the disease lies in the presence of sepsis, occur with complications. This disease can form purulent foci localized in the joints and bones.

Another group of factors affecting the development of ankylosis interconnected with injuries of various types. So, it can be generic injury, a gunshot wound or direct hit. Ankylosis may occur not only in the lower jaw, and ankle. Often this disease is called bone.

the Development of persistent inflammatory process leads to the formation of temporo-mandibular surface areas of the joints of excess coverage. here are starting to grow granulation, which will eventually thicken. As a result of this process between the surfaces of the joint formed scar tissue, which is a ankylosis. Gradually the condition worsens, recorded the formation of bone fusion. In childhood the disease is a complication of osteoarthritis. Bone fusion is called ankylosis.

the Pain of TMJ

Recognize the disease easily, it is manifested by certain symptoms. So, first complaint is the inability to normally open the mouth. Causing the child's difficulties with eating and speech. The clinical picture is supplemented by the following symptoms:

  • improper development of teeth;
  • deformation of the facial skeleton;
  • malocclusion;
  • hypoplasia of the lower third of the face.

Ankylosis of TMJ may be accompanied by disturbances in physical development. With the possible ceasing of language, the development of plaque and periodontal disease. This is due to the impossibility of carrying out a full oral health.

Ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint

Methods of fighting disease

Ankylosis can be resolved only one way – surgery. Drug treatment is not able to get rid of the defects of physical development. The main objective of surgery is normalization of mobility. This applies to ankylosis of any location, including on the hip joint. Surgical intervention helps to restore normal range of motion. If the disease has damaged the articular head requires correction of the shape of the facial skeleton. It is often necessary to restore the knee, this is useful if you have the affected joints of the lower limbs.

Today, there are several basic techniques to restore the mobility of the jaw, knee and hip joint. Each method is characterized by many advantages and even disadvantages, so determine the method of removal should a doctor.

Surgical treatment of TMJ

surgical treatment can be of three types, such a division helps to select the desired type of intervention on the basis of the problem. So, surgical procedure can be based on singling out a joint. When it is eliminated, in its place installed implants. Artificial head allows you to get rid of defects and restore functionality of the joint.

The Second method – osteotomy on the line of the affected area. Then carry out the modelling and control of immobility.

The Third method – the dissection of the formed adhesions. Making it possible to get rid of ankylosis.

To Choose the surgical treatment needs a specialist. It is made individually taking into account peculiarities of the development of the patient. Important role in this matter is the stage of development of the ankylosis and the degree of joint disease.

TMJ Treatment in the hospital

Anesthesia during surgery

Ankylosis of the knee joint is accompanied by a number of pathological changes. So before the surgery serious approach to the solution of the question regarding pain relief. The procedure must be not only technically convenient, but also easily carried out. Finally, it is important to achieve the desired analgesic effect.

With the defeat of the mandibular division may experience some difficulties. Thus, inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, incorrect position of teeth and the bite can cause problems during the execution of endotracheal anesthesia. This process requires intubation of the trachea, which causes a lot of difficulties. The inability to fully disclosemouth and narrow nasal passages can lead to some problems with the introduction of anesthesia. The situation is similar in case of the need to provide resuscitation care. Therefore, when TMJ ankylosis in children, to perform the operation needs experienced, able to cope with many difficulties.

After the surgery the child should be observed by a doctor. This condition is characterized by a lot of features that require constant monitoring, especially if operated ankylosis of the hip joint.

In removing the growths in the jaw for a long time the child can be breathing problems.

reducing the amount of oxygen in the body can lead to serious consequences, so the patient's condition should be monitored. When setting the implants need to observe how they "survive". The body is not always adequately responds to the foreign object – the implant.

If the ankylosis involved large joints, the child can be assigned to a disability group. It all depends on the nature of the lesion and violation of physical development. The question of attribution of disability is decided by the doctor.