Indications for and efficacy of an x-ray study of the chest

Chest x-ray screening is a preventive method of examination of the lungs. It involves the exposure of x-ray beams through the human body. Due to the uneven absorption of the rays by different tissues create an image on x-ray film, which studies a radiologist.

For example, lung tissue is air, so the rays pass through it easily. From bone structures, they are reflected. At the interface of these environments provides a sharp image of anatomical structures.

Therefore, doctors can obtain visualization of pathological foci of the lungs and mediastinum.

chest x-ray

Modern types of diagnostics of chest organs

Fluorography of the chest is divided into digital and film. The first type has recently been circulated. In comparison with the classical counterpart it has a number of advantages. The most important of them – the reduction of radiation exposure on humans.

Screening fluorography according to the decree of the Ministry of health, each person must complete annually.

The Study shows the lack of serious lung diseases – tuberculosis, cancer education, and sarcoidosis. The survey allows you to detect smaller and dimmer.

In any case, after the identification on the x-ray fluorography pathological symptoms, additional radiographic examination.

As a Result, fluorography of the chest cavity is a prophylactic method. Detected on digital or film picture pathology need further investigation. However, they are conducted some time after initial exposure.

This approach allows to reduce the dose of concurrent radiation effects on humans. Any problems of the respiratory system in the procedure are estimated. Should not be much worry if the radiology technician has invited you to repeated x-ray examination after fluorography (FLG).

Assignment together with the x-ray

X-ray and fluorography are used in combination for the following purposes:

  • definition of chest diseases: cancer, tuberculosis, obstructive pulmonary disease, cystic fibrosis, pulmonary edema, pneumothorax;
  • identification of causes of shortness of breath and cough;
  • diagnosis of diseases of the heart, enlargement of the aorta, arteriosclerosis, and lesions of the heart valves;
  • assessing the consequences of traumatic injuries of the chest wall: rib fractures;
  • the study of foreign bodies in the esophagus, stomach and pulmonary system;
  • monitoring the correct location of the endotracheal tube in the trachea in the intensive care unit.

Even in the absence of disease in the respiratory system of annual preventive FLG necessary, as some nosological forms of pathology does not manifest clinical symptoms, but early detection can prevent progression of the disease.

How is the procedure done

lung x-Ray examination is a painless procedure. It does not need preliminary training.

The radiation Dose, which is obtained when performing these methods, it is practically safe. It is comparable with a flight in a plane at a distance of 2,500 kilometers.

hazardous when exposure is only in case if the procedure is performed during pregnancy.

Usually x-ray examination and chest x-ray performed in the standing position. The image quality turned out to be, to do it with breath.

Before examining the x-ray technician will tell you about all the intricacies of the procedure. You will need to remove all metal objects and during the exposure to hold your breath for a few seconds. Other difficulties fluorography. The procedure is not time consuming, but can save lives. I do not advise to avoid it.

Duration and frequency of surveys

To Pass the x-rays needed at the following times:

  1. once a year a chest x-ray is recommended for everyone;
  2. twice FLG is recommended for employees of TB dispensaries, maternity homes, sanatoriums.

Radiation exposure in the study is equal to 0.01 mSv (millisieverts). This dose is quite small. Effective dosage digital FLG is on average not more than 0.04 mSv. Permissible level of radiation for 10 years will not exceed 1 mSv.

Another thing, if a person makes within a year x-rays of the spine and performs other radiological methods. Radiation load in such a situation exceeds the maximum permissible dose.

With this approach you should find out what is best – or FLG x-rays.

FLG or radiography – which is better

Chest x-ray and x – ray qualitative methods, which aims to identify diseases of the chest. They differ in the doseand the resolution of the images. Fluoroscopy is characterized by low radiation exposure, but the image in the picture is not very good quality. However, it is sufficient to assume the presence of pathology. In the future will need to be supplemented FLG radiography of the chest cavity to diagnose the disease.

However, due to the high radiation load in the x-ray cannot be used for screening of the entire population.

Thus, if you do not have lung disease, it is better to perform chest x-rays. If you suspect a disease it would be more rational to do x-rays.