Special therapeutic exercises in coxarthrosis: recommendations and exercises

Gymnastics in coxarthrosis is one of the important components of treatment of diseases of the joints. The decision about what you need to do the exercises in coxarthrosis, and other integral therapy takes a rheumatologist, if necessary in cooperation with the surgeon.

the Problem of coxarthrosis

Stage coxarthrosis and symptoms

Osteoarthritis develops gradually, so is chronic with periods of exacerbation. Clinical manifestations depend on the stage of development of arthrosis:

  1. the Main signs of the 1st degree of the disease: recurrent pain after exercise in your hip area, sometimes in the area of the hip or knee joint.
  2. the Main symptoms at the onset of 2nd degree coxarthrosis: not dependent on physical exertion pain radiating to the groin, hip, and gait changes, disruption of mobility of the hips, weakening muscles, abductor and extensor of the hip.
  3. the Main symptoms grade 3: persistent pain, severe lameness, severely restricting the mobility of the muscles of the thigh, atrophy of the leg muscles and buttocks, which leads to a gradual shortening of the affected limb and, as a consequence, the transfer of the center of gravity and increased stress on the joint.

For the diagnosis of osteoarthritis of the hip joint needed to consult a rheumatologist and x-ray examinations. After further diagnosis necessary to start treatment to prevent complications. Only your doctor can decide on the most appropriate treatment, depending on the degree of disease development and peculiarities of the patient.

Exercises in coxarthrosis

it Must be remembered that the earlier the disease is diagnosed and treatment is started, including therapeutic exercise (physical therapy), the more favorable prognosis of the patient expects.

Diagnosis and treatment

On the 1st and 2nd stage used conservative therapy, including drug treatment (local and systemic), physical therapy (electro - UHF magnetic therapy, ultrasound, laser, etc.), massage, stretching of the joints, medical gymnastics, the diet, the use of the cane during walking, the means of alternative medicine. At the 3rd stage coxarthrosis surgical treatment is required, consisting in total hip arthroplasty.

Therapeutic exercise: necessary recommendations

Therapeutic exercises in coxarthrosis may be appointed only your doctor. Physical exercises are selected depending on the degree of development of the disease, they should have no load on the affected joint and should be aimed at strengthening the muscles.

to consult a doctor when choosing exercises

Improper exercise therapy in osteoarthritis can lead to joint injury, so it is important to observe all doctor's instructions.

In Addition to specialised exercise, swimming is very useful.

For the treatment of osteoarthritis of the hip joint requires a holistic approach: therapeutic exercises should be combined with other methods of treatment. Was the earlier start therapy, the more useful it will be for the health of the patient. Therefore, if you notice troubling signs, do not postpone contacting a qualified technician.

Before you proceed directly to the implementation of therapeutic exercises, you should consider some recommendations on the correct implementation of therapeutic exercise:

  • exercises should be largely static in nature, the movements should not be sharp or too energetic, with excessive amplitude, should not cause pain;
  • before exercising and after graduating should be to massage the muscles of the thigh and hip joint;
  • fully prohibited: excessive physical exercise, deep and rapid squats, rocking the pelvis;
  • therapeutic exercises for the hip can be performed, taking a warm bath, it promotes relaxation and release of stress in the muscles.

After training you can begin to exercise.

the Complex is performed in the prone position

first you need to lie on your back, legs pulling, arms placed along the trunk:

  1. slow inhale hands up, exhale – down. The number of repetitions exercises – 6 – 8. This exercise is repeated once again after you have finished all the exercises on the back.
  2. Are slow flexion and extension of the arms at the elbows. Repeat 6 – 8 times.
  3. Are slow flexion and extension of the legs at the knees, your heels should not come off the floor. The number of repetitions to 8 to 10.
  4. Slowly turn inwards without bending at the knees and return to starting position. The number of repetitions – 8.

Lie on your back, legs stretch, hands on his belt:

  1. spread the legs Slowly to the side without lifting the heel from the floor, and return to the starting position. The numberreps – 8.
  2. Slowly perform the movement with legs like riding a bike (exercise Bicycle). Duration of performance – 10 – 15 sec.

Lie on your stomach, legs stretch, hands on hips:

  1. Slowly lift your head and shoulders and hold in this position for 2 – 3 seconds, return to start position. The number of repetitions is 6.
  2. Slowly lift and lower the legs without bending the knees. The number of repetitions is 6.

Lie on your stomach, legs stretch, hands in front of chest:

  1. Lift upper body, do arms 3 times a symmetrical movement, parallel to the floor (as in swimming style "brass"), return to the starting position. The number of repetitions is 6.
  2. you Must cut the muscles of the pelvic girdle, to hold in this state for 10 – 12 seconds, then relax. First can hold 2 – 3 seconds, gradually increasing the time.

Lie on your side opposite of where osteoarthritis develops. The arm on this side is bent at the elbow, rests on her head. Slowly lift your affected leg and pull, then lower back, relax your muscles. The number of repetitions – 8.

Exercises in a vertical position

starting position: standing with feet together, lean back in his chair with both hands.

  1. Slowly take a crouched position and slowly return to the starting position. The number of repetitions is 10.
  2. Slowly get up on his toes, stretching his arms upward, then slowly return to the starting position. The number of repetitions is 10.

starting position: while standing, lean your arm on the side of the healthy leg on the back.

  1. Raise your injured leg, then make a few mild strokes back and forth. The number of repetitions is 10.
  2. Raise your injured leg, then make a few mild circular motions. The number of repetitions is 10.

In Addition, you should follow a special diet and, of course, to follow the physician's recommendations. Only in this case it is possible to improve the condition.