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Why are there subluxation and dislocation of cervical vertebra, what are their symptoms and treatment?

Subluxation of the cervical vertebra is a dangerous pathological condition of the spinal column. There is a partial offset relative to each other of the articular surfaces of the bony elements of the support structures of the body without disruption of the ligamentous apparatus.

the Problem with subluxation of the cervical vertebra

This situation is very relevant, because the pathology is common.

Especially of the cervical

This upper part of the spine is very complex and consists of 7 small vertebrae:

Structure of the cervical spine

  1. the Main burden falls on the division 1 cervical vertebra. C1 – Atlas, the first bone element of the spine, securely attached to the base of the skull. This section of the main part of the skeleton has an annular shape. Its ability to function correctly, move often limited.
  2. C2 axis is the second bone element axis of our body. It borders with important bodies. It is the joint C2 allows a person to make turns his head. Perform head movements in different directions becomes difficult if the offset of the first cervical vertebra.
  3. Anatomical structure of the other vertebrae allow a person to do is tilt your head. Therefore, the patient with injury of the first cervical vertebra can't even turn my head. Joint C2 associated with language, auditory and ocular nerves, his forehead.
  4. Around the whole upper part of the supporting structures of the body are the tendons and ligaments.
  5. Cervical part of the Foundation of our skeleton is the most flexible, movable. But it is a vulnerable structure that is susceptible to different diseases.


Dislocation cervical vertebra in a child in the neonatal period.

the Issue of subluxation of cervical vertebra in children

Triggers the development of pathology:

  1. a Congenital anatomic defects and immaturity of the ligamentous apparatus of the baby.
  2. Birth injury due to incorrect position of the head of the child, failed from the burden of permission or incompetence of the expert, providing emergency obstetric care.
  3. In the process of the birth of the new man is sometimes observed anomalous passage of the head of the newborn with the deviation from the Central axis of the body. This entails damage to the spine of the baby in the cervical spine.

Increased children activity becomes a risk factor:

  1. ligament of the spine are easily torn or stretched in excess of the maximum amplitude of rotation of the head, careless actions.
  2. Coordination of movements a child is underdeveloped. Not enough undeveloped muscles often lead to traumatic dislocation of vertebra on the Playground, during play activities, physical education lessons, active movements.
  3. Beat in the head with a ball or hand in an unnatural position of the neck, careless pressure on the head, bad jumps, sharp turns uncoordinated body of these reasons is fraught with displacement of bone elements of the supporting axis of the body.

displacement of the vertebrae of the cervical spine in children is less common, which in adults, because children's joints are more resistant to injury.

Physical activity is the cause of subluxation of cervical vertebra

To Provoke rotary subluxation of the bony elements of the spine in an adult is capable of active external influence:

  1. Damage to the cervical vertebral joint due to overly sharp bending of the neck in everyday life, during intense exercise, and in other situations. Very risky are improperly executed somersaults, stand on his head, careless exercises on the bar, accidentally dropped on the ice, head shots, diving into the river in shallow water.
  2. make a Habit of sleeping on your stomach triggers the development of subluxation, because the head of a sleeping person in this position is rotated in one direction for a long time. Often during sleep, the displacement of the 7th cervical vertebra that can easily be palpated.
  3. deformation of the elements of the vertebral column due to excessive load. Often non-standard offset or stretching of the bony elements of the spine and cause subluxation of the vertebrae.

Pathogenetic basis

The Mechanism of development of pathology in children:

  1. Tremendous load experienced by the baby during labour mothers. Have a huge impact on the cervical support structure of the baby's body. Subluxation cervical vertebra often occurs in a newborn during this time. Violation of the provisions of the odontoid process often occurs as a result of the slightest wrong movementradiomusik.
  2. most Often occurs defeat of the first cervical vertebra C1. The normal interaction between the articular bony elements of the axis of the body violated, but the contact between them is not completely lost. Occurs jamming of the spinal cord, nerve roots, blood vessels.

Computed tomography of the cervical spine

With age, the damage gradually increases:

  1. In this pathology is almost always observed asymmetry: different length legs. But no one is lame. This is achieved by displacement of the site where it joins the Ilium and the sacrum. As a result of such violation in the pathological process involves the lumbar support rods of the main body. This segment is shifted in the opposite direction.
  2. to try to align such strain, thoracic framework of our skeleton are sometimes shifted to the other side twice. This movement is transmitted to the cervical spine the main element of the skeleton.
  3. integrity of the bone is preserved, the nerves and the vessels are clamped. The blood flow through the arteries is difficult. Broken vertebra pressing on the spinal cord, nerve fibers. Quick right cross signals, systems and organs is disturbed. The consequence of such processes is a failure of the functions of the peripheral nervous system.
  4. Disrupted blood flow to the brain. The main coordinating organ of the human body is very poorly performs its functions, as occur a metabolic disorder, lack of necessary nutrients and oxygen starvation of tissues of the brain.
  5. Indicators of intellectual abilities decrease, causing headaches. These violations lead to the deterioration of sleep, irritability, the development of various diseases.


The Peculiarities of the symptomatology of disorders interarticular relationships depend on the degree of displacement of bone elements of the cervical support of the body, their localization.

The Existence of pathology of newborn children:

  1. In the first months of life the disease occurs without obvious symptoms.
  2. Painful signs appear later when vertical load increase, the baby starts to hold his head, to sit, to move.
  3. , the Child becomes very Moody. He gets tired quickly. Produced incorrect gait.
  4. If parents and doctors don't notice trouble health of the baby, the situation is getting worse. He suffers from headaches, his memory worsens, the attention weakens.

Specific features

symptoms of this disease indicate the problem:

Dizziness is a symptom of subluxation of cervical vertebra

  1. Acute pain in the neck.
  2. a Feeling of tinnitus.
  3. Vertigo.
  4. Arms and legs lose muscle strength still.
  5. Convulsions in the upper limbs.
  6. Muscle tension in the neck.
  7. sleep disturbance.
  8. Jaw, back and shoulders hurt.

The Negative effect of these violations is very strong. In a patient with displacement of vertebrae in the upper neck abruptly disturbed quality of life.

Nonspecific symptoms

They are approximate, as the exact representation of the nature of the injury is not given.

sleep disturbance is a symptom of subluxation of cervical vertebra

  1. Swelling of the injured place. Swollen soft tissues in the neck.
  2. symptoms Such as tenderness to palpation, muscle tension, immobility, stiffness and pain in the upper sections of the main support bracket of the body.
  3. In some cases, can be easily felt through the skin offset of the segment supporting structures of the body.
  4. Characteristic feature is the different lengths of the lower limbs.

Types of pathology

When subluxation of the 1st cervical vertebra observed:

  1. blurred vision.
  2. Vertigo.
  3. Fainting.
  4. Because the head in the affected side of the neck turn is not possible, she often turned to the healthy side.

blurred vision when subluxation of the cervical vertebra

The effects of displacement of vertebra C2:

  1. May occur defects of speech, stammering.
  2. affects hearing, vision.
  3. Often odontoid processes of the cervical axial structure of a person is in the wrong position.

This leads to the development of various diseases:

  1. Protrusion.
  2. Hernia.
  3. Vertigo.
  4. Apathy, depression.
  5. Pathology of the joints.
  6. Chronic fatigue.
  7. Muscle tension.
  8. the displacement of the second cervical vertebra is partially compressed artery. Therefore develops the propensity to hypotension.

Frequent colds when subluxation of the cervical vertebra

Subluxation between 2 and 3 vertebrae has clinical manifestations:

  1. Difficulty in swallowing food.
  2. Pain in the upper neck.
  3. Tongue appears swollen.

The consequences of the displacement of the 7th cervical vertebra:

  1. Frequent colds.
  2. thyroid Disease.
  3. Bursitis.

what is the danger of rotational subluxation of the

This injury is particularly dangerous forchildren:

consult a doctor if the subluxation of the cervical vertebra

  1. In the absence of the proper treatment of displaced vertebrae in the diseased joint the child there is a rapid development of degenerative processes due to accelerated metabolism.
  2. is replaced by connective tissue of affected areas.
  3. Due to this volume of the joint capsule decreases.
  4. In the future proper functioning of the deformed joints can only be recovered with the help of surgical treatment. It is therefore very important that parents promptly noticed the signs of trouble the upper part of the axial skeleton and asked for help to the doctor.

Diagnosis displacement of cervical vertebrae

Parents need to carefully monitor the child's condition.

MRI when cervical dislocation

In case you detect any clinical manifestations of this pathology it is important to urgently take the necessary steps:

  1. If the neck turns bad, one can suspect the child has a subluxation of a cervical vertebra.
  2. Primary patients with pain in the neck conduct MRI, doing an x-ray zone of the first and second bone element of the supporting structure of the person. It runs through the open mouth, because otherwise, the affected area cannot be seen. X-ray diagnostics allows to determine the displacement of the odontoid apophysis of the axial structure of the skeleton in the corresponding segment S1, S2.
  3. Checked the head turns left and right. Is determined by the degree of displacement of the unpaired bones of the vertebral column.
  4. Palpation of the affected areas causes pain.


Qualified doctor after diagnosis performs the main task:

Glisson's Loop the displacement of the cervical vertebrae

  1. Returns a damaged vertebrae in the correct position manually, using the lever principle. Effective use of the modified device – loop Glisson.
  2. If running the subluxation has resulted in the overexertion of muscles, joint capsule strangulated, it is possible to start the treatment is necessary to relieve muscle strain.
  3. Effective method Vitiugov. The doctor will perform local anesthesia. He injects the novocaine to relieve muscle tension, eliminate pain syndrome. This promotes self-correction of the damaged vertebra. If not, the biased element of the axial skeleton can easily be brought back in the correct anatomical position by manual method.
  4. and Then the necessary subsequent immobilization, which is performed with the use of the collar Trench. Usually doctors recommend to wear this orthopedic product at least a month.

If the patient does not pay sufficient attention to alarm signals of his body, subluxation of the vertebra in the neck can lead to irreversible negative consequences. It is therefore important to be attentive to the health of adults and children. Need at an early stage to eliminate the pathology, timely seek quality medical assistance.

To Treat this offense needs an experienced doctor

Self-treatment will only bring harm.