Home / Headaches: causes, differential diagnosis, therapy, prevention / Description and reasons for constant headaches in my temples and frontal part of the

Description and reasons for constant headaches in my temples and frontal part of the

Every person sooner or later experiences a headache, more in forehead and temples. Fortunately, only in few cases it is a symptom of a serious illness, which requires immediate serious treatment or surgery.

headache in the forehead and temples


The causes of pain are different. It is necessary to understand in more detail with each of them.

depending on the reasons which caused their headaches are divided into primary and secondary. Primary pain occurs due to functional disorders: migraine (develops due to vasomotor disturbance) and tension headache (caused by increased tone of the muscles). Less common are cluster pain is strong, sharp, localized in the area of eyes and forehead with one hand, accompanied by lacrimation and nasal congestion.

Secondary pain is the result of structural abnormalities in the brain tissue or a symptom of disease of other organs. They occur in diseases of the brain or peripheral nervous system, acute infectious diseases (ARI, acute respiratory infections), lesions of ENT organs or structures of the eye.

The causes of pain in the forehead and temples:

  • tension (tension headache);
  • trigeminal neuralgia
  • hypertension
  • ENT-diseases;
  • temporal arteritis
  • ophthalmic diseases.

tension Headache

This is perhaps the most frequent pain in the forehead and temples. Occurs when emotional surges during long term stress or prolonged exposure in a forced position. The basis of the mechanism of its development is abnormal increased tone acroceraunia muscles, which may be due to a forced posture: exercises at the computer, working behind a sewing machine, a long period of being at the wheel of a car. Incorrect body position during sleep can also be a cause of TTH.

tension Headache

Increased pain provoked by changing weather, stress, diet, heat, mental and physical exhaustion. The duration of seizures from 30 minutes to a week the disease may be episodic or chronic. If the attacks are repeated regularly for two weeks or more, this indicates the chronicity of the process. Treatment is to reduce muscle tone in the massage head, neck and collar zone, acupuncture, to relieve pain there may be some infrequent reception of analgesic funds.

trigeminal Neuralgia

One of the main symptoms of this disease is a pronounced intense headache. It interferes with eating, talking, brushing teeth. Duration of attacks can vary from several seconds to two minutes, and they appear suddenly, without any symptoms-the harbingers. Is localized along the nerve trunks, irritability or irritation of the first branch of the trigeminal nerve causes severe pain in the forehead and temples. Medication is to intake of antiepileptic drugs. When ineffective use of intraosseous blockade, microvascular decompression, percutaneous minimally invasive nerve ablation, in rare cases it is removed.

trigeminal Neuralgia

Diseases of ENT-organs

Inflammatory disorders of ENT organs can cause headache, and sometimes very intense. In this case, it can be a symptom of the General reaction of the body to infection or the result of pathological changes directly in paranasal sinuses, ear or mucous membrane of the nose.

  1. hay fever – a disease of the respiratory organs and eyes due to allergic reactions to pollen. Cause is heredity, frequent contact with the allergen. Typical signs of conjunctivitis and rhinitis. Starts tearing, itching, tickling in nose, nose – abundant liquid discharge, it is accompanied by frequent sneezing, hoarseness, and hearing loss. Sometimes hay fever proceeds with a primary lesion of the skin: dermatitis, urticaria, that also brings a lot of discomfort. But the most dangerous manifestation – hay asthma, with attacks similar bronchial. Breathing problems due to swelling of the mucous of the respiratory tract, as well as the associated local discomfort are a source of pain in the forehead. The treatment is to eliminate the cause, take antihistamines, symptomatic drugs (vasoconstrictors, bronchodilators). In serious cases, prescribe glucocorticosteroid hormones.
  2. Sinusitis – acute inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, divided into sinusitis (inflammation of sinuses), sinusitis (frontal sinus), sphenoidal (sphenoid sinus) andethmoiditis (inflammation of the ethmoid cells). The cause of are viruses, bacteria, fungi and allergies. It begins with fever, nasal congestion, reduced sense of smell. The patient complains of headache, the localization of which depends on the inflammatory areas (frontal lobe if the frontal sinusitis, the nose and the base of the nose with ethmoiditis, pain in the temporal and frontal lobe in the sinus, pain in the eye sockets, the back of the head when sphenoiditis) is possible. Detachable the lining of the nose, at first serous, later becoming purulent, can swell the eyelids. The duration of the disease from two or more weeks. Treatment involves analgesics, antibacterial therapy, the opening of the sinuses to drain pus. If sinusitis is of allergic nature, is shown to take antihistaminic medicines.
  3. Rhinitis is inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Is bacterial, viral, fungal or allergic in nature. In the beginning of the disease is frequent sneezing and tickling in the nose, loss of smell, occurs swelling of nasal mucosa, lacrimation, appears twang, fever, weakness, headache. The duration of the disease 5-10 days. Treatment consists in the administration of antibacterial, antiviral medications, vasoconstrictive drops to relieve swelling, thermal procedures (mustard on the calf muscles, hot foot baths).

Temporal arteritis (Horton's syndrome)

This is a chronic disease of medium and large vessels originating from the carotid artery. The disease causes swelling and discomfort in the temples and temporal parts. Occurs most often after 40 or 50 years. The main serious complication is vision loss. This is due to the poor circulation through the vessels to the eyes and their nerves. As a result of no treatment, nerve tissue dies and it is blind. The main symptoms include headaches, fever, soreness of the scalp when combing or touching your fingers. Treatment involves administering large doses of corticosteroids. The duration of treatment for almost a year.

eye Diseases

Ophthalmic diseases such as astigmatism, glaucoma, is also accompanied by severe headaches.

  1. Astigmatism is changing the shape of the eye lens or irregular shape of the cornea. The disease begins in childhood and progresses with age. In healthy human cornea and lens have a spherical surface. When the disease changes shape, bends. The patient sees everything blurry, straight lines appear curved. Treatment involves wearing glasses or contact lenses. This helps reduce the muscle tension of the eyeballs, to get rid of pain and to preserve visual acuity.
  2. Glaucoma is an eye disease associated with progressive deterioration in the structure and function of the optic nerve due to a permanent increase in intraocular pressure. Normal inflow and outflow of the liquid creates a constant and unwavering pressure in the eye. Glaucoma circulation is disturbed, the liquid is collected and the IOP starts to rise. Suffering with circulation and agitation of the eye. First decreased vision, narrowing the sight, then comes blindness. Occurs in people after 40 years, diabetics suffering from atherosclerosis. The fact of hereditary predisposition. Treatment is to reduce IOP, apply mytiki, sympathomimetics, iridectomy, laser therapy.

Glaucoma and headache

Symptoms and complaints

DiseaseSymptoms and complaints
Increased ICP- pain in the frontal part of the
- nausea, vomiting
- dizziness
- blurred vision
LOR-diseases head pain (different area)
- insomnia
- swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes
- fever
- loss of smell
Ophthalmic diseases- headache in the frontal part of the
- dizziness
- reduced vision
- blindness
trigeminal Neuralgia Is pain in the area of Veska, ear, neck
- toothache
- spasm of the muscles at the site of injury
Various infectious diseases (influenza, tonsillitis, meningitis, malaria)- fever
- headache
- weakness, lethargy
- dizziness
tension Headache- headache in the forehead and temples
- distracted attention
- insomnia
- neterpimost light and noise
Temporal arteritis- swelling of the temporal lobe
- pain in temples
- temperature rise

Advanced methods of diagnosis

Without an accurate diagnosis it is impossible to prescribe an effective treatment. Clinical signs, such as location, nature, duration and intensity of pain, allowing us to make a diagnostic assumption, but the final judgment about the nature of the disease is made on the basis of additional methods of examination.

DiseaseMethods of diagnosisDifferential diagnosis
Increased ICP- fundus examination (eye disease, blood vessels and brain)
- MRI (inflammation, tumors, impaired blood circulation, cyst, hematoma, the blood vessels of the cervical spine)
x - ray of the skull bones (fractures, birth injuries, congenital malformations)
- lumbar puncture (infectious diseases - meningitis, pathology spinal cord and brain, swelling and bleeding)
Schilder disease
- multiple sclerosis
- edema and brain tumor
- abscess
- arachnoiditis
- hydrocephalus
- cysts
LOR-diseases- radiography
- rhinoscopy (respiratory failure, purulent discharge, polyps, adenoids)
- computed tomography
- MRI (pathological processes, malformations, anomalies)
- puncture of okolonosovyh sinuses (cysts, inflammation, amount of fluid and blood in the bosom)
dental disease
- temporal arteritis
Ophthalmic diseases- the study of changes in intraocular pressure: tonometry
- exploring data about the ocular fluid outflow: tonography
- research of fields of view: perimetry
- examination the ophthalmologist and the tests pass
trigeminal Neuralgia- magnetic resonance imaging (compression of the nerve arteries and veins, tumor, aneurysm of the brain, chronic sinusitis, sinusitis, multiple sclerosis) TOOOumor
- multiple sclerosis
Various infectious diseases (influenza, tonsillitis, meningitis, malaria) lumbar puncture (meningitis)
- scraping from the nose, throat, eyes (sore throat)
microscopic study of blood (malaria)
- tuberculosis
- hemolytic jaundice
- cirrhosis
- sepsis
tension Headache EEG (brain tumor, epilepsy, meningitis, encephalitis, poliomyelitis)
- ECHO – EG (poor circulation of the brain, tumors, head injury)
- computed tomography (foreign body in the eye or the skull, Paget's disease, fractures of the skull and face)
- brain tumor
-violation of blood circulation
- inflammation
Temporal arteritis blood test for ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein
microscopic study of the tissue of the temporal arteries (polymyalgia rheumatica)
- stroke


headache is a Danger to human life is rare. Often it is only a source of inconvenience: decrement, nervousness, asthenia, poor tolerance loud sounds and bright light. However, there are a number of States that deserve close attention and immediate treatment to the doctor, for example, if the pain is:

  • first arose, especially after 45 years
  • high intensity, appeared sharply against the background of full health;
  • is accompanied by morning sickness, vomiting, dizziness;
  • causes awakening at night;
  • increases with coughing, sneezing or strain of the abdominal muscles;
  • constant, incrementally.

For each person, any headache should serve as a signal that in the body there is a violation, a deviation from the norm. Only an experienced professional can make an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Self-medication usually does not lead to success, a lasting effect is achieved, but the development of complications in this case it is likely.


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  7. Infectious disease. Color Atlas. R. Emond, H. Rowland, F. Welsby – 1998.
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