Osteochondrosis of the shoulder joint – symptoms, treatment, exercises

degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine is considered to be the most unpredictable disease of the spine. Its main manifestations are degenerative processes in the discs between the vertebrae, pain syndromes and ambiguous symptoms, which are characteristic for a wide range of diseases.

In Addition, disease of the cervical spine can cause cervicobrachial syndrome or the development of osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint. Due to degenerative disc disease of the shoulder of the person feels pain in the hand and in the shoulder area. To treat cervico-brachial syndrome should be together with pathology of the cervical spine.

the symptoms and treatment of shoulder osteochondrosis

Cause of disease

Osteochondrosis of the Shoulder begins to develop due to the deformation of vertebras of cervical Department of ridge, namely in the destruction of the intervertebral disc between the fifth and fourth cervical vertebrae. As a result of this deformation of the anterior scalene muscle reflex begins to spaserovat, there is a pinched nerve endings, blood vessels and, as consequence, there pain in the shoulder area.

In addition, osteochondrosis of the shoulder may develop due to congenital abnormalities that can cause the pinched nerve processes in the shoulder region. Among these reasons the most often is the addition of a cervical rib.


As with most diseases, the first symptoms of shoulder osteoarthritis is pain in the shoulder and General discomfort. Usually pain and the neck-the shoulder joint begin suddenly, without apparent reason, and often only at night.

The Pain in osteochondrosis of the shoulder gives the collar area, forearm, increases in abduction of the limb to the side or behind your back. But if the limb will lift someone else, pain may not occur.

In osteochondrosis of the forearm reflex is reduced all the muscles of the shoulder and there is stiffness in the shoulder joint – he hardly moves. Because for the patient with osteochondrosis of the shoulder is characterized by a certain position of the affected limbs: aching shoulder pressed against his chest, the movement of the shoulder joint is limited.

In addition, for cervical disease is characterized by these symptoms:

  • swollen brush
  • blue patient limb
  • increased reflexes of the limbs
  • lowering the temperature of the limb, and excessive sweating;
  • pain on palpation of the shoulder and cervical vertebrae.


Treatment of osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint

Treatment of osteoarthritis of the shoulder Department of two ways:

  1. Conservative therapy.
  2. Radical treatment by surgical intervention.

Principles and methods of conservative treatment

Often patients with osteochondrosis of the shoulder come to the appointment with a specialist with a strong pain, when the disease has moved into an acute phase. In such circumstances, the patient is advised as little as possible to disturb the sore shoulder that is provided by wearing support bandages.

To alleviate the condition of the patient with osteoarthritis of the left shoulder and reduce the pain, prescribe drugs with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Medications may be administered in the form of injections, produced in the shoulder area.

Medical Treatment to achieve a better effect can be accompanied by laser therapy, magnetotherapy, acupuncture session, etc. Is Allowed to use massage neck and shoulder area to relieve tension in muscles and reduce the pain in the shoulders and neck.

The Standard treatment for degenerative disc disease of the forearm also includes the implementation of therapeutic exercise designed specifically for patients with neck and shoulder ailment. But the exercises should be only in the subacute stage of the disease, when severe pain does not bother the patient and his condition is considered stable.

In Addition to special exercises with neck and shoulder disorder is allowed to use compresses to the affected area with Dimexidum or bischofite.

For the treatment of shoulder osteoarthritis, you can perform the following exercises:

  1. starting position: palms pressed to the waist, feet shoulder width apart. Execute a circular motion in the affected shoulder joint (first forward, then backward) with limited range of motion.
  2. starting position the same. Exercise: the shoulder joint is pushed back and forth.
  3. starting position: feet shoulder width apart, the patient lies with the limb on the healthy shoulder. Exercise is another limb should be gently pulled upward.
  4. starting position: feet shoulder width apart, hands hands are joined "in the castle" behind. Gently pull the injured limb to the gluteal muscles.

When surgery is required

To Treat neck and shoulder pathology with surgery is only necessary in certain cases, forwhich are characterized by certain symptoms. Often be treated surgically resolve after unsuccessful conservative treatment, reinforcement of pain syndrome and worsening the patient's General condition.

Surgery involves the elimination of herniated discs, extra cervical rib, removal of part of the hypertrophied muscle, etc.