What is discogenic and vertebrogenic radiculitis

Sciatica is a very common disease, manifested severe pain. This pathology is in the top ten most frequent non-communicable diseases in the world. Because such a high percentage of patients with sciatica among the population, the disease is fairly well understood.

Immediately it is worth noting that there are two main forms of sciatica is discogenic and vertebrogenic radiculitis. These forms differ in range. Indeed, in the case of vertebral shape trigger is the pathology of the vertebra, and in the case of discogenic – the intervertebral disc.

discogenic radiculitis

To Classify all radiculitis made about their localization. In the new classification, there is 5 options:

  • neck;
  • breast;
  • lumbar
  • lumbosacral
  • mixed.

It just So happened that discogenic sciatica is the most common pathology. This can be explained by the fact that this part of the spine accounted for the largest load.

trigger the disease

The Cause of vertebrogenic and discogenic pathology option can be a frequent exercise, harmful working conditions, prolonged forced position, inflammation of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs. Most often suffer from it porters, handymen, because their daily work requires carrying heavy objects.

Pathogenetic mechanism is the same for both forms of the disease. The displacement of the disk, the appearance of hernias, compression fractures of the vertebrae and some other reasons, the affected area indents the spinal root.

Anatomically the spinal roots pass through a very small hole between the vertebrae, connecting and forming a spinal nerve. When these roots are infringed, in the hole or near it starts an inflammatory reaction and change their functions.

Inflamed roots cause a very strong stabbing pain along the course of its innervation. In addition, the area of innervation changes colour and may swell.

Manifestations and diagnosis

Symptoms of discogenic and vertebrogenic options are identical, and the main disturbing symptom for the patient is pain. She is so intense that patients often don't sleep and work. Pain most often and is the reason for referring the patient to the doctor.

On examination, the patient need to pay special attention to the zone of innervation of affected nerve. Often in these areas the skin becomes hyperemic or anemic. They are edematous, often marked spasm of the adjacent muscles.

An Experienced doctor can easily determine which nerve is pinched, knowing only the localization of pain. The etiology of her appearance can figure out using additional methods. Most commonly used x-ray, CT and magnetic resonance imaging.


Treatment depends on etiology and is considered individually. But the first step is to eliminate pain syndrome. To do this, you must assign the patient a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents such as diclofenac sodium.

After reducing the pain, you can pay attention to the root cause of a pathological condition. In the case of progressive spinal hernia treatment must be prompt.