Recommendations for the selection and performance of exercises with a hernia lumbar spine
exercising with a hernia lumbar spine belong to a group of conservative methods of therapy. At the current stage of development of medicine there are two types of treatment of intervertebral hernias: surgical and conservative (medical).
Conservative treatment involves the integrated use of pharmaceutical products and is used at the earliest stages of the disease. It includes different techniques such as specific exercises, acupuncture (acupuncture), chiseled massage (acupressure), manual therapy and others.
Symptoms of dorsal herniation in the lumbar spine are manifested:
- Numbness in the toes;
- Isolated pain in these body parts, like ankles, or feet;
- Numbness in the groin
- Regular low back pain (over 3 months);
- Pain in the lower extremities, often passing on the side/back of the thigh (at least on the front).
On the way of restoring the original structure and health of the lumbar spine, the first stage is a conservative non-surgical treatment.
Modern professionals who deal with problems of the spine, is recommended:
- Rest and relaxation
- Massage problem areas;
- Hydrotherapy
- the Use of anesthesia
- Physiotherapy
- Specially designed exercises for the back.
guidelines for the implementation of therapeutic exercises
Individually designed therapeutic exercise is quite effective with a hernia lumbar spine. Maybe it's only when the implementation of the recommendations of experts in physical therapy (physical therapy).
When choosing the complex, and during its execution we must consider the condition of the body and to monitor the absence of pain. The reason is that the protrusion of the intervertebral disc can happen in any direction. You should perform only those loads that do not cause discomfort. It is forbidden to perform physical activity in which there is a sharp pain – it is very dangerous in this case!
You Need to remember that during the exercise is strictly prohibited:
- Any sudden motion;
- Strain the back muscles;
- Lifting weights
- Total exhaustion of a sick person.
Individually designed complex physical therapy, which is regularly and properly performed, provides the opportunity to significantly strengthen the muscular system of the back.
Examples of some exercises for lumbar hernia
- you Need to lie on your back, put your arms parallel to the torso, with the legs slightly bent. In this position is required to exert the abdominal muscles to the maximum solid state. Performed this exercise 10 to 15 times;
- Lying on your back, place your hands parallel to the torso, and the legs extend. Need a little lift the pelvic part and keep this position for 10 seconds. After this, the body should slowly lower, and then return to the starting position. The exercise of such a plan repeated at least 10-15 times. Between the climbs, you should take a break, the length of not more than 10 seconds;
- stand straight and relax. In this case the spine should be projected just above the middle part of the pelvis. Between the legs there should be a distance equal to the length of the foot. It is desirable that the head was located on the same vertical line with the axis of the body. This exercise allows you to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen. Tense your abdominal muscles, push the case back, but push with your thumbs on the lumbar region (hands are placed behind);
- Adopt the original position as in the first exercise. When you do this, place your hands at the level of 1 lumbar vertebra. On the inhale move your torso first to the right and then left. On the exhale return to the starting position. Move your palm along the lower back up and down. At the same time try to hands massaging all lumbar vertebrae
- with Clenched fists, stand straight. Clench your fists and place one hand over the other. Strongly push the fists into the spine on the inhale. Go down slowly, one inch after another. Try promyat almost the entire lumbar spine.
Both fists position in the lumbar region. Gradually move them down, massaging the spine. Go down with each breath lower and lower.
Massage for a herniated lumbar
Therapeutic massage gives a positive effect due to the formation of new vascular connections. This improves blood flow through the blood vessels that are compressed. An important role in this case is the reduction of edema in the soft tissues of problem areas that accompanies the inflammatory process in many pathologies of the spine.
At the present time at lumbar hernia specialists commonly use acupressure (acupressure). This technique is used throughout the world. In practice, it is proved that this method significantly improves the blood flow and lymph flow in the problem area. In addition, massagethis kind of promotes active removal of toxins, slag and other harmful substances from the human body. As a result acupressure significantly improves overall health and condition of the patient the whole person.
Summarizing all recommendations of experts, it can be argued that non-surgical method of treatment for hernia of the spine effective in the case of integrated use of several methods.
Effective complementary method of treatment is post isometric relaxation (PIR). It is used to eliminate muscle "clips" or accumulated negative energy.
Practice shows that as a result of properly conducted comprehensive conservative treatment approximately 90% of people suffering from a hernia, get rid of the discomfort and pain. The lack of discomfort gives these patients the opportunity to return to his normal life and be active enough.