What is and how to manifest osteoporosis of Turkish saddle

In order to understand what osteoporosis of Turkish saddle, you must first individually to deal with the constituent parts of the term.


Osteoporosis (lat: osteoporosis) is a disease in which because of violation of metabolic processes there is a "washout" of calcium from the bone. Reduced bone density. The bone becomes prone to fracture at low load. The disease can be local (confined to bone) and diffuse (to hit all the bones of the body).

osteoporosis of Turkish saddle

The Sella Turcica (Latin: sella turcica) is a part of the sphenoid bone, resembling a saddle. The sphenoid bone is a complex configuration of the bone structure, which is located in the base of the skull under the brain and back to the nasal cavity.

A Deep indentation of the saddle is called the hypophyseal fossa. Bone plate forming the back of the saddle, called back. In the hypophyseal fossa is the pituitary gland – the part of the brain engaged in complex endocrine functions. It regulates the activity of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, affects the production of sex hormones. In the same area optic nerves cross.

due To anatomical proximity to the pituitary in a Turkish saddle can be damaged in diseases of this organ. Most often in the medical texts we are talking about osteoporosis of the back of the Turkish saddle.

The cause of reduced bone density in the area of this anatomical structures are divided into two groups:

  • diffuse (widespread) osteoporosis
  • local osteoporosis of Turkish saddle due to the growth of a tumor or increased intracranial pressure.

Diffuse form of the disease

Like any other bone of the human skeleton, sphenoid bone may be prone to osteoporosis. This disease has many causes. But the most common of them is age. As human aging an imbalance occurs between the processes of synthesis of skeletal tissue and its destruction, as a result the bone becomes more brittle.

Also risk factors of diffuse osteoporotic process are sedentary lifestyle, lack of calcium and vitamin D in the diet, hormonal disorders, medication, violate the calcium metabolism.

If the reason for the decrease in bone density in the Sella is a diffuse form of the disease, osteoporotic changes are detected not only in the sphenoid bone, but also in other parts of the skeleton.

Local osteoporosis

Osteoporosis of the back Sella may occur due to the fact that under the pressure of the tumor. Most often in this region there is the pituitary adenoma – a benign tumor. In this case, of osteoporotic changes in other bones of the body may not be.

Symptoms of pituitary adenoma is very diverse. They are caused, firstly, by the growth of the tumor in the cranial cavity, which may occur are headache, disturbed vision. Secondly, by releasing tumor of the pituitary gland hormones.

for Example, if the adenoma will secrete increased amount of thyroid hormone, you will begin to work hard in the thyroid gland. This means that the further symptoms of illness will be determined a clinical picture of an overactive thyroid.

The Diagnosis of "pituitary adenoma" is in any case not a sentence. Currently there are methods of endoscopic treatment of this disease.

Sometimes osteoporotic changes in the Sella can occur because of increased intracranial pressure.

This happens, for example, in malignant arterial hypertension. Due to very high blood pressure, swelling of brain structures that put pressure on the bones of the skull, causing a decrease in their density. The symptoms of this condition are the manifestations of cerebral edema – headache, nausea, vomiting.

Any of the above variants of bone destruction requires close medical attention and thorough examination.