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Causes, symptoms and treatment of dorsopathy cervical spine

Dorsopathy cervical spine often occurs in medical practice, and is in the ICD-10 category M50. Presence of headaches and discomfort in the muscles and the upper extremities, frequent dizziness, and restriction of neck movements – all this suggests the presence of pathology. You should immediately seek medical help and not attempt to treat by yourself.

Problem dorsopathies cervical spinal

Factors of development of disease

To 20-23 years in humans ends with the formation of the spine and starts the reverse process – aging and wear. It is fully irreversible, and it cannot eliminate, but can reduce the degree of injury. The dynamics of destructive processes each person has their own. It depends on the immunity of the person, his lifestyle and nutrition, external environment and the patient's General condition.

depends on the person safety of health submitted to the Department, but many that are neglected, which results in the emergence of pathology as early as 30 years. The main reasons are connected with the deformation of the discs that are located between the vertebrae. They perform the function of a shock absorber that reduces the load that acts on the vertebral column.

Interact with ligaments and muscles gives a positive effect to the human body, including the neck. The entire load is evenly distributed on the body. The failure of one element leads to negative consequences in the whole structure. This is especially true for the cervical spine.

Many causes can lead to the breaking of this balance and education problems of the cervical-thoracic and other departments. Often this is due to a metabolic disorder. Fabrics no longer receive the right amount of minerals and water, which leads to drying of the discs. For this reason, they no longer cope with their responsibilities.

Views dorsopathy

Injuries to the spinal column, even minor, can cause a similar change. No matter the extent of damage and age of the patient, as any external factors, in each case affecting the elements of the cervical-thoracic Department, leave a mark.

Inflammatory processes are another category of danger, in which tissues and their integrity can be violated. In this case we are talking about infections and other inflammations. The presence of a strong pressure on the discs of the vertebrae is another factor that you should pay attention to. This occurs because of the weakness of the muscles of the cervical-thoracic Department.

factors that can lead to negative changes include:

  1. metabolic disorders due to endocrine disease or a result of poor diet.
  2. lack of exercise or lack of physical activity.
  3. the Presence of obesity, which increases the load on the spine and neck in particular.
  4. Poor immune system and frequent infections.
  5. Acquired forms of anomalies of posture.
  6. Frequent use of alcoholic beverages, because alcohol leads to disruption of tissue structure bone.
  7. Heavy physical work associated with heavy lifting, vibration, cold temperatures, unnatural neck position and high humidity.
  8. sports, implying a high degree of injury risk. Extreme sports without good preparation also are a risky business.
  9. Long stay in the same position. This is especially true of drivers, office employees.

poor diet as the cause of dorsopathies of the cervical spine

Symptoms pathology

The symptoms of the disease immediately perceptible, as the illness begins with severe pain. Not necessarily unpleasant signs may occur in the neck, often the pain formed in the back. Sore upper back, shoulder and neck area. During sudden movements or trying to make the pain increases. Often the unpleasant symptom occurs even when coughing or sneezing. This forces the patient to refrain not only from physical exertion, but also from normal movements.

nevertheless, the presence of pain does not give reason to assume that there is exactly dorsopathies of the cervical spine. You want to seek medical advice for an accurate diagnosis.

Symptoms of pathology does occur in spastic muscle pain. This is especially true after the execution of the movements with high amplitude. This applies to turning the head to the side, up and down.

Upper extremity a weakness, can begin visible atrophy. However, there may occur a reverse reaction which leads to the development of permanent tension. This brings more discomfort to the patient.

Dizziness dorsopathies of the cervical spine

Neurological changes, too, can meet. They manifest themselves in the arms and shoulder girdle. You may experience the usual tingling or a feeling of cold on the skin, it occurs and the condition heat. In the hands and fingers, decreases the degree of sensitivity. In some cases, normal reflexes no longer work, and coordination of the fingers is broken.

It is Not uncommon for the presence of severe pain pulsating type that cover the head. Patient can happen fainting, dizziness occurs. Often suffer from the sense organs, which is associated with the development of tinnitus and a deterioration of visual perception of surrounding objects: the patient complains of iridescent circles and flickering.

How to diagnosed with the patient?

The Diagnosis of dorsopathy is not only in the cases in which manifested symptoms of the disease. It is important to seek medical help that will allow to exclude other diseases and the appropriate treatment. Diagnosis is carried out by neurologists and traumatologists.

visit to the doctor in dorsopathies of the cervical spine

Diagnostic measures begin with a survey of the patient. Clarifies the patient's complaints, anamnesis is studied. In some cases, an illness can induce a diagnosis – development dorsopathies of the cervical spine. After that, proceed to a visual inspection. The assessment covers posture, the ability of the patient to be in the free or forced position. Similar situation with the upper limbs, they also pay attention to. The inspection process takes place when the patient is in different positions: lying, sitting and standing. Determine the offset of the blades, the protrusion of the spikes and curves of the centerline of the visible character.

Adjacent to the spine muscles are also subject to inspection. Is determined by the location of the pain, look at their condition (relaxed or tense). Neck as the main subject of complaints is also inspected. In this case, testing the power of movements and their amplitude. On the arms and shoulder girdle tests the sensitivity of the skin. Watch the presence and severity of carpal and ulnar reflex. You want to examine the degree of sensitivity of the fingers and coordinated movements.

If necessary, prescribe MRIs and other procedures. Often used x-ray examination, which allows to assess the condition of the spine and an in-depth analysis. In this case it is possible to determine the degree of severity of pathological changes in the tissues of the bones.

the Passage of magnetic resonance imaging with dorsopathies cervical spine

MRI can detect latent disease, therefore, presents a diagnostic tool gives information about the patient's condition. When performing electromyography assesses the degree of conductivity of the nerve trunks, it is possible to detect the areas with the violations. After the discovery of the pathology and causes that caused it, the doctor prescribes treatment. According to ICD-10, dorsopathy the cervical spine refers to the category of M50. The exact value is determined by the physician based on the features of the development of the lesion.


Symptoms of cervical dorsopathy require timely treatment. It is developed on an individual basis, taking into consideration the severity of pathology and anatomical features. Pay attention to the presence of other diseases.

As for medical care are treated in severe acute form, because of the lack of signs in the early stages, the doctors begin the procedure with the use of medical techniques. You want to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms that prevent the patient. This task must cope appointed specialist agents.

You Need to pay attention that in the presented period the patient does not prescribe physiotherapy. The patient must comply with bed rest, during which rigidly fix the spine. For this purpose orthoses. For the purpose of relief of pain, apply the following categories of medications:

  1. non-steroidal anti-Inflammatory drugs type.
  2. Analgesics.
  3. Muscle relaxants or means vitamin the form.
  4. Chondroprotectors.

Used in the method of conservative and non-pharmacological methods of treatment. This applies to physical therapy, which helps to improve blood circulation and metabolic processes, eliminates the inflammatory process. Apply massages, which are carried out only by a qualified technician.

Manual therapy helps to relieve tension in the muscles, helps to restore motion of the intervertebral joints. The positive effect of acupuncture, which helps to improve conduction in the nerve tissues. Do not forget about the benefits of physical therapy. It should be done after consulting your doctor. Some cases require the application of the tractions. They are exhaust procedures that are used when disease of the cervical spine.

Yoga as prevention from dorsopathies cervicalspinal

The Patient should make efforts for their recovery. This does not apply to self-treatment, the patient is following the doctor prescriptions and their implementation, availability of proper diet and normalization of loads. Operational methods are used in rare cases. It is required when the threat to the life of the patient or the likelihood of disability.

Preventive measures

To avoid the development of pathology or to delay the inevitable, you want to perform preventive measures. Rules of prevention are easy, they are suitable for adults and children. Want to keep track of their physical activity and affecting the body load. Sedentary life it is important to perform warm-up that will not only avoid stagnant processes and improve efficiency. It is useful to do yoga, swimming and other activities that help relax and strengthen the muscles. The most affordable method is vis on the crossbar.

You Need to pay more attention to the food. Products should be saturated in vitamins. You want to control your own body weight, and in the presence of excess weight is to make necessary efforts for its elimination. The extra load should be addressed as a priority. As for the rest of the load, it also needs to be controlled. It is not recommended to overload, which is especially important during heavy lifting.

Need to dress to reflect changes in weather conditions. Overcooling and overheating have a negative impact on health and the immune system and cervical spine suffers the most. A separate category is the prevention of harmful habits, which are so named for a reason. They accelerate the development process dorsopathies, hence they should be avoided in the first place.

Thus, dorsopathy of the cervical vertebral column requires care and lack of negligence. Compliance with preventive measures and timely recourse will help to avoid worsening the situation. Access to a doctor for diagnosis and treatment is important task for every patient.

If there is suspicion of pathology, the visit to a specialist should be immediate.

Otherwise, the disease risks entering a dangerous phase.