Composition, prescription, contraindications, reviews, price, a purchase of the monastery of tea from degenerative disc disease
When a person has back pain, he is ready to do everything to be cured: follow the advice of friends in misfortune, appeals to doctors and traditional healers, begins to read books and looking for information about their disease. Not always the answer lies on the surface. Most have to try many tools before to find a suitable and ease the condition.
Today in the Internet appeared the information about the medicinal monastic tea from degenerative disc disease. Novelty actively advertise in popular TV shows and glossy magazines. Try to understand, what can and cannot collect from degenerative disc disease.
What we tried to the monastery of tea
When it comes to back pain, we understand that the problem is degenerative changes of the intervertebral disc (MTD). Painful condition suggests that the destructive process has involved not only MTD, but vertebrae, surrounding ligaments, muscles, nerves and blood vessels.
In our enlightened time, people understand that the relief of pain and inflammation pharmaceutical drugs effectively only for a little while. Periods of calm when taking medications every time become shorter and doses of painkillers – more. And who among us has not heard about the dangers of chemicals?
Massages, manual therapy, Spa treatment help is much better, but even to retrieve the first result takes time. All treatments are extremely expensive and require full engagement. Not everyone can afford to take a vacation, and many do not risk even to issue a sick leave for the period of exacerbation.
we All believe in the benefits of exercise, but here wins the magic word "tomorrow". Yes, fine, but not now, you'll inspect transmission on the treatment of degenerative disc disease and will begin. I want to get the benefit without much stress, quickly and surely.
would You believe, when you discover that there is a natural remedy for treatment of intervertebral disk shrinkage with no side effects and contraindications, requires no special stress or distraction from the usual routine of life?
Think no, because we know that everything must be paid for their work, time or money? Let's face it.
Monastic gathering, or hope from Belarus
Sellers of the Belarusian monastery of tea say it includes:
- rosemary
- cranberries
- elderberry
- Highlander
- elecampane
- John's wort
- birch leaves
- burdock
- pine buds
- chamomile
- yarrow
- sage.
The proportions of the herbs are kept secret. For greater persuasiveness of the media broadcast about the historical facts create a healing recipe, remember the famous Solovetsky and St. Elizabeth monasteries. Imagination paints the monks, collecting herbs before sunrise, and the mind prepares for the demonstration of the placebo effect (or auto-suggestion).
What is the therapeutic effect
From the list shows that many of the components have anti-inflammatory, diuretic and immunomodulatory properties. It is obvious that biologically active substances of herbs heals the body as a whole, working at the cellular level. In the case of osteochondrosis the monastery tea can actually reduce pain and to stimulate the metabolic processes. In addition, it is effective for relieving the pain syndrome in myositis, intercostal neuralgia and sciatica.
Many sources report on the mutual reinforcement of properties or synergy of the squad but an inexperienced consumer to buy tea it is difficult to judge the veracity of this information.
rigorous clinical trials tea is not passed, which means that scientific confirmation of the healing properties of the monastery collection no. But I have a certificate of compliance with the uniform sanitary-epidemiological and hygienic norms to the goods subject to the relevant control, issued by LLC "certification Authority "Beatenest".
From the above we can conclude: monastery tea exactly harmless, but it means a lot. Besides the satisfaction of a hot drink it is realistic to expect relief of symptoms of osteoarthritis, such as:
- the pain;
- fatigue
- discomfort during movement.
By and large is already a great achievement. And if this minimum target is achieved, the purchase cost is quite justified.
Glad that the tea can be used in conjunction with other treatment methods in the hope of a mutually reinforcing effect.
What is annoying in advertising
When the seller insists that inclinical trials "in 90% of subjects had no pain, increased elasticity of the intervertebral discs", I want to know what the academic source published the results and what method is used to measure the elasticity of the disks before and after treatment. Hopefully, not during the autopsy.
One of the most diligent PR found in herbal tea amino acids. Weird. From the dictionary we learn that an amino acid is called organic matter – the main element of construction of all proteins. How do proteins in tea? Not dirty or glassware? And maybe, just school knowledge the booster is not enough, and fantasy proved to be too much?
Such mistakes on sites countless. It is a pity that in an attempt to sell a product advertisers have resorted to outright lies than spoil the image of not only themselves, but also monastic tea.
What they say practitioners
The Neurologists and orthopedists recommend that patients monastic tea from osteoarthritis of the ancillary funds. Of those whose names at the hearing, tea commented on Elena Malysheva and Victor Samoilov. Both high opinion about the products of the Belarusian monks. Popular leading even dedicated monastic tea section of transmission "Live healthy".
Viktor Konstantinovich Samoilov, a Moscow doctor-neurologist of the highest category considers that the tea contributes to the delivery of chondroprotectors directly to problem areas. The effect is associated with improved blood circulation in the back muscles and articular-ligamentous apparatus of the spine.
Experts recommend twice a day to drink 150-200 ml of flavored drink, prepared from 1-2 teaspoons of the dry collection. To monastic tea was pleasant to drink, before use it is filtered. The course continues for 3-4 weeks. After a month break, the tea can be repeated.
A Contraindication is individual intolerance to the components of tea. Doctors warn against excessive zeal. Overdose collection will not speed up treatment, but may adversely affect the functions of other organs.
How to store, brew and take a drink
Monastery tea is very easy to store. All that is required to conserve its properties: the absence of excessive moisture and protection from sunlight. Plastic bag – not suitable for long-term storage of herbs, so collecting it is better to pour into a glass jar or a transparent box for tea. Novelty must be kept well away from curious children.
Brew the drink: 1 teaspoon collection per 200 ml of boiling water. Used porcelain, China, ceramic or glassware. The family will approach the pot, and one portion can be prepared in a Cup. It is convenient to use a porcelain strainer for catching the tea leaves.
The ingestion of medicinal tea before meals for 30 minutes. Therapeutic dosage is three times a day. The therapeutic course for up to two months. Then it is recommended to do a one month break.
Busy people cook daily serving of tea in the morning. Take it a day, diluting with boiling water.
Foodies recommend in a Cup add a slice of lemon, Apple, dried apricots. Not contraindicated natural sweeteners.
Reviews from those who have already tasted tea from degenerative disc disease
Valery, 42
Decided to replace heat ointments monastic tea after 3 years of suffering. Feel relief. Became more confident feel at work. I hope that before the end of the course will be quite a pain.
Tatiana, 38 years old
Hooked tea from degenerative disc disease to the exercises of medical gymnastics. Headaches, no tension in the neck, can easily rotate the head, without fear, bend to the floor.
Natalia, 25 years old
Bought monastic tea from degenerative disc disease for my dad. See, he visibly cheered up, became more active. He is over 50. Back usually hurts after exposure. Tea helps and relieves the pain.
Who can help drink
risk factors for osteoarthritis today is virtually the entire population:
- some spend days sitting at the computer;
- other lifting heavy things at work or in training;
- still others are of advanced age and suffer pain because of the natural aging of the spine;
- someone has excess weight or metabolic disorders;
- suffers from childhood scoliosis;
- and of course, the lovely ladies on high heels, as well as the teenagers in a flat ballet flats and sneakers.
Look around and realize that from the monastery of tea voluntarily no one will refuse.
consequences of neglecting the degenerative disc disease
Ideally, the tea is best taken as a preventive measure. If a person has discovered the first symptoms of osteoarthritis, such as crunching in the spine when turning or bending, it's time to take decisive action. Gymnastics and monastic tea will help to solve the problem without much difficulty.
Lost time in the development of osteoarthritis results in chronic pain in the neck, chest and waist. Later connected headaches, fainting. Affects all internal organs, including the heart, lungs, liver.
serious complications degeneration of the IPOA are disc herniation and radiculitis. Our contemporaries familiar with the consequences of osteochondrosis in the age of 20.
Price and methods of purchase
Onethe packaging of the monastery of tea from the degenerative disc disease is 990 rubles. However, on the official website, this price is only valid for the first 30 minutes after clicking the link. After you will have to pay for a pack of tea from osteoarthritis twice.
The Product can be purchased from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. The prices for Ukrainians – 480 UAH., for Belarusians – 350 thousand rubles In other countries while healing gathering is not sent. The order is made directly on the page, filling in the empty boxes on the form as indicated by the seller. Under the order form are instructions explaining the details of payment and delivery of packages.
To save time, you should proceed to filling out the form directly from this page by clicking on the button below.