How to treat a migraine headache folk remedies at home?

Spasticskie head pain sometimes so strong that simple analgesics do not help, and how to treat a migraine at home, many do not even suspect. In medical practice migraine presents in the form of throbbing pain that is localized in the frontal region. It can be so long lasting (up to 12 hours), which completely depletes the patient. How to recognize a migraine? How to get rid of an annoying headache? How to treat the disease at home? How to remove a migraine attack quickly?

severe headache


The nature of the migraine is the sudden expansion of brain vessels. Tissue is swollen and periodically disturbed cerebral circulation. The doctors have still not determined an exact cause of migraine spasticescoy.

But mostly it occurs in women. Factors that provoke migraine headaches can be:

  1. certain foods. Most often provokes a migraine the following: caffeine, citrus, dairy cheese, meats and chocolate. Migraine attacks can appear when the consumption of alcohol.
  2. Stress.
  3. drugs.
  4. Virus infection.
  5. Hormonal changes in a woman's body during menopause or when taking contraceptives.
  6. High blood pressure.
  7. Allergic reactions. This is particularly evident in children.
  8. of the Aneurysm.
  9. Neoplastic processes.

Doctors believe that the cause of these somatic changes in the body is to reduce the patient's quality of life due to the stress and depression.

Symptoms pathology

The basis of symptoms of migraine allocate spasticescoy pain that occurs after release of increased amounts of serotonin and adrenaline in the blood.

unhealthy diet is one of the causes of migraine

Advanced or, conversely, narrowed vessels can't handle it, and the brain tissues become swollen. This swelling causes intense pain. On the background of pain may be signs of:

  • nausea and vomiting
  • visual impairment (in this case, a sharp and intense light irritates the optic nerve);
  • fluctuations in body temperature.

The disorders in the circulation may occur during puberty and to grow in the crisis years of life. In case of migraine there is one feature: before the attack (approximately 15 – 30 minutes) partially disappears vision. This is a classic symptom. Typically, the headache appears 2 to 4 times a month with short intervals in time. In the classic version of migraine attacks provoke emotional overload.

When the beam form of migraine (it often affects men), there is a rapid onset, the duration of the attack can be up to 4 hours. Be accompanied by pain symptom can eyes watery eyes and nasal congestion.

It is Possible to repeat attacks 5 to 6 times during the day. Length fits up to 8 weeks. After this period of remission duration of 1 year. Provoke pain attacks in men alcohol, nitrite and antihistamine drugs.

seizure Treatment

spazmirovannah Aching and the pain is often puzzling, and the patient asks a question about what to do to get the pain to stop. It will be easier to solve this problem, if the cause of the disease is known. Then, using complex treatment, it is necessary to remove the cause of migraine. In medical practice there are many methods of treating migraines at home. with in Addition to using medicines, the doctors pay attention to application of methods of folk medicine.

foot Bath with migraines

First aid patient with migraine is as follows:

  • the use of analgesic drugs;
  • a good helping of foot baths gentle temperature and tight contraction of the head;
  • massage movements (from forehead to nape);
  • inhaling equal amounts of camphor alcohol and ammonia
  • helps with a cotton swab moistened with the juice of onions or beets, which lay on the ear;
  • a great way to alleviate pain can become dry medicinal plants of eucalyptus, Laurel and myrrh; they fill the little pads and apply to the painful area of the head;
  • will help with migraines compresses the bow, put on the frontal part of the head.

There are, of course, and tips related to the application of a few drops of turpentine inside. But doctors do not advise to carry out such manipulation. This is at best not help and at worst will cause poisoning.

Folk remedies

Migraine at home can be treated very successfully. Most of all she is "afraid" of vitamin therapy. To relieve the attack will need a remedy of juice of dandelion, carrot and spinach juice.

Massage for migraine

Taken in the ratio 1:3:1, mix and drink 30 minutes before eating. Good helpby drinking juice of these products on individually. If you have pain due to fatigue, traditional medicine recommends to eat a little herring.

Conventional medicine focuses on the use of herbal medicinal plants that possess analgesic, sedative and vasodilator properties.

The Complex of medicinal herbs should be selected in such a way to stimulate the human immune system. Here suitable herbal treatment charges on the basis of agrimony, marshmallow and Valerian roots, lemon balm, immortelle, birch leaves and mint. It is a universal herbal plants uses traditional medicine in the preparation of decoctions for internal use. In addition, there are other herbs that help with migraines. For preparation of decoction from the herb Pulsatilla patens and elderflower will need one tablespoon of dried herbs. Pour mixture Cup boiling water and cook in a water bath for 10 minutes. Then insist for another hour. The mixture is filtered after cooling and applied on 50 ml 3 times daily before meals. The decoction can be sweetened with honey. This decoction treat headaches.

In cases of sudden attack will help snowball the broth. Two tablespoons dried bark is heated on a steam bath in a glass of water. Stand the mixture for 15 minutes. After cooled and is taken orally one teaspoon with attacks of migraine, but no more than two times a day. The fact that cranberry reduces the blood pressure level. At high rates it is useful, but if you pressure is low, the use of this broth is not recommended.

A Useful property in migraine have leaves of peppermint, rosemary and lavender flowers. The mix of herbs in equal quantity (1 tablespoon) pour 200 g of boiling water and insist for about an hour. After that filter and drink means 2 servings a day for the treatment of migraine.


Useful in the treatment of migraine will be mustard. They are using both seed and powder plants. To prepare mustard baths take 4 tbsp of mustard and diluted in 50 ml of water to mushy state. The mixture is then stirred in the bucket with water, whose temperature is 38 – 40 degrees. In such baths keep hands and feet to a slight reddening of the skin. Mustard bath, thus, stimulates circulation in small vessels and plays a role of a "distraction" to cerebral vessels. The advantage of such baths is the duration of stimulation. When total bath procedure lasts less than 5 minutes.

For these purposes mustard seeds, mustard oil and the sage leaves. Of the ingredients in the ratio 3:2 (mustard oil is added directly to the bath in an amount of 10 drops) in a water bath to prepare a solution in 0.5 ml of water. Stand the mixture on heat for 15 minutes. Then cooled and filtered. The agent is added to the bath. It can also be used as compresses.

To Cure migraine folk ways – the task is quite feasible. You just have to know how to deal with this temporary ailment, and to remember what causes.