What is a compensatory scoliosis and how to treat it
our son 11 years one shoulder higher than the other. Saw an orthopedic specialist. He put the baby down on the couch, examined his back in an inclined position and pointed out the difference in leg length. In conclusion, wrote: "Compensatory scoliosis of 2 degrees". Recommended remedial exercises and wear heel height 1.5 cm for some reason a picture of the doctor we weren't sent and was advised to go through the year.
We are experiencing on this occasion. Why a year? Maybe you should consult another specialist, who will prescribe a snapshot? As you do exercises, if you do not know what in the spine? Is it possible to just physical exercise without constant monitoring?
Tried to find current information about the disease on the Internet, but it is practically absent. Would appreciate any professional advice. Thank you that you are.
To physician:
Compensatory scoliosis frontal curvature of the spine by shortening the length of the lower limbs. It is observed asymmetry of the trunk and pelvis tilt to the side legs of shorter length. Externally, the disease is characterized by the s-shape deformation, which in severe degrees can be detected when studying the vertical axis of the trunk in the standing position and during tilt of the patient.
The Disease is usually not manifested by fixation of the scoliotic arc. It is also not expressed organic changes in the vertebrae. On radiographic images in this pathology is not observed involvement in the pathological process of the sacrum.
Answering the question regarding the importance of x-ray examination of the spine in this case, you can fully trust the specialist, so as harm from radiation exposure would exceed the benefit.
Indeed, to physical exercise in children should be treated carefully. They have a very flexible spine, so exercises may increase the curvature or to straighten it.
encourage parents to use the services of a qualified instructor in physical therapy, which will choose the right exercises depending on the individual characteristics of pathology and will continually monitor the treatment process.
Pay attention also parents on the necessity of wearing orthopedic insoles or podatocite this height, which will fully align the axis of the trunk in the vertical plane.
To evaluate the correct choice of insoles should be suspended cargo on a string to the ceiling and compare it with the plumb line of the child's spine in a standing position. When the ideal correction of the leg length spinal axis and the vertical plumb line are the same.